The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6774: chaotic five floors, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun was not in that cyclone, opened a certain door and came to the chaotic airspace, but was sent here by the cyclone.

Moreover, this kind of sending is not intentional by the cyclone.

Jiang Yun felt that he was not qualified to step into the cyclone at all.

However, he forcibly stepped into the cyclone again, so he was disliked by the cyclone, so with a wave of his hand, he happened to be sent to the chaotic airspace!

As for cyclones, Jiang Yun does not know more than anyone else.

The only thing he knew was that the cyclone was indeed induced by himself.

The reason for it was the piece of the avenue that he swallowed.

Although Jiang Yun's Dao is the way of protection, it also contains various Dao.

The way of blood, Jiang Yun had already come into contact with it when he was in the Shanhai Dao domain.

Later, he encountered blood impermanence, and his bloodline was reshaped by the master Nanion, so that his blood has long been proven.

And the consequences of this piece of blood avenue after being absorbed by him should be the same as he absorbed the source of those ancient rules, and it is to understand the rules of blood that are above the real domain.

But it was a fragment of the Great Dao after all. In addition, Jiang Yun's own way of blood had a very solid foundation. Under the accumulation of thin hair, his way of blood was directly completed, which led to the cyclone.

As for the karmic fire on his body, it was not extinguished by the way of blood, but by the cyclone.

In short, Jiang Yun at the moment is also confused, and he has no idea what kind of place is in the cyclone.

Now he has no time to continue thinking about the cyclone, but first think about how to save his life.

The chaotic airspace is not a safe place. Looking at the space cracks that keep appearing and disappearing around, Jiang Yun carefully moved his body and tried to avoid it.

"The most important thing at the moment is to find a Chaos Demon Race and figure out which floor I am on."

The chaotic air monsters have lived in the terrifying environment of the chaotic airspace all the year round, and their bodies have evolved and evolved on their own.

Although it is not said that the threat of these space cracks can be completely ignored, at least they can find relatively safe space cracks.

However, Jiang Yun was about to turn back to the Guantian Temple.

The sudden action of the cyclone can be regarded as helping Jiang Yun save some time.

At the same time, Jiang Yun asked Gui Yi in his body, "How do I get to the Guantian Temple in the chaotic airspace?"

Gui Yi was always locked in the Taoist world by Jiang Yun, and he witnessed everything Jiang Yun experienced, and also saw the cyclone.

It can be said that he was also subverted cognition.

Especially at this moment, Jiang Yun actually extinguished the karmic fire, escaped the pursuit of ten days of dryness, and came to the chaos airspace safely, which made his heart no longer reject the matter of becoming Jiang Yun's slave.

He is not a newcomer either. After so many years in the field, he still has some eyesight.

In his opinion, Jiang Yun is very likely to become a detached powerhouse in the future.

When one person attains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven.

If Jiang Yun can really become a detached powerhouse, then he can also get great benefits.

Of course, the premise is that his performance must satisfy Jiang Yun!

Therefore, upon hearing Jiang Yun's question, Gui Yi hurriedly replied, "My lord, I have never entered the chaotic airspace."

"But I heard that the Chaos Airspace can directly enter the Guantian Palace, so I think it is necessary to reach the first floor of the Chaos Airspace, and then pass through the first floor, and then you should be able to enter the Guantian Palace."

Jiang Yun frowned and said, "Is there no teleportation array?"

"As far as I know, no!" Gui Yi carefully considered every word he said: "There is a teleportation formation between the Immortal Realm and the Chaos Airspace."

"Because, the ninth floor of the chaotic airspace is too dangerous."

"Even a cultivator outside the territory is unwilling to take the risk of crossing the ninth floor and entering the immortal world."

"So, whether it is Hongmeng or Shitiangan, they have deliberately built a teleportation array to communicate with each other."

Jiang Yun then asked a few more questions about the chaotic airspace.

Although Gui Yi really racked his brains to give a detailed answer, it was of no help to Jiang Yun at all.

No way, Gui Yi has never entered the chaotic airspace.

Even Ding Yi was in the chaotic airspace, he only learned about it not long ago.

However, hearing Ding Yi's name still reminded Jiang Yun.

Although Shi Tiangan may not know that he has come to the chaotic airspace, he can't help but be on guard.

The strength of Na Ding Yi is much stronger than that of Gui Yi.

In particular, the opponent's accomplishments in the power of space have a great advantage in this chaotic airspace.

Jiang Yun no longer pinned his hopes on others, and began to move cautiously in this chaotic airspace while doing his best to release the power of space to sense those space cracks.

Jiang Yun always believed that even though there were no regularities in the appearance of these space cracks, there were bound to be some signs before they appeared.

After all, the cracks in the space also stem from the spontaneous formation of the space.

And as long as there is power, it will definitely cause fluctuations.

Whether it's me or Yun Gui, I can't sense it, it can only be that the strength of myself and others is too weak.

Not long after Jiang Yun's figure disappeared from here, another figure quietly appeared here.

Jiang Yun's soul clone!

If Jiang Yun saw the soul clone, he would be very surprised, how the other party could find his position so accurately.

Moreover, the space here is too chaotic, and the consciousness is almost useless, so Jiang Yun did not notice the arrival of the soul clone at all.

What's even more amazing is that although there are a large number of spatial cracks appearing around the body of the soul clone, none of them will approach him.

It seems that these space cracks are conscious and dare not approach him at all.

Although the soul clone is not afraid of those space cracks, his consciousness is also limited.

He turned his head to look around, and said to himself, "This is the fifth floor of Chaos Airspace, how did Jiang Yun get here?"

"Could it be that he came here on purpose to save someone in order to enter the prison that Hongmeng built here?"

"He came earlier than me, and I don't know where he is now. Why don't I go near the prison and wait for him."

After the soul clone carefully looked around again, he chose a direction opposite to Jiang Yun and left quickly.

In this way, until three days passed, the pale Jiang Yun finally saw a big fish, let out a long breath, stepped directly on the big fish, backhanded a demon mark, and penetrated into the big fish's body.

Then, Jiang Yun summoned Gui Yi again and said, "You ask this big fish to find us a safe place, and protect me by the way. I need to rest."

After speaking, Jiang Yun sat down with his knees crossed and closed his eyes.

In the past three days, Jiang Yun was really walking on the edge of life and death all the time.

Of course, it is an exaggeration to say that it is life and death, because Jiang Yun has already tried it. Even if his head is cut in half by a space crack, he can still live.

However, the pain of the body being split made him unwilling to experience too much.

In three days, Jiang Yun calculated that he had been cut at least 300 times.

And every time his body is cut open, he must recover as soon as possible, and all his strength is used to heal his injuries, so now he is exhausted and extremely weak, and it is almost impossible to hold on.

It's a pity that he just closed his eyes when Gui Yi's voice sounded in his ears: "Sir, this is the fifth floor of Chaos Airspace!"

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