The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7001: All Demons Come to the World, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"Jiang Yun, you are crazy!"

In the Taoist world, Liu Ruxia sounded with a shocked voice.

The conversation between the memory division soul and Jiang Yun happened by means of sound transmission, so Liu Ruxia didn't know it.

In her opinion, Jiang Yun took the initiative to step into this battle inexplicably.

Naturally, Jiang Yun's behavior was completely incomprehensible to her.

At this time, Honglang and Jiayi had also recovered.

The red wolf looked at Jiang Yun, a complex color flashed in his eyes, but he did not speak.

On the contrary, it was Jiayi with a smile on his face: "Jiang Yun, are you sure you want to participate in this battle?"

"If I were you, I should get out of here now and find a place to hide."

Even though Jiang Yun had defeated Zhi Ge and Bing Yi successively, his strength was still not taken seriously by Jia Yi.

What's more, the three people except Jiang Yun are already exhausted and are about to run out of oil.

Even if the array map plays a role again, it is simply impossible for Jiang Yun to turn the whole battle situation around with one person's strength.

Jiang Yun did not respond to Liu Ruxia, but looked at Jiayi and said with a blank expression: "Now the land outside the law has almost become a place outside the territory. Even if I want to hide, where can I hide?"

"It's you, whether it's Shi Tiangan or Hongmeng, I heard that you have a private agreement with our Dao Zun."

"Now, you are attacking our extrajudicial land, aren't you afraid of offending Dao Zun?"

Jiang Yun's task is to delay time, so he is also happy to talk to Jiayi and the others, and at the same time, let the third brother and the others regain some strength.

Jia Yi smiled slightly and said, "You're blaming us for that."

"It's not that we want to attack the extrajudicial place, but the Taoist took the initiative to let us in. This is what we cooperate with him."

Having said that, A turned his head to look at the red wolf, pointed at Jiang Yun and said, "I know, your purpose must also include him."

"In order to avoid our internal strife, so let's talk about it first. Everyone depends on their abilities. Whoever catches him is who he belongs to, how?"

The red wolf still didn't speak, just nodded.

"Okay!" Seeing that the red wolf agreed, Jiayi didn't say much anymore, took big steps, and let out his breath, he actually walked towards Jiang Yun like this.

Jiang Yun also felt the pressure of the rolling pressure in an instant, and he was a little breathless under the pressure.

This is the horror of high-level powerhouses in the source realm. There is no need to take action at all. Just their own breath can crush the vast majority of cultivators.

Facing Jiayi who was getting closer and closer to him, Jiang Yun involuntarily took a step towards the rear, and the three Guling and ancient Xiu also took a step backwards, making the formation map run, and a force poured out, and then the Jiao The pressure from the area was shattered.

At the same time, Jiang Yun's consciousness communicated with the other three, took a deep breath, and above his body, the demonic energy rose into the sky, covering the sky and the sun, especially in the array, it was completely filled with demonic energy, and the five fingers could not be seen. .

In the demonic energy, the figures appeared as if they had walked out of ancient times.

There are huge dragons that are as long as 10,000 feet, coiling around the earth;

There are towering mountains, standing in the air;

There are ancient trees with lush branches, rising from the ground;

There is a surging and boiling flame, sweeping all around!

This is the strongest magical power of the ancient demon lineage, ten thousand demons come to the world!

Jiang Yun actually knew about the strongest magical powers of the four ancient meridians, and was able to use them. However, as a human being, he has always been used to using the heart of heaven and earth of the ancient cultivator lineage. As for the magical powers of the other three meridians, from Not performed.

But at this moment, he is replacing the identity of the ancient demon, and naturally he can only display the magical powers of the ancient demon.

Especially at this time, what he used was not only his own power, but also the power of the other three meridians and the power of the array map, so the power of this magical power was the strongest in history!

In the pervading demonic energy, all kinds of big demons all attacked Jiayi.

"Tips for carving insects!"

