The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6995: appears green, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"Defending the prisoner dragon?" Liu Ruxia said even more puzzled: "There's nothing wrong with him!"

"Why, do you suspect that he has other people's consciousness or soul in his body?"

Jiang Yun said softly: "I don't know, I just try to be careful."

"God nagging!" Liu Ruxia was a little dissatisfied with Jiang Yun's vague and perfunctory answer, but she did not continue to struggle with this question, but changed the question: "What is in the light?"

"Thunder!" Jiang Yun replied without hesitation: "My consciousness entered the light, and it was like a world of thunder, with endless thunder."

"The world of thunder?" Liu Ruxia then asked: "Those thunders, compared with other thunders, are there any special places."

Jiang Yundao: "There is nothing special, that is, the power contained in it should be stronger."

"Moreover, those thunderbolts have been absorbed by me, and I have given that light to the prisoner dragon again."

Liu Ruxia was silent for a moment and then said, "What kind of treasure is this?"

"Listening to your description, how do I feel that it is at best a thing that can give birth to thunder?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Perhaps, there are other special places in those thunderbolts, but I haven't discovered them yet."

"When I have time, I will study it carefully."

Liu Ruxia no longer asked, Jiang Yun had also passed through the exit.

Jiang Yun remembered very clearly that this exit was originally supposed to lead to the Supreme Realm where Mengzun was, but now he was in the yellow sand that filled the sky.

This is a world with only deserts and gusts of wind. As far as the eye can see, except for the sand, it is the gust of wind.

In the whistling of the wind, the sand was swept up everywhere, and it was swept into the sky, forming a salon connecting the heaven and the earth, which was quite spectacular.

Being in the flying yellow sand, with Jiang Yun's strength, naturally he will not be affected by these sand winds.

However, Jiang Yun can feel that the sand and wind here are far more powerful than those in other worlds.

I didn't feel anything, but if I entered here as a weak cultivator, I wouldn't be able to survive at all.

And Liu Ruxia's voice sounded again: "Have you been to this world?"

"No!" Jiang Yun can be sure that if he has been to such a unique place once, he will not forget it.

"I don't know if there are any guards here, and if there is any treasure."

In the voice, Jiang Yun has already stepped forward, randomly chose a direction, and walked towards the depths of this world.

The yellow sand and the strong wind both have some influence on Jiang Yun's consciousness, but they are not big, so Jiang Yun can still roughly see the situation in this world.

It is not difficult to see that this world is extremely barren and is not suitable for living beings at all.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Because the sand beneath him suddenly vibrated slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of yellow sand rose into the air, and it condensed into a human figure with a height of about ten feet, standing in front of Jiang Yun.

The sand man has the shape and features of a human, but there is no demonic energy all over his body.

"Sand Spirit!" Liu Ruxia reminded Jiang Yundao: "The strength is also equivalent to the source realm."

Jiang Yun was not surprised by the appearance of the sand man.

Although he entered this world for the first time, since it is connected to the Supreme Realm of the Dragon Prisoner, it must also be part of the entire vortex space.

So it is not uncommon for a strong person to sit in the town.

Even Jiang Yun suspected that there might be a treasure hidden here.

The sand man lowered his head and looked down at Jiang Yun, without waiting for the other party to speak, Jiang Yun had already taken the initiative to say: "My name is Jiang Yun, a living being of Dao Xing Tian and Earth, a disciple of Zun Gu!"

As Jiang Yun's voice fell, the sand man said in a deep voice, "How to prove that you are a disciple of Zun Gu!"

Jiang Yun didn't speak, the mark of the ancients was already revealed in the center of his eyebrows, and it bloomed directly.

The appearance of the imprint of the ancients also made Jiang Yun immediately feel that there was a force of coercion coming towards him from all directions.

Obviously, even after entering the tenth floor, the imprint of the ancients is still not allowed to appear here.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun only showed the imprint of the ancients to the sand people.

After seeing the expression on the sand man's face relaxed, Jiang Yun immediately restrained the imprint of the ancients, and said softly: "Can this prove my identity?"

The sand man took a step backwards, bowed slightly to Jiang Yun, and said, "Yes!"

"Zun Gu has explained that I am here just to kill the foreign monks who entered."

"Since you are a disciple of Zun Gu, you are naturally not within the scope of my attack, and you can travel unimpeded."

Straightening up, the sand man turned his body sideways again, obviously letting Jiang Yun pass here.

Jiang Yun didn't leave in a hurry, but looked at the sand man and said, "Is there anyone else here before me?"

"No!" The sand man shook his head and said, "You are the first creature to come here."

Jiang Yun then asked, "Then how long have you existed?"

The sand man also replied immediately: "I don't know the time, but when I was born, the sandstorm here was not so big."

Jiang Yun nodded, stopped talking, and walked forward.

Seeing that it is about to cross the sand man. Jiang Yun suddenly turned to look at him and said, "You are here. Is there any treasure?"

The sand man seemed to be stunned by Jiang Yun's sudden question.

After a moment of silence, Sha Cai nodded and said: "There is a treasure, Zun Gu asked me to guard it. I can't let the monks from outside the territory take it away."

"Then, can you let me see it?" Jiang Yun said following the sand man's words: "Don't worry, I'm just curious, I want to know what it is, and I won't take it away."

Regardless of Jiang Yun's attitude towards the sand people or the words he said, the sand people may not find it strange.

However, Liu Ruxia in the Taoist world frowned and said to herself, "I always feel that Jiang Yun has discovered something!"

The sand man was silent for a long time before he nodded and said, "You are a disciple of Zun Gu, of course you can look at that treasure."

As he spoke, the sand man's body suddenly swelled, becoming more than ten feet in size.

He squatted down, put his palm in front of Jiang Yun and said, "The treasure is hidden in the ground, there is too much yellow sand below, I will take you down."

"It's work!" Jiang Yun smiled slightly, and stepped onto the sand man's palm without hesitation.

After the sand man raised his palm flatly, he suddenly raised his foot and stomped the ground ruthlessly.


The earth didn't crack, but the sand man's huge body collapsed like a melt, turning into a ball of sand, wrapping Jiang Yun, and rolling down into the depths of the earth.

Under the protection of the sand man, Jiang Yun did not feel any discomfort.

Liu Ruxia's voice sounded again: "Why, let us see this time?"

Jiang Yun said calmly, "It wasn't me who stopped you last time, it was the prisoner dragon!"

"Hey!" Liu Ruxia let out a disdainful sneer, but didn't say anything else.

In this way, when the sand man dived for a distance of about ten thousand feet toward the depths of the earth, he finally stopped and returned to human form.

The tall body of the sand man blocked the approach of the surrounding sand.

Jiang Yun saw a ray of light floating in front of him at a glance.

From the appearance alone, this group of rays of light and the treasure guarded by the prisoner dragon are exactly the same, without any difference.

Jiang Yun didn't ask for permission from the sand man, he walked down from the palm of the other party's palm, and before reaching the light, he reached out and gently held the light.

After feeling the touch of the light, Jiang Yuncai turned his head to the sand man and asked, "Did you see anything in it while you were guarding this treasure?"

"Green!" The sand man replied honestly: "In the light, every once in a while, green will appear, many, many greens."


Jiang Yun nodded, and in the palm of his hand, the power of wood was already pouring out!

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