The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6989: Invitation to fight, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

At this moment, Liu Ruxia had a helpless smile on her face, and there was indeed a trace of guilt hidden deep in those eyes looking at the sky.

Through Liu Ruxia's narration, Jiang Yun finally got to know her better.

As a living being that prospered the world, he jumped out of the Guantian Palace. Although it seemed to be free, there was a thread, one end was tied to her body, and the other end was held in the hands of the Master of All Spirits. .

Therefore, she must come back to Daoxing Tiandi again, enter the game, and cut the thread, cut off all the relationship between her and Daoxing Tiandi, and also all the ties.

After being silent for a long time, Jiang Yun said softly: "Cut that thread, is it true freedom, is it the life you want?"

This sentence made Liu Ruxia's body tremble slightly, but she did not speak.

Jiang Yun did not continue to speak.

He believed that Liu Ruxia understood the meaning of his words.

For example, I can really jump out of this game long ago.

But he jumped out, what about the others?

If you leave Daoxing World, where can you go?

The outside world is indeed vast and boundless, but after all, it is not your home, not your root!

Is the reason why Liu Ruxia came back just because of a thread?

These questions, I am afraid that even Liu Ruxia herself can't figure out the answers.


At this moment, a series of explosions sounded, awakening Jiang Yun and Liu Ruxia who were in deep thoughts.

Liu Ruxia's face returned to calm and said: "The prisoner dragon can't hold it anymore."

The prisoner dragons condensed into four golden dragons according to the rules of prisoners, drawing the ground as a prison, imprisoning Zhige.

But after all, Zhi Ge was a little higher than him, and after attacking for so long, one of the golden dragons was almost unable to support it, and it was about to explode.

"How long will it take you?"

Liu Ruxia looked at Jiang Yundao.

"A quarter of an hour!" Jiang Yun's current speed of the time flow in the dream is not ten times, but twelve times.

But even so, he still needed a quarter of an hour to wait for the recombination of the five elements.

Liu Ruxia stretched out her palm towards Jiang Yun and said, "I use that bone-breaking vine seed, and I'll buy you another quarter of an hour."

Jiang Yun was quite surprised that Liu Ruxia was going to make a move, but what he couldn't understand was why she asked him for the Bone Broken Vine Seed.

A powerhouse of the same era as the Master of All Spirits, who can jump out of the Guantian Palace, or even leave the Dao Xingtiandi, should be at least the middle level of the source realm.

When Jiang Yun wanted to come, Liu Ruxia didn't say that he could kill Zhi Ge directly, but it was completely easy to entangle the opponent and delay for a quarter of an hour.

But she still needs the Bone Broken Vine Seed!

However, as strange as it is strange, Jiang Yun still took out the Bone Broken Vine Seed and handed it to the other party's hand: "Yin Jue..."

Before Jiang Yun could finish speaking, Liu Ruxia had already grabbed the Bone Broken Vine and said, "No need for a seal."

"Also, you don't have to think it's strange. Although my realm is not low, fighting is not my strength!"

When the voice fell, Liu Ruxia's figure flickered and disappeared.

At the same time, the weak voice of the tree demon sounded in Jiang Yun's ears: "Senior, will she come back?"

The Bone Broken Vine is not Jiang Yun's property, but the tree demon's!

Although the tree demon hadn't heard the previous conversation between Liu Ruxia and Jiang Yun about the treasure, but seeing that Liu Ruxia took the Bone-Bone Vine Seed, he naturally wanted to ask.

"Should be!"

Jiang Yun's consciousness also looked towards Zhi Ge and Prisoner Long, and said to Prisoner Long: "Senior Prisoner Long, a friend has helped you over there!"


As soon as Jiang Yun's voice fell, he heard a crisp sound of breaking through the air.

A bone-breaking vine that was a hundred feet long had already fallen from the sky, slashing towards Zhige!

This scene alone made Jiang Yun and the tree demon tremble!

Bone-crushing vine seed is just a seed, only Yin Jue can catalyze it, let it break out of the seed and turn into a vine.

Liu Ruxia really did not use any Yin Jue, so she easily used her own power to control the Bone Crush Vine to attack!

The tree demon took a deep breath and said, "Senior, who is this senior?"

