The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6867: extrajudicial experience, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Ji Kongfan is missing!

Although Jiang Yun was a little surprised by this news, it was better to disappear than to die!

Jiang Yun then asked, "What happened to the land outside the law?"

Meng Lao sighed leisurely, and after a long silence, he said, "I experienced a nightmare that I haven't been able to wake up from until now!"

In fact, Meng Lao, including most of the extrajudicial cultivators, didn't even know what happened in the extrajudicial land at the beginning.

After all, the area outside the law is also as large as a domain.

Moreover, there are strong or weak negative atmospheres everywhere in the land outside the law, so that the creatures living here will not run around.

They are basically in a fixed area activities.

In addition, they are not good people, they don't talk about attacking each other, but at least they will be more wary.

This makes the flow of news in the extrajudicial land far less convenient and fast than the real domain, and it can even be said to be blocked.

If Meng Lao hadn't given up his business, a large number of monks would come to seek dream creation, which might allow him to grasp various news faster than others.

But after he gave up the business, it was equivalent to closing the dream-making world, and he didn't care about the world at all.

About a year and a half ago, outside Meng Lao's dream-making world, a war suddenly broke out, alarming Meng Lao.

Under Meng Lao's inspection, he found that two groups of monks were fighting.

Originally Meng was always reluctant to meddle in his own business, but when he saw that one of the monks was actually dragging his family and bringing a few children, he moved his heart of pity, and he couldn't help but take action. I want to help these monks.

As a result, Meng Lao found out that he didn't even know the various powers and magical powers of the other group of monks, which made him realize that something was wrong.

Fortunately, the strongest of the group of monks is the real emperor, far inferior to Meng Lao.

At that time, Meng Lao didn't know who the other party was at all, and he didn't want to add unnecessary trouble to himself, so he just repelled the other party, and didn't kill them all.

It is precisely because of Meng Lao's mercy that it brought endless troubles for him.

In short, after rescuing the group of monks who brought their families and mouths, from their mouths, Meng Lao finally knew that there were suddenly many monks who did not belong to the extrajudicial land.

Those monks, as if they had a mortal hatred with the extrajudicial monks, when they saw the extrajudicial monks, they would burn, kill, loot, and kill them all.

At that time, Meng Lao still didn't know that the monks were from outside the realm, and thought they were from the real realm and were sent by the three gods.

Later, monks from outside the realm came to attack Meng Lao's dream-making world, leaving Meng Lao helpless, so he could only take the dream-making world and start to escape.

Along the way, if you encounter an out-of-law cultivator in distress, Meng Lao can save it.

In this way, from the mouths of a large number of monks, Meng Lao finally understood the drastic changes in the land outside the law.

About two years ago, a formation map suddenly appeared in the sky, dividing the land beyond the law into two.

In order to facilitate the distinction, the outlaw cultivators call the area where they gather now as the inner area, and the other half as the outer area.

After the extrajudicial land was divided into inside and outside, a group of extrajudicial powerhouses headed by Ji Kongfan suddenly appeared in various worlds in the outer area, bringing all the monks and spirits living there into the interior. Area.

However, Ji Kongfan didn't settle them any more, just put them in the inner area, and then told them not to approach, let alone go to the formation map, and then left.

And not long after, there was an earth-shattering sound of explosion in the array.

Although some daring cultivators ran to watch, they couldn't see anything, only the sound of the explosion lasted for half a month, and finally a few gaps were torn open.

Since then, Outlaws has been a nightmare.

A large number of non-territorial monks, constantly passing through the gaps in the array map, appeared in the inner area and attacked the extra-territorial monks.

Because the strength of the extraterritorial cultivators is generally higher than that of the extrajudicial cultivators, which makes the aggression, the extrajudicial cultivators are in a weak position.

But Ji Kongfan and the powerhouses who helped the migration back then never appeared again.

Extrajudicial monks, luckily, they can meet a strong man like Meng Lao and provide them with shelter.

