The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6958: in the dark, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Although Jiang Yun was ready to be secretly repaired, he absolutely did not expect that in this fourth world, no one would sneak up on him, but instead, he would be given by C Yi, who was almost here with him. Sneak attack!

Bingyi, the strong in the source realm.

With Jiang Yun's current strength, if he imitates the yin and yang realm and adds the newly acquired bone-shattering vine species, it may be possible to fight the opponent.

Then use the technique of Qianjiangshui Qianjiangyue, and may even kill the opponent.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun was still just a fake venerable who didn't even count as a supreme being, and was caught by Cingyi again.

Even if you want to urge the origin of the five elements to imitate the yin and yang realm, the time is too late.

And once he was really caught by Bingyi, even if Jiang Yun had all the magic weapons and forbidden techniques all over his body, he would not be able to perform or escape.

Therefore, Jiang Yun also acted decisively, with the same wrist, the Five Elements Clear Sky Mirror had appeared.

To be honest, although the Five Elements Clear Sky Mirror was indeed prepared by Jiang Yun for the powerhouses in the source realm, but according to his original idea, the effect of using this mirror is not required to be able to kill with one blow, but at least to be able to give one. The strong in the source realm will be severely damaged.

But now, the function of using the Five Elements Clear Sky Mirror is just to get him out of trouble. It can be said that this is a huge waste.

But no need to do it!

The Five Elements Clear Sky Mirror does not even need a seal, it can be activated directly with the power of the Five Elements.

As Jiang Yun poured power into the mirror, the Five Elements Clear Sky Mirror immediately emitted five rays of light of different colors.

Without waiting for Jiang Yun to see clearly, the five rays of light had already disappeared in a flash.

And Jiang Yun clearly felt that the palm that was holding him collapsed directly, and there was a scream from C Yi in his ear.

Obviously, the blow of the Five Elements Clear Sky Mirror not only caused his palm to collapse, but also injured him.

If at this time, Jiang Yun is in the origin realm, then it is definitely a great opportunity to kill Cingyi, but unfortunately, he is not.

Therefore, all Jiang Yun can do is to escape!

During the escape, Jiang Yun also took out two runes and incorporated them into his soul without hesitation.

Although he has temporarily escaped from Cingyi's hands, with Cingyi's strength, as long as Jiang Yun is still in this world, it is still easy to catch Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun can only get real safety by escaping from this world.

But when Jiang Yun wanted to come, I am afraid that the three runes may not be enough to enter the darkness safely. It is very likely that the number of runes will be doubled.

The last world was two runes, so this world is four runes.

Moreover, from the wealthy middle-aged supreme body before, Jiang Yun also discovered that there is no need to wait until the runes are fully fused, as long as the fusion begins, then the resistance in the darkness will not appear.

Jiang Yun didn't even have time to see what the world was like. The speed reached the limit, and in an instant, he had already traversed the entire world and stopped at the edge.

Looking at the darkness in front of him, Jiang Yun stretched his hand in.

Sure enough, there was no resistance in the darkness.

It was only then that Jiang Yun let out a long sigh of relief, released his divine sense, and spread to the whole world.

He didn't forget that he wanted to find the whereabouts of Ji Kongfan and Xiaoyu Zhenren here.

There are not many monks in this world, only a dozen or so.

The Supreme has reached five people.

It is not difficult to see that the deeper the vortex space, the stronger the cultivator, and the fewer the number of people.

Moreover, there are more than three runes in almost everyone's eyebrows.

They are scattered everywhere, not attacking each other, but actually absorbing the power of the rules and comprehending the rules.

And Jiang Yun also sensed that the rules here are the rules of fog.

For most monks, this rule is much more common.

In addition, they still have to be wary of each other and are unwilling to **** other people's runes, so they choose to try to understand the rules.

After scanning in a circle, Jiang Yun didn't find his acquaintances, but he thought of a question,

That is, if you continue to go deeper into the world, the number of monks who can enter will become less and less, but the number of runes needed will become more and more.

Wouldn't that mean that in the end, everyone will be trapped in a certain world, unable to enter or retreat?

Jiang Yun didn't have time to think deeply about this question.

Because he had already seen Bingyi's figure, he no longer hesitated and stepped directly into the darkness.

Jiang Yun's figure just disappeared, and Bingyi's figure also appeared on the edge.

At this moment, Bing Yi had a broken finger on the palm of his right hand, leaving only four fingers, apparently injured by the Five Elements Clear Sky Mirror.

If you can see his face, you can find that his face is filled with murderous aura.

As a master in the source realm, he can't remember when he was injured last time.

Unexpectedly, in the vortex space of this extrajudicial land, he was actually injured by Jiang Yun, a small supreme, which made him very hateful.

Moreover, because the Five Elements Clear Sky Mirror caused the injury, the power of the Five Elements still existed in his palm, making it impossible for him to regenerate the severed fingers.

Looking at the darkness, C Yi did not rush to go deeper, but said coldly: "Do you think that if you escape from this world, you will be able to escape my pursuit?"

"You have left my mark on you, and I can find you wherever you go."

"You wait, soon, we will meet again!"

When the voice fell, Bing Yi's figure flickered, and he turned towards the monk here.

At the same time, in the land outside the law, Bingyi's deity frowned and said: "Damn, the power of the five elements that interrupted my avatar's fingers, at least has the primary level of origin."

"That's definitely not what Jiang Yun can have."

"Among all Taoist realms, the one with the strongest power of the five elements is nothing more than Haotian of the Five Elements Taoist realm."

"If it's not bad, it should be given to Jiang Yun by that guy from Haotian!"

"After I solve the matter here, I will kill Haotian!"

Bingyi didn't know, just when his voice fell, in the prison in the chaotic airspace, the red wolf was lying in a valley with his eyes squinting and sleeping, when Haotian's voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Guangdong What happened in the palace?"

The red wolf didn't open his eyes, and said lazily: "What happened, what does it have to do with you, you can stay here in peace!"

Haotian said lightly: "Jiang Yun has already shattered the Five Elements Haotian Mirror I gave him. Which Origin Realm powerhouse must he have met?"

"Could it be you, have already begun to act?"

"What action can we take!" The red wolf slowly opened his eyes and looked in a certain direction: "Do you think that if there is any action, I will still sleep here?"

"Yes!" Haotian continued: "Remember to tell him, since I and we have cooperated, and I have also acted together, no matter what you do, if you dare to keep me out of the way, then I will be in the Five Elements Dao Realm. War will be declared against you!"

Red Wolf ignored Haotian's threat, closed his eyes again, and fell into a deep sleep.

At this moment, Jiang Yun is standing in the dark, instead of continuing to move forward in a hurry, he simply stays here and completes the fusion of the rune and his soul.

Because he doesn't know what the next world will be like, so he must make the most adequate preparations.

He even doubted whether the eight runes he still had on his body could support him to move on.

After a while, Jiang Yun completed the fusion of runes, and the number of runes between the eyebrows also reached four, overlapping together.

Jiang Yun stood up and walked towards the next world.

But just after taking a step, he suddenly turned his head and looked into the darkness.

There, Jiang Yun felt a trace of breath and suddenly appeared!

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