The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6802: Master status, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Seeing Qin Bufan's reaction, Jiang Yun knew that he must have recognized the rune on the tablet, shook his head and said, "I don't know whose tablet it is."

"However, I think it may be my master's tablet."

"Your master?" Qin Bufan looked up and down at Jiang Yun and said, "I didn't expect you to be really big and famous."

Jiang Yun frowned and said, "Brother Qin, don't give a shit, just tell me quickly what words are written on this tablet!"

Qin Bufan did not speak, but stretched out a finger, and the light on the fingertip flowed, and he used the light as ink to write four big characters in the air.

It is not difficult to see that Qin Bufan's calligraphy attainments are extremely high.

These four characters are written with iron painting and silver hook, dragon flying and phoenix dancing, majestic atmosphere.

Coupled with the brilliance of light, these four big characters just look awe-inspiring.

However, Jiang Yun was not in the mood to appreciate Qin Bufan's calligraphy, but stared at the four big characters and read them out softly.

Ten thousand, spirit, it, teacher!

Anyone who sees these four words, the first reaction that pops up in their minds must be a big tone!

The spirit here obviously does not refer to the spiritual race alone, but the living beings.

Ten thousand is also not a specific number, it is only used to describe a large number.

Therefore, the meaning of these four words is the master of all living beings!

Looking at the real world, who can afford these four words and dare to say that he is the master of all living beings?

Qin Bufan also put his hands behind his back, looked at the four words he had written, and said, "Master of all spirits!"

"If this tablet really belongs to your master, then your master's status and status are terrifyingly high!"

Jiang Yun also recovered from the shock, and said hesitantly, "I'm not sure if this is my master's tablet."

If Jiang Yun was still 70% to 80% sure that this was his master's immortal tablet, then after reading these four words, only 30% to 40% of this certainty remained.

Master of All Souls, the meaning represented by this title is too high, so high that Jiang Yun can't believe that this is his own master.

Qin Bufan glanced at Jiang Yun, saw what Jiang Yun was thinking, and smiled slightly: "I'm not sure about anything."

"Actually, in any world, there will be such a master of all spirits!"

Jiang Yun said inexplicably, "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple!" Qin Bufan pointed his finger at Jiang Yundao: "The first one to embark on the road of cultivation, the first to teach the method of cultivation to others, and to instruct others to cultivate, is the teacher of all spirits!"

"Even if the person enshrined in this tablet is not your master, there is nothing wrong with you calling him master."

"Even, don't talk about you, even if it is the three of you here, all the strong and the weak, when they see this Master of All Spirits, they need to be polite and respectfully call him Master!"

"The Master of All Souls is not just an identity, but a symbol!"

"A symbol that represents your world, from ignorance and backwardness to power."

Hearing Qin Bufan's words, Jiang Yun was deeply touched, but suddenly remembered something.

Jiang Yun remembered that when Earth Zun attacked Dreamland, when he saw his master, he seemed to have recovered some of the memories that had been erased by Feng Beiling, which made the eyes of Earth Zun look at his master full of complex meanings. .

And in that complexity, there is reverence!

Isn't reverence exactly the emotion a disciple should have when looking at a master?

Also, my master is the ancient Zhongzun.

And the four veins of ancient spirits, ancient repairs, ancient demons and ancient demons included in ancient times, don't they include all living beings?

Especially now that you are still in the detached land. Gu Xiu and Gu Ling who suppressed the Three Corpse Daoist should be the earliest monks in the real realm.

And although they call Master Zungu, the respect they show from the heart when referring to Master is also equivalent to holding the identity of a disciple.

In addition, his master can gather all the sources of ancient rules into the realm of ancient rules, and can join hands with the gods to deal with the gods.

Especially Prisoner Dragon and Mengzun, these two supreme beings from different reincarnations, will be willing to stay in the endless near-death world because of Master's invitation, waiting to break this situation.

If it is just because the master is also the supreme, I am afraid that they will not be able to agree.

But if the master, as the master of all spirits, made this request to them, it would be very difficult for them to refuse.

In the end, this tablet was established by Feng Beiling.

As the founder of Yanji Pavilion, Feng Beiling has the power to make even the Supremes forget part of their memories.

He let go of everything he had created, joined hands with his master, shot at Earth Zun, and went to the Sijingzang with his master.

He also handed over the token representing the identity of Yanji Pavilion Master to Master for safekeeping.

If Feng Beiling and Master are just friends, then there is no need to enshrine the tablet of a friend.

Only when he regards the master as a master in his mind will he set up a tablet in his hometown and enshrine it from time to time.

In a word, the past scenes are related to Master, and Jiang Yun's memories that made Jiang Yun puzzled or puzzled have a reasonable explanation under the current title of Master of All Souls.

Naturally, aside from the thought of not daring, Jiang Yun is almost certain that this tablet should be enshrined by his master.

His master is not old, he is the real realm, no, he is the master of all spirits who revives the world!


Jiang Yun let out a long breath.

At this moment, his mood is mixed and extremely complicated.

He has always been curious about the true origin of Master.

But in the case that Master never said it himself, he never took the initiative to ask.

But he did not expect that, through a tablet enshrined by Feng Beiling, and from the mouth of Qin Bufan, an outsider monk, he finally learned the identity of his master.

Master of All Souls!

Looking at everything Master has done, including his strength, in fact, he really deserves this title.

And as a true disciple of the Master of All Spirits, according to Qin Bufan's words, he is indeed a prominent one.

At this time, Qin Bufan said with a smile: "How about this teacher of all spirits, is this your master?"

Jiang Yun nodded heavily and said, "It should be!"

"However, are you sure about the pattern on this tablet. Are these four characters?"

Qin Bufan patted his chest and said, "I have a deep understanding of the history of your Dao Xingtiandi."

"Because Feng Nianhua is not the first person I support you here."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about that."

Qin Bufan obviously didn't want to say too much, he waved his hand and said, "Hurry up, I'm going to turn into a star pattern."

"This time, the star power contained in the star pattern is relatively strong. If the time drags on a little longer, I am worried that the people of Hongmeng will notice and come to me for trouble."

Jiang Yun said with a cold face: "I hope they can appear in front of me now."

"I don't want it!" Qin Bufan said sternly: "The star pattern I gave you is different from the one I gave to Feng Nianhua."

"This star pattern can be turned into countless star patterns, and then form a star pattern."

After the voice fell, Qin Bufan suddenly raised his head and said, "It's really a good and bad spirit, the people from Hongmeng have arrived!"

A cold light flashed in Jiang Yun's eyes: "That's great!"

Qin Bufan shook his head and said, "You can deal with it yourself, I'll dodge first!"

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