Unfortunately, they have either been killed, caught, or are hiding in places outside the law.

But no matter what kind of situation, in the eyes of the extrajudicial cultivator, it is actually a mortal situation in the end.

Just like today, if it wasn't for Jiang Yun's sudden appearance, Elder Meng and all the monks in the entire dream-making world would surely have died at the hands of Master Xiaoyu.

Of course, some extrajudicial monks also chose to surrender.

Take Ice Man, for example.

This is still the strength of Bingji, and he has the qualifications and value to submit.

If you replace it with a weak cultivator, even if you are willing to submit, the non-territorial cultivator will not accept it.

Having said this, Meng Lao sighed again: "I originally wanted to go to the Dharma Lord's world, but I happened to meet a few monks who escaped from the Dharma Lord's world."

"They told me that today's Dharma Master World has been occupied by foreign monks!"

"The monks from outside the territory also guessed that we would go to the Lord of Law's world to seek shelter, so they just waited there and waited for us to throw ourselves into the net."

"Even if we can escape today, there is nowhere to go except to continue to hide aimlessly."

Meng Lao closed his mouth and sighed again.

Although he is already a strong man who has the hope of breaking through to become the supreme, but these days, he has basically protected the tens of thousands of living beings here by himself, and he can't bear it anymore.

The old face was full of exhaustion.

Jiang Yun was silent for a moment and then said: "In fact, Senior Ji Kongfan is not necessarily missing, it may be caught, or even gone?"

Jiang Yun knew Ji Kongfan very well. Even though he had no feelings for the extrajudicial land, since he was able to bring the creatures from the outer region into the inner region, he would definitely help when the inner region was invaded.

Especially Ji Kongfan is not an ordinary Dharma Master!

He was originally the leader of the most powerful clan in the extermination domain, and he even served as an angel patrol, protecting the entire dream domain.

Unless he is caught or killed, he will never stand by and watch the invasion of foreign monks.

Meng Lao showed a bitter smile and said: "We would rather believe that he just disappeared!"

It is not difficult to see that Ji Kongfan's actions of unfolding the formation and bringing the creatures from the outer zone into the inner zone won the hearts of many people.


Jiang Yun nodded and said, "I also believe that he just disappeared."

"By the way, outside the world of the Master of Law, there are a lot of extrajudicial divine patterns, and ordinary people can't approach them at all. Aren't extraterritorial monks afraid of extrajudicial divine patterns?"

"No more!" Meng Lao shook his head and said, "All the extrajudicial patterns there are gone."

"No more!" Jiang Yun was stunned for a moment, but then nodded again and said, "Perhaps, those monks outside the realm have a way to deal with the extrajudicial divine marks."

In the final analysis, the extrajudicial divine pattern comes from the negative aura emanating from the Taoist Three Corpse.

And the Taoist Three Corpse belonged to the monks from outside the territory, so it is not difficult to understand that someone can deal with the **** pattern outside the law.

Jiang Yun looked at Meng Lao and said, "Meng Lao, what's your plan next?"

"I don't know." Meng Lao shook his head and said, "Are you going to the Dharma Master World?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun nodded.

In the world of the Lord of Law, Jiang Yun must go.

Not only to see if Ji Kongfan is there, but also because the world of Law Lord can lead to the land of detachment and the realm of ancient rules.

Meng Lao smiled and said: "You should also be the supreme!"

"But be careful, there seems to be more than one supreme being here."

"You don't have to worry about us. You saved us this time. I believe that in a short time, the monks from outside the territory will not come to trouble us again."

About how to arrange Meng Lao and the others, Jiang Yun also had a bit of a headache.

In today's extrajudicial places, whether in the inner or outer areas, there is no safe place at all!

But if you don't care about them, then if the Supremes are sent from outside the territory, Meng Lao and the others will still die.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Yun finally thought of a relatively safe place.

"Well, I will send you to the formation map!"

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