The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7017: an empty bottle, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"Jiang Yun!"

Seeing Jiang Yun, the face of the soul clone showed an incredible color.

He really did not expect that he would meet Jiang Yun in this world.

Immediately afterwards, the disbelief on his face was replaced by excitement!

He really wanted too much to swallow Jiang Yun, to replace Jiang Yun and become a complete real life!

At this moment, Jiang Yun not only appeared in front of his eyes, but he and Jiang Yun were the only two in this world. For him, this was a rare opportunity!

The soul clone waved his sleeves, and the picture scroll suspended above his head had turned into a ray of light and submerged into his body.

And he immediately stood up, took one step, and appeared in front of Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun was naturally not surprised by the sudden appearance of the soul clone.

After Liu Ruxia helped him renew the relationship with the soul clone, Jiang Yun was able to sense the specific location of the soul clone.

The soul clone grinned at Jiang Yun and said, "Jiang Yun, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time!"

Jiang Yun looked at this soul clone that belonged to him, but now has no resemblance to himself except for its appearance, and nodded calmly: "You said what I wanted to say!"

Because of the departure of the soul avatar, Jiang Yun was trapped in the human realm. It had been too long for him to break through.

Only by fusing his soul clones and making his own soul complete can Jiang Yun truly enter the realm of Yin and Yang, and he can fight against the powerhouses in the realm without resorting to the combination of the five elements.

The soul clone sneered and said: "Okay, today there will be only one of us left!"

The voice fell, and the soul clone couldn't wait to raise its fist and attack Jiang Yun first.

Although the soul avatar has been regarded as an independent existence, and worshipped Dao Zun, now the realm has been raised to the original realm by Dao Zun.

However, his way of shooting and other habits are still influenced by Jiang Yun's deity, which is similar to deity.

Therefore, he came up to attack Jiang Yun with the flesh.

Jiang Yun also motivated the origin of the five elements and combined them together.

When Jiang Yun and the Master of All Souls fought before, because of Liu Ruxia's help, his false Yin-Yang Dao Realm did not last long.

Almost as soon as it was running, it was scattered by him.

Therefore, at this moment, he can still use the false yin and yang realm to deal with the soul clone.

The origin of the five elements was instantly combined.

Jiang Yun also raised his fist and met the fist of the soul clone.

In this first fight, both of them knew very well that they wanted to test the general strength of each other.

And when the two fists collided together, feeling the power pouring out of the fists of the soul clone, Jiang Yun's brows couldn't help but wrinkle.

Jiang Yun used pure physical power.

He thought that the same should be true of the soul avatar.

But it was only now that he discovered that the soul clone was using countless kinds of messy power mixed together, and it had nothing to do with the power of the body at all.

However, this messy power is also extremely powerful.


The earth-shattering sound of the impact came, and Jiang Yun's figure stepped back. Above the fist, the bones were cracked, and even the arm was slightly deformed by the beating.

But the soul avatar is standing in the same place, not moving at all!

This made the soul avatar suddenly have greater confidence, and said with a grin to Jiang Yun: "You have this little strength, and you are not worthy of being my deity."

"The identities of the two of us should be adjusted to be the most appropriate."

Jiang Yun shook his fist and said expressionlessly: "Someone told me before that you actually have no strength at all."

"I didn't understand what was going on at the time, but now I finally know that all the power you have comes from Dao Zun and Dao Xingtiandi!"

"You are like a bottle. Dao Zun pours his power into your body. As much as you pour, you have as much power as you can."

"Once you've used up these powers, you'll be an empty bottle..."

"Shut up!" Before Jiang Yun could finish speaking, the soul clone roared in anger, interrupting Jiang Yun's words.

Because what Jiang Yun said is the truth!

All the power of the soul clone comes from Dao Zun, and it has nothing to do with him.

Dao Zun gave him the power of the source realm, and he is the powerhouse of the source realm.

Dao Zun gave him the power of the Supreme Realm, and he is the powerhouse of the Supreme Realm.

It's not that he can't practice, and he can't really have power.

However, he is only a wisp of Jiang Yun's soul, and even if he has a physical body, it is impossible to cultivate to such a profound realm.

Because no matter what type of cultivator, his body and soul must complement his cultivation.

Once the cultivation level exceeds the load that the body and soul can bear, the body and soul will collapse.

Like Dongfang Bo, who stayed at Di Zun at the beginning, he was still half of his soul. After being forcibly promoted to the realm of pseudo-exaltation by Di Zun in a short period of time, he may collapse at any time.

Not to mention the soul of the soul clone.

Dao Zun may have a way to change the situation of the soul clone, but it will definitely take a long time and a great price.

And Dao Zun obviously didn't want to do this, so he simply gave the soul clone a shortcut to quick strength!

Soul clone himself, of course, is more aware of this.

This is why he desperately wants to devour Jiang Yun and replace Jiang Yun!

The soul avatar glared at Jiang Yun and said, "I wanted to play with you for a while, but now I don't have that interest."

"Just let you see what real power is!"

As the voice of the soul clone fell, a picture scroll flew out of his body!

The picture scroll was suspended in the air and unfolded little by little at an extremely slow speed!

Although Jiang Yun didn't know what the picture scroll was, when the picture scroll was only about an inch in size, he could already feel an incomparably heavy and vicissitudes of life emanating from it.

So much so that Jiang Yun felt that what he was facing at the moment was not a picture scroll at all, but a vast and endless world!

"Daoxingtian map!"

At the same time, Liu Ruxia's solemn voice sounded in Jiang Yun's ear: "This is a magic weapon in the hands of Dao Zun."

"It is said that this Daoxingtian map is a reduced Daoxingtiandi!"

"One of the reasons why the Master of All Souls was jealous of Dao Venerable was this map of Dao Xingtian."

"However, your soul clone should not be holding the real Daoxingtian map."

"After all, the Daoxingtian map is too precious, and it is unlikely that Dao Zun will give it to your soul avatar to carry."

Jiang Yun didn't find it strange that Liu Ruxia knew the map of Daoxingtian, but he never thought that the Master of All Spirits would be afraid of this map.

It is conceivable that this picture, even if it is just a fake, must be extremely powerful.

Jiang Yun didn't have time to ask how to deal with this picture, the eyebrows were already split, and a yellow spring rushed out, surrounding his own body, slowing the flow of time.

And his hands formed countless seals extremely quickly, until the bone-breaking vine appeared in his palm!

Grasping the bone-breaking vine tightly, Jiang Yun immediately drew towards the Daoxingtian map that had already spread out a square foot.


Without waiting for the bone-breaking vine to touch the scroll surface of the Daoxingtian map, the powerful aura emanating from it has successfully prevented the falling of the bone-breaking vine.

And then, this breath turned into suction again, wrapping the bone-breaking vine, pulling it hard, and sucking the bone-breaking vine into the picture scroll.

This picture can actually swallow other things.

However, this made Jiang Yun's eyes light up, and countless lights and shadows rushed out of his body, like a picture scroll, covering the Daoxingtian map, together with the soul clone, in full motion.

Naturally, Jiang Yun wanted to bring the Daoxingtian map and soul clone into his own Dao world in turn.

This action of Jiang Yun seems to have stunned the map of Daoxingtian, so much so that it paused for a moment.

And at this moment, Jiang Yun's Dao Realm has brought it, along with the soul clone, into the Dao Realm.

The world suddenly became empty, and I am afraid that even if the Master of All Spirits came now, he would think that there was no one here.

But at this moment, a figure emerged from nothingness, looked down, smacked his mouth lightly and said, "You kid, you are too bold!"

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