The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6852: Forbidden Way, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"Senior, how is the Siren King?"

In the cave, seeing the spirit of luck walking in, Jiang Yun hurriedly stood up and asked with concern.

A smile appeared on the face of the Spirit of Luck: "Don't worry, I have sent him into the river of time, and he has also begun to absorb the power of time."

"And, because of the particularity of the river of time, the flow of time he experienced in it should be different from ours."

"With any luck, he might be able to recover successfully in a few days."

Jiang Yun has long been able to create dreams that are different from the outside world, and his limit is to slow down the flow of time ten times.

Then in this river of time, the flow rate of time is different, it is not difficult for him to imagine, and he does not think that the spirit of luck is whimsical.

If the time flow rate inside can reach a thousand times, ten thousand times, then let alone a few days, even a day may make the Kraken King recover smoothly.

"That's good!"

Jiang Yun let out a sigh of relief and was able to save the Kraken King, which made him very happy.

And after the Sea-Monster King recovers, he can still know from his mouth what he did and what secrets he discovered that made Tianzun want to kill him!

At this time, the Spirit of Luck smiled and said, "Now, it's time for me to fulfill my promise."

"However, before sending you to the land outside the law, I want to ask, you entered it to find Dao Zun, right?"

Jiang Yun hesitated and said, "That's right!"

Looking for Dao Zun is only secondary. What Jiang Yun is really looking for is Ji Kongfan, Daoist Sanzhan and Senior Brother San.

The Spirit of Luck nodded and said: "I believe you already have some understanding of the identity of Dao Zun. He and you are not friends."

"Forgive me if you are rude, if you meet Dao Zun now, it is impossible for you to be his opponent at all."

Jiang Yun didn't think so.

If you talk about the deity, you are indeed not an opponent, but the place outside the law is just a clone of the Taoist.

And the cultivation realm of Taikoo Bu Ling is only a pseudo-exaltation, even if it can be improved a little more, it is at most supreme.

I have a method of empathy and a Taoist tool, not to mention that I can kill him, I should still have the power to protect myself.

The most important thing is that Jiang Yun believes that Dao Zun will not really kill himself!

After all, he also counted on himself being able to become a detached powerhouse and be able to replace himself.

Naturally, Jiang Yun would not tell Spirit of Luck these words, but just smiled and said, "I will be careful and try not to confront him head-on."

The Spirit of Luck said solemnly: "Although according to what we said just now, if you save the Kraken King, I only need to send you to a place outside the law, even if our promise is fulfilled."

"But, for the sake of your honesty, I'll teach you a forbidden technique."

"This is originally a Taoist technique, but when it is displayed, the power is so amazing that it may even make oneself stop backlash, so it is also called a forbidden technique."

"Furthermore, the power of this technique increases with your cultivation."

"If you can learn it, you should be able to protect yourself when you meet Dao Zun."

Jiang Yun couldn't help being a little surprised. He didn't expect the spirit of luck to teach himself a forbidden technique.

Although Jiang Yun is not short of supernatural powers and techniques, and also knows several Taoist techniques, the strength of the Spirit of Luck is the same as that of Daoist Qingxin, and the Taoist techniques he masters should be extraordinary.

Not to mention, this technique is also called a forbidden technique!

But the power of any forbidden technique is indeed terrifying.

Therefore, if Jiang Yun wants to say that he is not moved, it is false.

However, he did not rush to agree, but looked at the spirit of luck: "Senior taught me the art of forbidden Tao, are there any other conditions?"

When Jiang Yun wanted to come, he and the spirit of luck were not related or related.

Although he took out a river of time, it was originally in exchange for the other party to send him to a place outside the law.

Even if the other party felt that the promise he made was a bit unequal compared to the river of time, it would not have given him a technique of banning the way.

Therefore, Jiang Yun felt that the other party might have other requirements.

The Spirit of Luck laughed and scolded: "You kid, look down on me too much!"

