The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6976: monitor each other, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Don't look at the close relationship between Jiang Yun and Ji Kongfan, but Ji Kongfan's true strength is always a mystery to Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun only knew that Ji Kongfan was majoring in two cultivation methods.

The way of division and the power of silence!

The power of annihilation originates from an emperor of annihilation in a place outside the law, while the way of separation and union originates from a Dao cultivator in the Dao domain.

In particular, the way of splitting and combining is the foundation of Ji Kongfan's mysterious strength, but an incomparably powerful foundation.

No one knows how many avatars Ji Kongfan can separate, and what is the difference between his deity and his avatars.

However, judging from the current situation, he used the clone to deal with the rule undead, and the deity absorbed the power of the rule, and the effect was definitely far superior to others.

Even, even compared to Jiang Yun, it is not much worse.

"Senior Ji!" Jiang Yun said to Ji Kongfan with a voice transmission: "I will bring you into my Dao world!"

"As long as I have enough runes, you will not be restricted by the rules here in the Dao world."

Although Jiang Yun also saw that Ji Kongfan was safe and sound for the time being, he still hoped to be able to take him with him.

Ji Kongfan had long seen that Jiang Yun was walking towards him, and understood that Jiang Yun was trying to help him.

Hearing Jiang Yun's voice transmission, and hearing that Jiang Yun didn't mention his return to Dao Zun at all, but only cared about his own safety, a smile appeared on Ji Kongfan's face.

But he shook his head and replied with voice transmission: "No, I can handle it."

"You don't have to worry about me, just take care of yourself!"

Jiang Yun wanted to continue to persuade, but Liu Ruxia suddenly said, "You don't need to persuade him, it is absolutely impossible for him to leave with you."

"Why?" Jiang Yun was stunned and asked in confusion.

Liu Ruxia sighed and said, "The tree demon and I can hide in your body, and we are not restricted by the rules here."

"But that doesn't work if we have other people inside of us."

"Ji Kongfan, this is the situation!"

"There is also a person hidden in his body."

Liu Ruxia's explanation made Jiang Yun suddenly realize.

Jiang Yun already knew that the reason why Ji Kongfan returned to Dao Zun was because Dao Zun brought his missing wife from the past to the present.

The person inside him is naturally his wife.

However, Jiang Yun did not expect that Ji Kongfan would bring his wife into this vortex space.

Could it be that he doesn't know that this vortex space must be full of danger?

However, Jiang Yun immediately understood that Ji Kongfan was finally reunited with his wife, but of course he refused to part with each other again.

Even if it is to die, but also with each other!

Jiang Yun continued to ask Liu Ruxia, "If he takes that person out of his body, I'll bring the two of them into the Dao world together, can't I?"

"Or, if I forcibly send him into the Dao world, what will be the consequences?"

Liu Ruxia said calmly: "This darkness can only be stepped into if you have sixteen runes."

"I don't even dare to show up now. You ask him to bring out the people in his body, which is basically to harm others."

"As long as that person appears, he will die immediately."

"As for what will happen if you force him into the Dao world, I don't know, but I estimate that it should be impossible."

Jiang Yun wanted to give it a try, but was worried that if he just sent Ji Kongfan into the Taoist realm, but let Ji Kongfan's wife be forcibly driven out of his body and died here, what would happen to him and his wife? Ji Kongfan is really going to die!

In desperation, Jiang Yun could only give up this plan, and said to Ji Kongfan: "Okay, Senior Ji, be careful yourself."

"I'm not ready to move on for the time being, and I'll stay here and continue to absorb the power of the rules."

"If you need any help from me, just speak up."

After a pause, Jiang Yun continued: "Besides, no matter what happened in the past, there are seniors in my way of protection!"

Jiang Yun knew that Ji Kongfan was arrogant and arrogant, and even if he was really in danger, he couldn't ask him for help.

Therefore, I can only remind him so subtly that I have no dissatisfaction with him because he has surrendered to Dao Zun.

The smile on Ji Kongfan's face deepened, he nodded and said, "I see."

After receiving Ji Kongfan's answer, Jiang Yun turned around and finally turned his gaze to his soul clone.

The soul clone is also watching Jiang Yun, waiting for the opportunity to shoot.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many dead spirits, he would have gone to Jiang Yun long ago.

Jiang Yun smiled coldly, and didn't have the trouble of finding a soul clone now, so he sat down near Ji Kongfan and continued to kill the rule undead with his own Taoist realm, absorbing the power of the rule.

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came.

A supreme body exploded.

He was not self-destructing, but his body was flooded with the power of various rules, and his body was really unable to bear it and was bursting.

The death of this supreme man immediately cast a shadow over the hearts of others.

Especially the remaining few Supremes are even paler and their eyes are full of fear.

Even the supreme being who had been doing it for ten days couldn't help but shouted at the soul clones of Bingyi and Jiang Yun: "Two adults, save me, I don't want to die here!"

The soul clone ignored it, and C Yi sneered: "I saved you now, and you will still die later!"

"We can't keep carrying your burdens all the time!"

"Since you dare to come in, prepare to die here!"

Although C Yi's words are cruel, they are the truth.

This is the darkness outside the sixth floor. They don't know how many worlds there are, but it will only become more and more dangerous.

If you can't even get through here, it's even more impossible to pass later.

A look of despair appeared on the face of the supreme being who asked for help.

After dozens of breaths passed, Zhi Ge, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly roared, and all the undead spirits around him exploded.

And after he turned his head and took a deep look at Jiang Yun, he turned and walked towards the depths of the darkness.

Obviously, Zhi Ge gave up on continuing to comprehend the rules and went after the red wolf.

With Zhi Ge's departure, Bing Yi also hurriedly and secretly said to the soul clone: ​​"Gui Yi, the rich man from before is actually our boss, Jia Yi."

"He came to stop the red wolf."

"I'm afraid this stop is secretly ordered by the red wolf, you quickly follow him, no matter what he does, do your best to stop it, I'll be there later."

Zhige and Soul Clone, the number of runes on their bodies has already reached thirty-two, which is enough to enter the next world.

They stayed here in the hope of discovering the secrets of Dao Xingtiandi through comprehension of the rules.

At the same time, they are also monitoring each other!

Before Red Wolf left, Ayi followed him, but now Zhige has left again, Cyi naturally has to keep an eye on him.

However, Bingyi entered for the second time. When he came in, he hardly encountered other monks.

In addition, he was still thinking about getting revenge on Jiang Yun, so he only had sixteen runes.

Now even if he wants to chase Bingyi, he will be blocked from the seventh world and cannot do it, so he can only let his soul clone go.

The soul clone's eyes turned to Jiang Yun.

As for Bingyi's voice transmission, he had the intention not to go.

However, when he came here, he was also on the mission given by the Taoist Venerable.

If he can't complete the task, even if he devours Jiang Yun, he will probably be punished by Dao Zun or even killed when he goes back.

Therefore, in the end, he could only nod his head and said to Jiang Yun: "Jiang Yun, I'll be waiting for you in front of me, you don't want to die here!"

After speaking, the soul avatar waved its sleeves, and also shattered the rule undead beside him, chasing Zhige away.

Jiang Yun hesitated for a moment, resisted the urge to catch up, and continued to absorb the power of rules.

And Ji Kongfan's voice suddenly sounded in Jiang Yun's ear: "You have to be careful, I suspect that Bingyi deliberately separated your soul clone in order to deal with you alone!"

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