The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7003: speak for him, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Although Red Wolf and Jiayi have already guessed the relationship between the Master of All Souls and the Supreme Treasure, they are not completely sure.

After all, everything they know is based on speculation.

This kind of speculation is naturally not a wild imagination.

But after many investigations and a long period of time, based on the scattered clues collected, it was speculated little by little.

Since they came to Daoxing Tiandi, they have searched almost all the places in Daoxing Tiandi.

In the case of nothing, the ultimate goal is fixed in this vortex space.

But even so, they did not have the slightest evidence to determine whether their guesses were true.

However, at this moment, the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits actually admitted that he was the biggest secret, causing Honglang and Jiayi to look at each other involuntarily.

Jiayi also immediately secretly said to the red wolf: "Whether what he said is true or not, you and I should fight for each other according to our strength."

"Whoever grabs it first will have it, how?"

The red wolf nodded silently, his body was slightly arched, ready to shoot.

What the treasure is and what it does, I am afraid that other than the Master of All Souls, no one else can know.

But whether it was Red Wolf or Jiayi, before they set off into the vortex space, they were told the importance of the treasure.

The treasure may be able to explain why Daoxing Heaven and Earth are completely different from other Heaven and Earth.

Or maybe, hidden inside, the cultivator took the last step and achieved the key to detachment from the strong.

In short, in front of the treasure, everything else, even Jiang Yun, has become no longer important.

If they can grab the treasure and bring back their respective forces, the benefits to them are unimaginable.

As for whether the two of them might not be able to grab the treasure, it would be dangerous, but the two of them didn't care at all.

Although they are only clones here, considering that their mission this time is to explore the secrets of Daoxing the world, for this treasure, even the strength of the clones is incomparably powerful.

Even if it is placed outside the entire domain, it can still be ranked first.

More importantly, even though the Master of All Souls and the Treasure are integrated into one, and the aura emanating from them is extremely powerful, there is still a slight gap compared to them.

Therefore, in their view, the treasure is already within easy reach.

The only thing they need to guard against is not to let the treasure fall into the hands of the other party.

In the face of the red wolf and Jiayi, who are eyeing tigers, how could the master of all spirits not know their thoughts.

However, he was also not afraid, and a long smile came out of his mouth.

In the laughter, his figure was also infinitely taller, until it reached a height of ten thousand zhang, looking at the red wolf and Jia together: "It seems that today's events are nothing more than two endings."

"Either you will stay with me forever, or I will be taken away by you!"

"Not much nonsense. I've heard the names of the two for a long time, and I haven't had a chance to ask for advice. Today, I can finally get my wish."

The voice fell, and the Master of All Spirits had already taken the lead.

A mist condensed from the rules that covered the sky and the sun gushed out of his body, wrapping himself and the Red Wolf Armor.

In Jiang Yun's ear, the voice of the Master of All Spirits also sounded: "Fourth, I may not be the opponent of the two of them, so now I use this fog to trap them as much as possible, you quickly bring Get the others out of here."

"There is nothing serious about them, but they have the regular runes I entered in their bodies, and they are temporarily confused."

"You can control them with the imprint of the ancients, absorb the regular runes in their bodies, and wake them up."

"In addition, there is a complete map of this place in the soul of the third child. Following the map, you can leave here."

"After you leave, I will close this place again, even if I can't trap them forever, at least I can trap them for a while."

"Hopefully, we still have a chance to meet again."

The voice transmission of the Master of All Spirits will no longer sound here.

Jiang Yun turned his head slowly, and looked at the third senior brother and others not far away.

Including the real person Xiaoyu, the four of them are now like sculptures, that is, they are standing or lying there quietly, motionless.

In his eyes, there is still an empty space, and there is no reaction at all to everything that is happening around.

Jiang Yun's consciousness swept through their bodies, and after confirming that there was nothing serious about them, he turned his attention to the thick fog in front of him.

This fog, just like the rays of light from the treasures before, shone with countless regular runes. With Jiang Yun's eyesight and consciousness, he couldn't see the situation inside at all.

In fact, he couldn't even hear the voice inside.

It was as if the broken world in the mist and the broken world he was in were two different spaces.

Since he couldn't see it, Jiang Yun didn't try to force it, but withdrew his gaze, looked up at the broken sky, and asked Liu Ruxia in a soft voice, "Once the master of all spirits, he has strength. How strong?"

Liu Ruxia was also unable to know the situation in the fog, and was frowning thinking about something.

Hearing Jiang Yun's question, she was silent for a while before answering: "I don't know, because he and Dao Zun need to guard against each other, so no one has exposed their true strength."

"According to my speculation, he should only be in the Supreme Realm back then, and he is definitely not as powerful as he is now."

"However, it's pointless for you to ask these now!"

"It's been so many years."

"He is not affected by reincarnation here, and now he is integrated with the treasure. It is normal for him to improve his strength."

"Boy, you should know, what exactly is that treasure?"

"Why can it be split into countless light groups, and can be merged into one, and it can be merged with him?"

Jiang Yun was also silent for a moment and said: "I only have a rough guess about the treasure, but I'm not sure yet, so I won't tell you for the time being."

Without waiting for Liu Ruxia to express his dissatisfaction, Jiang Yun continued: "Ask again, do you think the current Master of All Souls is the same as the former Master of All Souls in terms of character?"

This question made Liu Ruxia think for a while before answering, "It's not the same!"

"The Master of All Souls in my memory is a bit arrogant and even inhuman."

"It is also extremely decisive to act. Once something is determined, if it does not achieve the goal, it will not give up, and to achieve the goal, it will be unscrupulous."

"However, you can also see that he is not the former master of all spirits, but only has the memory of the past."

"Besides, it's the same sentence. After so many years, he should have developed his own independent consciousness, so it is normal for him to have some changes in his personality."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun suddenly laughed and said: "You seem to be talking for him all the time, which makes me a little curious, what is the relationship between the two of you!"

"No way!" Liu Ruxia denied immediately, "What I said is the truth."

"What relationship can I have with him, I have said it all, I came back this time just to take what belongs to me."

Jiang Yun followed Liu Ruxia's words and said, "Have you sensed yours?"

"I sensed it!" Liu Ruxia was silent for a while before replying, "It's on him."

"Oh!" Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Then it might be troublesome if you want to take your things."

"Also, I can't help you anymore, because, I'm leaving!"

"Let's go?" Liu Ruxia said in surprise: "You leave him alone?"

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand with difficulty to support his body and said, "He let me go!"

"Just leave when he asks you to go?" Liu Ruxia's voice became louder involuntarily: "If you leave, he will surely die!"

"Jiang Yun, I know, you must have trump cards."

"If you join forces with him, even if it is not the opponent of the Red Wolf and the others, it should be no problem to escape."

"As a disciple, under no circumstances can you leave your master alone at this time!"

Jiang Yun raised his head and looked at the mist in front of him: "Do you know why I asked you these questions?"

"He and my master are different, completely different!"

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