"How do I feel that this bone-breaking vine planted in her hands is more obedient than in the hands of my ancestors!"

Jiang Yun didn't have the heart to answer the tree demon's question, his consciousness was just staring at Zhi Ge.

Zhi Ge obviously did not expect that in addition to the prisoner dragon, there is actually a strong person in this world.

Unprepared, the long Ge in his hand was actually entangled by the Bone Broken Vine.

Liu Ruxia pulled one of them hard, and the original one of the broken bone vine actually split another one, and continued to pull it towards Zhige.

At the same time, Liu Ruxia also shouted to the prisoner dragon on the side: "Don't look at him, and continue to trap him with your prison rules."

Hearing that Liu Ruxia actually said the name of the rules he had mastered, the prisoner dragon's face showed a look of surprise, but he didn't think much, and hurriedly urged several rule runes to appear again and merge into the golden dragon.

Zhi Ge was not only entangled by vines in his hand, but his arms were also entangled by vines, and the bone spurs on it were frantically squeezing away into his flesh.

The advantage of Bone Crush Vine is that the stronger the person who uses it, the stronger the power it can exert.

Although Liu Ruxia is not good at fighting with people, her realm is indeed equivalent to the middle level of the source realm, so the Bone Broken Vine plays a greater role in her hands than in Jiang Yun's hands.

However, it doesn't stop there!

With the cooperation of her and Prison Dragon, at best she can continue to hold off Zhi Ge, and she still cannot do it if she wants to defeat the opponent.

Jiang Yun, who saw all this in his eyes, felt relieved for the time being.

In the blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour finally passed, Jiang Yun also stood up, took one step, and came to the top of Zhige.

Zhi Ge stared at Jiang Yun standing in the air.

Naturally, he had already seen Jiang Yun here with his divine sense, but he never had time to deal with Jiang Yun.

Seeing Jiang Yun's arrival now, not only did he not panic, but the fighting intent in his eyes became stronger!

Don't look at Jiang Yun, Liu Ruxia and Prisoner Long have an advantage in numbers, but apart from Liu Ruxia's realm being the same as him, Jiang Yun and Prisoner's realm are both lower than him.

But Liu Ruxia can only play a supporting role.

Therefore, even if one fights three against one another, there is no fear at all!

"Give you!"

Liu Ruxia raised her hand and was about to throw the broken bone vine in her hand to Jiang Yun.

But Jiang Yun waved his hand and said, "No, please trap him for a while!"

The voice fell, Jiang Yun directly spit out a mouthful of blood, and quickly formed countless seals in his hand, submerging into the blood.

Qianjiangshui, Qianjiangyue!

Jiang Yun also knew that the team of the three of them was not a match for Zhi Ge, especially since the power of the prisoner dragon was almost exhausted.

The four golden dragons that formed the cage were all bruised and bruised, about to collapse.

Once Zhige is completely out of trouble, the three of them are still in danger.

Therefore, it is better to take advantage of the present and directly use the technique of Qianjiangshui and Qianjiangyue.

Although Jiang Yun has performed this technique more than once, he has never really performed this technique completely, and every time he finally takes it back.

But this time, he believes that he can finally see how powerful this technique can be in his hands!

And whether it is Liu Ruxia or Zhige Prisoner Long, it is not clear what kind of magical power Jiang Yun is using.

After just counting the breaths, thirty-two rivers appeared in the air!

Jiang Yun is now close to the strength of the source realm, which is his strongest state, so the power of this technique is naturally rising.

Thirty-two rivers, each with a length of 10,000 zhang, occupy almost half of the sky.

Looking at these rivers, the expressions of Zhi Ge and the three of them became solemn.

They have clearly felt the pressure released by the river.

Jiang Yun was also looking at Jiang Shui, his eyes flashed fiercely: "Thirty-two, not my current limit!"

"Flip again!"


Thirty-two rivers trembled violently, and again split into two, turning into sixty-four!


Under the tumbling river, in every river, there is a bright moon rising slowly!

In an instant, the world was shrouded in cold moonlight!

Jiang Yun's face was pale, he slowly turned his eyes to Zhi Ge, and said loudly, "Zhi Ge, are you fighting!"

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