However, in the face of the strongest supernatural power of the ancient demon lineage, Jia Yi let out a disdain in his mouth, and under his hands, a city suddenly appeared around him.

Although this is formed by Jiayi's power, the city seems to exist in reality.

The entire city is like a cover, firmly protecting Jiayi.

All the attacks of the big monsters slammed into the city, and there was a shocking roar, as well as various angry roars.

At first, the city was standing still, as majestic as a mountain, but as more and more monsters attacked and collided, the city began to shake slightly, and the blue bricks were also damaged.

In short, after the attack of Ten Thousand Demons lasted for a full quarter of an hour, the city surrounded by Jia finally couldn't hold on, and collapsed suddenly.

But there are only dozens of big monsters left.

With a grinning smile on his face, under the wave of his sleeves, rays of light shot out, like sharp arrows, easily piercing all the big monsters, making the big monsters also disappear without a trace.

Even though the magical powers of Myriad Demons were successfully deciphered by Jiayi, Jiayi had a pale complexion, and at this moment there was no trace of blood.

And he also said to Jiang Yun: "Your array map is indeed powerful, and your so-called ancient four veins are also quite powerful."

"If it is the four real ancient four veins of the middle level of the source realm, plus this array map, I am afraid that it is possible to kill me here."

"But unfortunately, the four of you are like a rabble. If you want to suppress us with this map, you can only say that you are daydreaming."

"I heard that your physical body is very strong. It just so happens that I am also a half-body cultivation."

"Come on, let me see how strong your body can be with the blessing of this array."

As soon as the words fell, Jiayi stopped walking towards Jiang Yun, but stood there, raised his fist, and smashed towards Jiang Yun.

Jiayi's fist slid across the air, and there was a sound of sonic boom, which shook Jiang Yun, blood flowing.

Under the frantic operation of the array, it was clearly visible that a large amount of light poured into Jiang Yun's body from the bodies of Gu Ling, Gu Xiu and Xuanyuan Xing.

Jiang Yun also raised his fist and met Jiayi's fist.


Under the impact of their fists, Gu Ling, Gu Xiu and Xuanyuan Xing suddenly swayed violently, staggering back towards the rear, everyone's mouth overflowed with donated blood, and their expressions became sluggish.

As for Jiang Yun, his huge body fell directly to the ground, just like the previous Master Xiaoyu, lying there, his chest undulating slightly, his seven orifices bleeding, obviously he was severely injured.

For a while, he couldn't stand up, even with his blood oozing eyes, looking at the broken sky, his realm returned to its original state.

"Jiang Yun, what's wrong with you!"

Within the Taoist realm, Liu Ruxia's anxious voice sounded.

In addition to worry, Liu Ruxia also felt a little strange.

When Jiang Yun dealt with Bingyi before, he easily defeated him.

Although Bingyi was seriously injured at that time, Jiang Yun's realm did not improve.

But now, Jiang Yun has improved his realm and is blessed with the power of the array map, but he was beaten so badly by Jiayi.

"It feels like this kid doesn't seem to show his true strength."

"It's just that, under such circumstances, he still hides his strength. Is it because he thinks he didn't die fast enough?"

Jiang Yun did not respond to Liu Ruxia's words, and in his eyes, the figure of Jiayi had already appeared.

Jia Yi looked down at Jiang Yun from a high position, turned to look at the red wolf, and said with a smile: "Red wolf, according to our previous agreement, he is mine?"

Ever since the Red Wolf defeated Gu Ling, he hadn't shot again.

Hearing Jiayi's words at this moment, he also did not respond.

Jia Yi reached out and grabbed Jiang Yun.

But at this moment, in all directions of this broken world, light spots suddenly appeared one by one!

Each light spot seems to be inconspicuous, but the moment they appear, it seems to make time stand still.

Red Wolf, Jia Yi, the eyes of these two powerhouses, looking at these light spots, also lit up.

Liu Ruxia's voice sounded in Jiang Yun's ears again: "Are these treasures?"

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