The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6751: Daoxing Tiandi, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun remembered that Taoist Qingxin had told him before that it was too simple to think that he would surpass the strong.

All the detached powerhouses outside the domain will not exceed the number of one hand when added together.

At that time, Jiang Yun didn't pay attention to this because of the other party's belittling of his master, but now when he heard these words again, Jiang Yun naturally felt puzzled.

In his own knowledge, in his own world, the Supreme is indeed not the strongest, and above the Supreme, there is a person who is arranged.

And if the person with the layout goes up, it should be the detached powerhouse, who has been able to leave this world.

If the picture Qingxin Taoist just showed for himself is true, then the power of the Qingxin Taoist world is beyond doubt.

The Qingxin Dao Realm with such terrifying strength has not even born a transcendental powerhouse!

In particular, Taoist Qingxin, as the head of a sect, has nearly a thousand supreme beings under his command. Even if he is not a detached powerhouse, he should at least be similar to the one with the layout.

There is only one step away from the detachment of the strong.

This step must be difficult to take, but even they have no confidence to become a detached powerhouse, why do they think that they may become a detached powerhouse?

Taoist Qingxin obviously understood the doubts in Jiang Yun's heart, and explained: "Boy, I don't know you at all, and I don't know if you are talented or if you have something special."

"Perhaps, my junior brother knows a little more about you, but the reason why he thinks that you are more likely to become a detached powerhouse than us is because of your world!"

"You are very lucky, very lucky, to be born in the Daoxing world."

"By the way, Daoxing Heaven and Earth is the name that our foreign monks gave to your world."

"Before, I deliberately belittled you Daoxingtiandi, just to test you."

"But in fact, I, including the vast majority of foreign monks, are very envious of your living beings who thrive on the world."

"Even, if possible, we all hope to be a member of your Daoxingtiandi."

"Like my junior brother, there are many monks from outside the territory. When they enter your world, they are trying to integrate into your world and try to become one of them."

"Even if no one can succeed at all, there are still a large number of non-territorial cultivators, who will continue to come forward and want to enter your world."

Jiang Yun was completely stunned by Daoist Qingxin's words.

Shouldn't the world where you live be the weakest and least in-stream world in the eyes of other monks outside the realm?

Isn't the purpose of all foreign cultivators entering their own world just to obtain the Qi of Hongmeng?

However, the meaning of Daoist Qingxin's words is clearly saying that the world he is in is extremely special, so special that most cultivators want to come in without breaking their heads.

Even, they still hope to become a member of this world?

Could it be that, apart from the soon-to-mature aura of Hongmeng, is there any treasure hidden in this world where you are?

Jiang Yun knew that even if he thought about it, he would not be able to think of the answer, so he asked Qingxin Taoist directly, "Senior, is there anything special about us?"

Daoist Qingxin's expression became solemn, nodded and said, "The special thing about your world is the name we gave you."

"Dao Xing, the place where the Dao rises!"

Jiang Yun still asked incomprehensibly: "The place where the Great Dao rises, is there nothing special about it?"

"In many worlds outside the realm, like Senior's Qingxin Dao Realm, aren't there also Dao rises?"

Taoist Qingxin shook his head, hesitated for a moment, and said, "There are some things that I shouldn't have told you, but since my junior brother believes in you, then I will tell you something."

"Outside the realm, most of the world, we call it the Dao world."

"Because, the origin of our world comes from the Great Dao!"

While speaking, a stone appeared in Daoist Qingxin's hand.

Jiang Yun also took the opportunity to ask: "Is it a different avenue that gave birth to a different world?"

"No!" Daoist Qingxin shook the stone at Jiang Yun and said, "The avenue is all-encompassing, but there is only one avenue, the Dao!"

Jiang Yun frowned, nodded, and didn't ask any further questions.

Daoist Qingxin held the stone, squeezed it hard, and then spread out his palm, the stone has been broken into countless pieces of large and small pieces.

Taoist Qingxin pointed at the gravel and said, "These gravel are the fragments of the avenue."

Then, Taoist Qingxin blew a light breath towards the palm of his hand, and all the rubble suddenly floated into the air.

Around the gravel, a circle of light appeared, wrapping the gravel.

"Although the size of the avenue fragments is different, because their essence is the same, each avenue fragment can actually evolve into a world."

"It's just that different Dao fragments contain different Dao meanings, so that the worlds they evolve have different levels and sizes."

"Small avenue fragments, because they contain less morality, will evolve into a smaller world and a lower level."

"On the contrary, the opposite is true."

According to Taoist Qingxin's explanation, the rubble suspended in the air actually began to have a dense atmosphere, just like a world.

"In this way, there is a big and small Dao world, which can also be said to be the distinction between a low-level Dao world and a high-level Dao world."

"But no matter what Dao world is, since it is formed from fragments of Dao, the creatures in it will naturally be able to embark on the path of cultivation and become monks under the guidance of Dao."

"And after the monks have a certain strength, they will use their own strength to open up small worlds."

"Those worlds, according to us, are the mortal worlds."

Finally, Taoist Qingxin pointed at the light that covered all the gravel and said, "In short, these worlds that have evolved from the fragments of the avenue, together, are a complete Taoist world."

"More than 90% of the worlds discovered outside the realm are such Taoist realms."

"The reason why I say that the Qingxin Dao world is not complete is because there are still some fragments of the Dao that we still haven't found."

"Our path of cultivation also needs to step out of the small Dao realms, enter the higher Dao realm, and comprehend more Dao."

"Until one day, someone can combine all the fragments of the Dao into one, and master the real Dao, and the Dao world will be complete."

"And the person who can do this is the detached powerhouse in your mouth."

"The detached powerhouse is not simply a person who is above the Taoist realm where he was born, but a powerhouse who is above all Taoist realms!"

"So, wanting to become a detached powerhouse is far from being as simple as you think."

While listening to Daoist Qingxin's explanation, Jiang Yun also substituted the situation of the world where he lived in his mind, and compared it with the Dao world in the other's mouth.

The world in which one lives, and the Taoist realm mentioned by Taoist Qingxin, if one ignores the Tao, they have a lot in common.

For example, from low to high.

This is what I feel the most.

I was born in the bottom-level mountain and sea realm, and passed through the realm of Dao, the realm of extinction, the realm of collection, the realm of suffering, the realm of dreams, the realm of real, and the realm of immortality step by step.

Of course, there are many differences.

The biggest difference is that in this world where he lives, Dao is poor.

Even, it is only concentrated in the lowest Dao domain.

Once you leave the Dao Domain, if you want to continue on the road of Dao cultivation, at least before you, no one can do it.

All Taoist practices have to change their own path of practice.

From this point of view, the monks in other Taoist realms are actually much happier than the monks in this world.

After they were born, they were guided by the Tao.

Although he understood the origin of other worlds, Jiang Yun still couldn't figure out what was special about the way he lived in the world.

Taoist Qingxin's eyes stared deeply at Jiang Yundao: "However, your Taoism is different."

"You Dao Xing Tian and Earth, not evolved from the Dao."

"On the contrary, it is possible for your world to give birth to a complete Dao!"

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