The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7021: finishing touch, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

When Jiang Yun first condensed his origin Dao body, although he also attracted a lot of thunder, due to the limitations of the environment, it was not able to include the entire Daoxing world.

But at this moment, as he explained to the soul clone, this Daoxingtian map contains the entire Daoxingtiantian, so that his origin Dao body can easily summon all the thunder.

Because there are too many thunderbolts, and the area of ​​Daoxing Tiandi is too large, it will take a little time for all of them to arrive.

Under the torrential rain of thunder, the soul clone was able to persevere at the very beginning.

The shield around him didn't disappear either, but as the number of thunderbolts became more and more dense, his shield finally couldn't support it again and shattered.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the soul clone seemed to have become a paradise for thunder.

All the thunder no longer just fell on his body, but penetrated into his body along his seven orifices, even the pores.

In this way, when half a quarter of an hour passed, Jiang Yun's Lei Yuanyuan Dao Body reached the limit and slowly dissipated.

Losing the control of the original body, all the thunder, just like when it came, flew in all directions again.

However, Jiang Yun's pupils condensed slightly, his soul clone still exists!

The soul avatar curled up into a ball, the whole body was already charred black, the figure became illusory and transparent, and he fell into a coma.

As a shredded soul, the soul avatar has no physical body.

It's just that with the help of Dao Zun's power, the soul is materialized, as if it has a physical body.

Now, under such a violent thunder attack, the power in his body has been completely exhausted, and naturally he can no longer maintain his physical body.

Jiang Yun's eyes were fixed on the soul clone, and his face showed a pondering color.

The Dao has its own special rules for the integrity of the cultivator's soul.

It is not that as long as your soul is damaged, it is considered incomplete.

After all, there are not a few monks who have been injured and have lost their souls.

If as long as the soul is damaged, the realm will be stagnant and unable to continue to practice, then there will be no powerful monks.

Only when there is a part of the soul like Jiang Yun, and it does not dissipate, will the Dao think that the soul of the monk's deity is incomplete.

Naturally, Jiang Yun didn't need to fuse the soul clone, he only needed to kill it, let it completely dissipate and no longer exist, and still make his soul complete again.

This is also in line with the avenue rules.

However, now, Jiang Yun has attracted the thunder of the entire Daoxing world, but he still cannot make the soul clone dissipate. This result is beyond his expectations.

After staring at the soul avatar for a while, Jiang Yun stepped in front of the soul avatar, turned to look around, and said to himself, "No wonder, this time I won so easily!"

"It turns out that Dao Zun would not let me kill my own soul avatar!"

Although Jiang Yun always wanted to make his soul complete, after the soul avatar was captured by Dao Zun, he was completely disconnected from himself by Dao Zun and became a completely independent life.

Under such circumstances, no matter how daring Jiang Yun was, he would not dare to fuse his soul clone by swallowing it.

Who knows if Dao Zun will do anything in the body of the soul clone, thereby affecting himself.

However, it now seems that Dao Zun obviously took this into consideration, so that Jiang Yun could not completely kill the soul clone!

"This Daoxingtian map is not for the soul clone, but for me!"

At the same time as he spoke, Jiang Yun spat out the power of annihilation in his palm, and it disappeared into the body of the soul clone.

When the power of annihilation dissipated, the soul clone remained the same and did not dissipate.

Next, Jiang Yun tried several other powers, but he couldn't make the soul clone dissipate.

In desperation, Jiang Yun released his divine sense, submerged into the body of the soul clone, and checked it carefully.

Looking around, Jiang Yun found nothing.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun used his divine sense to search the memory of the soul clone again.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that the body of the soul avatar should have the power or consciousness left by Dao Zun.

Even if not to protect his safety, at least to protect the memory of the soul clone.

After all, since the soul avatar has already worshiped Dao Zun as a teacher, and Dao Zun often assigns him tasks, then he must have some understanding of Dao Zun, and even the entire Dao Xingtiandi, and knows some secrets that outsiders do not know.

However, after reading all the memories of the soul clone, Jiang Yun did not encounter any resistance.

In short, the situation of the soul avatar, just as Jiang Yun described him just now, is almost an empty bottle.

Nothing but some memories.

And those memories, if Jiang Yun had seen it a few years earlier, would indeed be helpful, but looking at it now, some things, some secrets, Jiang Yun knows even more detailed than the soul avatar!

Of course, it is not without gain.

The only and biggest gain is that in the memory of the soul clone, there is a method of how to use this Daoxingtian map.

In short, after defeating the soul clone, in addition to making his soul truly complete, Jiang Yun also obtained a fake map of Daoxingtian!

Jiang Yun pulled out the divine consciousness from the body of the soul clone, and turned to extend the divine consciousness into the distance.

This fake Daoxingtian map is very simple to control, that is, you need to leave a piece of your own consciousness at a certain position on the screen!

Just like the finishing touch when painting!

If you leave this divine sense at a specific location, you can communicate with the Dao Xingtian map anytime, anywhere, and use it for your own use!

Jiang Yun's consciousness quickly found a place to leave his consciousness.

But at a glance, it made him frown slightly.

Because this place is a place of luck in the depths of the real world boundary sea!

"The land of luck, even if it is not the residence of the old man who wrote the pen, at least it is indeed the place where the luck of the whole Daoxing world gathers."

"Dao Zun compared this position to the location of the dragon's eye, which is reasonable."

The land of luck that Jiang Yun saw in his consciousness was exactly the same as the land of luck that he had actually entered.

Even the large amount of fog filled inside is a little bit.

After Jiang Yun's consciousness circled around the land of luck, he left immediately.

Because Jiang Yun was thinking, is there any way he can refuse all this.

"Dao Zun deliberately let the soul avatar carry this picture, enter here, deliberately let the soul avatar not dissipate, and deliberately let me get this picture, it will definitely leave some traps in the soul avatar and the picture."

"It stands to reason that I should not have left my consciousness in the picture."

"But if I don't leave my consciousness, then I can't leave this picture now!"

This picture does include the entire Daoxing world, but there is no place beyond the law, no vortex space!

Jiang Yun couldn't find any other way to let him go.

Therefore, even if he knew that this picture was a trap, unless someone outside could take him out, he could only leave his consciousness behind.

More importantly, the function of this picture is also extremely useful for Jiang Yun.

In the picture, his origin Dao body can attract the thunder of the whole Dao Xingtian.

In particular, as long as he fuses the soul clone, it is almost equivalent to entering the source realm.

Combined with this picture, not to mention that he can become an invincible existence, but at least he has the courage to fight against a strong man like the red wolf.

After a long time, a helpless smile appeared on Jiang Yun's face and said: "None of these strong people are easy ones!"

"Don't play conspiracy one by one, just come to Yang Conspiracy!"

"If all my speculations are correct, it's just like when I faced the impermanence of blood. I knew that there was a trap laid by Dao Zun in front of me, and I had to jump down!"

The voice fell, and Jiang Yun's consciousness finally entered the land of luck again.

And Jiang Yun also completely cut off the relationship with that consciousness.

The next moment, the Daoxingtian map trembled slightly.

The finishing touch!

Jiang Yun has temporarily become the new owner of this picture!

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