The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6827: The same applies, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun naturally recognized the runes that appeared on the Demon Lord at the moment.

Because he has the same rune on his body.

Three Corpse Marks!

The demon master also has an incomplete three-corpse mark on his body. Jiang Yun is not too surprised about this.

Jiang Yun had already been to the Land of Transcendence, and saw Gu Ling and Gu Xiu, whose master stayed there to guard the Three Corpse Daoist.

Even, he was robbed of the dream domain by the ancient demon.

And Gu Ling and Gu Xiu clearly told him that there was also an ancient demon who was originally guarding there.

Just one day, the ancient demon suddenly rushed into the realm of ancient rules as if he had gone mad for no reason, and there has been no news since then.

When he heard the news, Jiang Yun immediately thought that the ancient devil is the devil master.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Jiang Yun to speculate that the experience of the Demon Lord in the realm of ancient rules should be roughly the same as his own.

He must have also seen the Three Corpse Daoist, and was left with the Three Corpse Dao Mark by the Three Corpse Daoist, and with the help of the Three Corpse Daoist, he left the realm of ancient rules, entered the land outside the law, and entered again. real domain.

In the end, the Demon Lord joined Di Zun's subordinates.

However, Jiang Yun still doesn't understand, what is the relationship between the Demon Lord's body with the Three Corpse Dao Mark and the fact that he joined Earth Zun's subordinate and became the ancestor of the Nine Clan?

The devil continued: "You have seen the corpse too."

Jiang Yun said softly, "That corpse is called the Taoist Three Corpse."

The Demon Lord was slightly startled, but continued following Jiang Yun's words: "I heard some words from the Taoist Three Corpse, and under his guidance, I broke into that place and was left behind by him. Such a seal."

"And why the Three Corpse Daoist is there, you should know better than me, right?"

Jiang Yun didn't speak, just nodded lightly, naturally because of his master, who did a very dishonorable thing.

Having said that, the Demon Lord stopped, then suddenly shook his head and said, "Jiang Yun, I know you too well."

"I don't want to say more about the rest, because the more I say, the more disgusted you will be towards me, and you will think that I am lying to you and provoking something."

"I can only say that your master, Gu Bu Lao, is actually my master, the master of the three, and the master of all living beings in the real realm, including the dream realm!"

"It's just that his master, perhaps, is not as selfless as you think... so, perfect!"

From Qin Bufan's mouth, Jiang Yun already knew that his master, the teacher of all spirits, was the first person to embark on the path of cultivation in the entire Daoxing world.

And he did not hide his secrets and enjoyed the method of cultivation alone, but told all the living beings about the method of cultivation.

Perhaps, the Demon Lord in front of him was the first group of people to embark on the path of cultivation after Master.

The first half of the Demon Lord's sentence means that the Demon Lord also already knows, or remembers the memory of the master, and also knows the true identity of the master.

As for the last sentence of the Demon Lord, Jiang Yun did not agree with him, but he was no stranger to it.

Because, similar words, Jiang Yun heard in the mouth of Tianzun.

After killing the demon master, Tianzun said similar words to Jiang Yun, telling Jiang Yun that it is not old, not what Jiang Yun imagined.

If only Tianzun and the Demon Lord said that, Jiang Yun would not take it to heart at all, and would only think that they were deliberately smearing their master and provoking the relationship between him and his master.

However, Jiang Yun clearly remembered that Jiang Yun, who was in the last reincarnation, did not give his unconscious self to the master who was close at hand before he died, but chose to hand it over to his senior brother Dongfang Bo.

Although Jiang Yun, who was in the last reincarnation, didn't say anything, his actions have already shown that, in fact, he doesn't believe in Master!

And in order not to affect his judgment, he didn't tell himself why he didn't believe Master, but it's not hard to imagine that he must have discovered something.

As for Daoist Three Corpse, it is impossible to have any favorable impression of Master.

Therefore, if he said that he was bewitching the Demon Lord or using the Demon Lord to lead the Demon Lord to him, he would definitely not say good things about the master.

Jiang Yun remembered that Gu Ling and Gu Xiu said that when the Demon Lord rushed into the realm of Gu Ze, he was very excited and angry, and he kept shouting something like "You dare to confuse me, I will kill you" and so on. words.

However, when the Demon Lord really saw the Taoist Three Corpse, he somehow changed his mind.

Moreover, the master left a special restriction in the souls of the four of them.

As long as they leave the place of detachment, they will lose all memory of the corpse.

But the Demon Lord still remembered that it should have been done by Taoist Three Corpse.

In short, the Demon Lord did not know what he experienced at the Three Corpse Daoist, which made him doubt his master.

Therefore, after he arrived in the real domain, he first saw Tianzun and left the deity with Tianzun, but he joined the subordinate of the emperor as a clone, especially now he is standing with Tianzun and the emperor. , to deal with their own abnormal behavior.

To put it simply, everything the Demon Lord does is because of his doubts about Master!

Jiang Yun, who had figured out all this, remained silent.

As a disciple, he naturally wants to maintain and trust his master.

However, he could not force others to respect his master as well.

After a long time, Jiang Yun finally looked at the Demon Lord again and said, "Whether Master is perfect or not, whether he is selfless or not, it is not something that my disciple is qualified to discuss and decide."

"I came to Diya today and stood in front of you. It has nothing to do with my master, but because of Di Zun!"

"Earth Venerable attacked Dreamland, started killing in Dreamland, and forced to death my second senior sister, senior brother, Feng Beiling, and many, many people I care about."

"You were there at the time, you shouldn't have forgotten these things!"

"Not long ago, you even went with him to attack my Hidden Peak space, captured thousands of my subordinates, and turned them into puppets to deal with me."

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and pointed to the thousands of great emperors who were still fighting against the cloud ghosts thousands of miles away.

"Don't tell me you didn't know they were mine."

"Because Shura has already recognized you, you still captured him and Ming Yuyang. Until now, I don't know if they are alive or dead!"

"Why are you doing this, I don't want to know."

"However, I solemnly tell you now that I, Jiang Yun, are a dream creature. I am here today to take revenge for those dream creatures who died because of Earth Venerable!"

"Are you going to keep blocking me, or get out of the way?"

Jiang Yun doesn't want to, nor is he qualified to take care of, what is right or wrong about the master. He just wants to do his own thing now!

Listening to Jiang Yun's words, the Demon Lord closed his eyes and opened it slowly after a while: "If you want to kill Di Zun, you must kill me first!"

Jiang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at this man who was regarded as a teacher and a brother by himself, he suddenly laughed and said, "Demon Lord, did you hear what I said just now?"

The Demon Lord looked at Jiang Yun and said, "Which sentence?"

Jiang Yun said word by word: "Whoever lets me live, whoever blocks me, die!"

"This sentence also applies to you!"

Jiang Yun doesn't know why the Demon Lord maintains the Di Zun so much, but today, he must find the Di Zun to settle the grievances, even the Demon Lord can't stop it!

The Demon Lord also had a smile on his face and said, "Then let me see how much you have grown after not seeing you for so many years!"

The voice fell, and the Demon Lord's body shook, finally revealing his original appearance with three heads and six arms.

Facing Jiang Yun before, the Demon Lord also did not use his full strength, just for fear of being recognized by Jiang Yun, but at this moment, he is obviously going to do his best to deal with Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's eyes shone with cold light as he looked at the Demon Lord and said, "Now you are no longer qualified to be my opponent!"

"Gui Yi!"

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