"Don't worry, I don't have any conditions. It's just that I don't like that Dao Zun, but it's not convenient for me to shoot him, so I want to borrow your hand and teach him a lesson!"

Although Jiang Yun didn't believe the reason of the spirit of luck at all, since the other party refused to say it, it would be meaningless to ask.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Yun was no longer polite to the spirit of luck. He clasped his fists with both hands, and said respectfully, "Then I would like to thank the seniors first."

The Spirit of Luck received this gift from Jiang Yun, and after Jiang Yun straightened up, he said solemnly: "I can teach you the technique of the forbidden way, but whether you can learn it or not is not my business."

"You look at it first."

The voice fell, and the spirit of luck suddenly opened its mouth, spit out a mouthful of blood, and suspended in front of him.

And just the spout of this blood made the face of the spirit of luck a little pale.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yun has already vaguely understood why this technique is called the technique of forbidden way.

Then, the hands of the spirit of luck began to quickly form seals one by one, submerging into the blood suspended in front of him.

The speed of the Spirit of Luck's seal was as if he had hundreds of palms instead of two palms.

As for the final seal, it was like a torrential rain, madly submerged in blood.

The reason why Jiang Yun would feel that Yin Jue is like a rainstorm is not only because there are too many Yin Jue and the speed is too fast, but also because there are countless water droplets appearing in all directions, which also rushed into the blood.

It's not a real droplet,

But those seals were brought out by swiping in the air, condensed by the power of water.

This also made Jiang Yun more and more certain that this spirit of luck should cultivate the avenue of water!

With the addition of water droplets and seals, the area of ​​blood began to expand, and the blood color was also diluted.

At this time, Jiang Yun's complexion has changed slightly.

Because in the blood, Jiang Yun couldn't feel the power of blood at all, but only the power of water.

Moreover, in the process of expanding the blood, the pressure released is getting bigger and bigger, so big that Jiang Yun's fleshly body is a bit unbearable.

All this process is slow, but it is actually extremely fast. After only three breaths, the blood that was originally only the size of a palm has swelled to a hundred feet long, in the shape of a long and narrow shape.

Jiang Yun looked up, and there was no trace of blood at all, as if it was a river, or a river, across the sky.

It is still a river formed by the power of water!

However, apart from the enormous coercion and the power of water, Jiang Yun did not feel anything special in this river.

The hands of the spirit of luck also stopped the seal, and said: "The volume of this cave is too small, so let's do it like this first!"


The hands of the spirit of luck began to seal the seal again, and the seal was never submerged into the river just like the previous process.

However, after only two breaths had passed in time, the river suddenly split, one divided into two, two divided into four, and four divided into eight.

That speed is much faster than when it swelled before.

In an instant, above Jiang Yun's head, nearly a hundred rivers formed by the power of water have appeared!

Although Jiang Yun still hadn't seen the power of this Dao technique until now, he was able to know that the Dao power of the Spirit of Luck was really huge.

Because, these hundred rivers do not have the slightest external force, they all come from the power of the spirit of luck!

The Spirit of Luck obviously knew what Jiang Yun was thinking, and with a hint of pride on his pale face, he said, "The complete state of this technique is not like this!"

"Right now, I'm just showing you, plus I don't want to ruin this place, so I didn't let it unleash its real power."

"Next, you can feel it!"

Jiang Yun nodded solemnly, his whole body started to work, his eyes were full of coldness, and he was fully prepared.

Jiang Yun will not despise the Taoist technique that can make the spirit of luck proud.

Looking at Jiang Yun who was waiting for him, the spirit of luck smiled slightly and said, "This technique is called Qianjiangshui, Qianjiangyue!"


As the voice of the spirit of luck fell, in the nearly one hundred rivers, it was as if something had exploded inside, and there was a bright moon rising slowly.

At the moment when the hundred-round bright moon appeared, Jiang Yun's complexion suddenly changed greatly.

Because, under his feelings, it was not the hundred moons that rose, but the hundred supreme beings!

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