The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6922: gate of enchantment, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun used the sword in his right hand and clenched his fist in his left hand, without using any sword moves at all.

Even, he no longer uses the power of annihilation, that is, the most ordinary power.

And his current situation seems to be critical, but in fact it is not too dangerous.

Because Jiang Yun discovered that the power of the Five Elements that these Five Elements creatures transformed into once they collapsed can actually be absorbed by the Five Elements Clear Sky Mirror!

Moreover, absorbing the power of the five elements in this way is much faster than the speed at which the Clear Sky Mirror absorbed in the earth element space before.

At the beginning, the Haotian Mirror absorbed the power of the earth element and used it for more than two months.

Now, in only half a day, the power of the other four elements absorbed by the Clear Sky Mirror has nearly one-fifth.

If it continues to absorb at this rate, within two or three days, the Haotian Mirror can be filled with the power of the five elements.

At that time, the Clear Sky Mirror will be able to unleash an attack comparable to the primary or even intermediate level of the Origin Realm!

In addition, the attacks of these five elements also made Jiang Yun more familiar with the use of the power of the five elements and some corresponding magical powers.

In particular, you can enrich your own Five Elements.

These are all good news for Jiang Yun.

Not only can he benefit a lot, but he is also very happy to let Haotian Mirror absorb it like this.

However, he is not sure if the strength in his body can support it for too long.

Since stepping into the Five Elements Barrier, he has been consuming power continuously and has not replenished it.

The power of the Five Elements Dao here is different from the power of the real domain, and Jiang Yun cannot directly absorb it and convert it into his own power.

Maybe Xiaoyu Zhenren and Di Zun can supplement, but Jiang Yun and Ren Zun must have gone out and not in.

Moreover, now he can only smash the creatures of the five elements first, and then the Clear Sky Mirror can absorb the corresponding power of the five elements.

And each of his attacks requires a certain amount of power.

What's more, he can't patronize himself, and he has to consider respecting the three of them.

There is no Clear Sky Mirror on the body of the three people that can absorb the power of the five elements, and the longer the time spent with the five elements, the more dangerous the situation will naturally be.

Therefore, Jiang Yun was also thinking in his mind, how to get rid of the situation in front of him, so that the four of them could get out of the Five Elements Barrier.

"If you use the Heart of Heaven and Earth and my Dao Realm, it's okay to deal with one or two Five Elements Dao Spirit, but it's impossible to deal with five at the same time."

"If it doesn't work, you can only use the technique of Qianjiangshui and Qianjiangyue."

"No matter how strong the Five Elements Dao Ling is, and no matter how rich the power of the Five Elements is here, my strength is increased by 32 times. Even if I can't kill them, I should at least be able to make an exit."

"It's just that once I use the forbidden technique, then I will be temporarily abolished, and I will not have the slightest self-protection power."

"Although Di Zun and the three of them have my guardian Dao seal in their bodies, in case they have a way out of my control, Daoist Xiaoyu alone will not be able to protect me!"

"Furthermore, if you can escape the five-element barrier, will you return to the real realm, or will you enter the chaotic airspace?"

"The real domain is fine, but if the air domain is messed up, will I encounter people who have been working for ten days again?"

For a while, Jiang Yun couldn't find a perfect solution at all, so he could only decide to wait and see if there would be any turning point.

If there is really nothing that can be done, when there is no way out, then only Qianjiangshui and Qianjiangyue can be used.

After making up his mind, Jiang Yun temporarily put aside his other thoughts and tried his best to deal with the continuous attacks of the five elements.

In this way, when another day has passed, although the Clear Sky Mirror has not yet been filled with the power of the five elements, half of the power in Jiang Yun's body has been consumed.

At most, it can last for a day.

He knew that he had to make a decision. If he used up more power, even Qianjiangshui and Qianjiangyue would not be able to use it.

The Dao sword in Jiang Yun's hand swiped around his body, repelling all the creatures of the five elements nearby, and said in a loud voice, "Do you have no room for further discussion?"

Jiang Yun is still making his last attempt.

If the Five Elements Dao Ling is willing to give up the attack, it is naturally the best.

Tu Dao Ling's thunderous voice immediately sounded: "Except for handing over the five elements of Dao power with transcendence, everything else is not discussed."

Obviously, Tu Daoling did not directly participate in the war, but he was always invisible, paying attention to the whole battle situation.

Even when Jiang Yun said that the Five Elements Dao Power was sent into the Haotian Mirror, he didn't quite believe it, thinking that Jiang Yun was reluctant to use it for trading and hid it.

Jiang Yun glanced around and made up his mind: "Then don't talk about it!"

Just when Jiang Yun mobilized a mouthful of blood of life to spit out, the entire Five Elements Barrier suddenly shook.

This shaking is actually very common, and it is not even comparable to the vibration generated by those mountain giants when they run, but all the five elements suddenly fell into a state of stillness.

Especially in front of Jiang Yun, the Taoist Spirit who had disappeared before appeared again in the form of a giant, looking up.

Jiang Yun raised his eyebrows, but did not spit out a mouthful of the blood of his life, but followed the eyes of the earthling Taoist, and also looked upwards.

Just saw the colorful sky above, and suddenly there are countless runes emerging.

Jiang Yun looked at these runes. Although he didn't know any of them, he could tell that they had nothing to do with the power of the five elements.

"What's going on?" Jiang Yun thought in his heart and said, "Could it be that someone else wants to enter the Five Elements Barrier?"


The countless runes suddenly vibrated in unison, emitting a dazzling light.

The light condensed but did not disperse, condensed into a gate more than ten feet high, and stood in the air.

"The gate?" Jiang Yun's doubts deepened. When he entered the Five Elements Barrier, he didn't see the gate.

Moreover, Haotian did not mention that there is any door here.

Jiang Yun couldn't help but turn his gaze to the Earthling Dao Ling, but he was surprised to find that the other party's huge eyes that were also staring at the gate showed a touch of longing and yearning.

Jiang Yun is no stranger to this kind of longing and yearning.

He has seen it in the eyes of many people who have been imprisoned and lost their freedom.

This also made Jiang Yun's heart move: "Could it be that the Five Elements Dao Ling is actually like a prisoner, forced to sit in the Five Elements Barrier?"


At this moment, with a loud bang, the door of light had already opened with a bang.

A man came out of it.

Although the distance is very far, Jiang Yun can see clearly that this is a tall, mighty-looking middle-aged man, exuding a powerful evil spirit all over his body.

If you don't look at the other party's appearance, then the other party and Ren Zun are somewhat similar.

However, the breath on the other side is much stronger than that of Human Respect.

Especially in the eyes of the big man, there is a strong chill, which makes people shudder.

Origin Realm!

Jiang Yun judged the realm of a big man at a glance, and at first glance, the opponent is the kind of person who is decisive in killing and has experienced hundreds of battles.

After the big man walked out of the door, he didn't even look around, he just stood there.

Behind him, another illusory old man walked in and said loudly, "Jiang Yun, come quickly!"

Jiang Yun was shocked. Although this old man did not know him, he felt a very familiar feeling when he saw him.

And the other party shouted his name!

Just when Jiang Yun was hesitating whether to respond, a voice already sounded: "Master!"

Soul clone!

Jiang Yun's pupils suddenly condensed, staring at the illusory old man, opened his mouth, and said two words silently.

Dao Zun!

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