The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7036: Dryad Skills, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The Daoxingtian map is Jiang Yun's trump card.

The thunder that Lei Yuanyuan Dao body summoned to the entire Dao Xing world alone is a huge threat to anyone.

Now that the Master of All Spirits and the tree demon have finally all appeared, and no other powerhouses will appear, Jiang Yun naturally has to use the Daoxingtian map.

However, don't look at him always comforting Xia Ruliu, saying that he has the confidence to deal with the Master of All Spirits and the tree demon.

But in fact, at this moment, his confidence is not enough.

The reason is that the Master of All Spirits actually took the red wolf.

This was beyond his expectations.

Not to mention whether the Master of All Souls can exert all the combat power of the high-level Red Wolf Origin Realm.

Even if Jiang Yun has the ability to kill the red wolf, Jiang Yun has not been able to decide whether to kill or not to kill himself.

After killing the red wolf, Jiang Yun's own psychological difficulty is second.

The key is the identity of the red wolf, it is too special.

The red wolf is the brother of a detached powerhouse, and has a pivotal position in their Dao world.

Although the one here is just a clone of the red wolf, how can Jiang Yun not see that this is definitely not an ordinary clone.

It is impossible for an ordinary clone to have nearly the same strength as the deity!

This clone must be extremely important to Red Wolf.

Therefore, Jiang Yun needs to consider, if the red wolf died in Daoxing Tiandi and in Guantian Palace, would it attract crazy revenge from that Dao world.

And even the Hongmeng was created by people from that Taoist world.

If the Taoist world retaliates and ignores the rules set by the Hongmeng, it will truly be a disaster for Daoxing Tiandi.

You will also become the sinner who will bury the Taoist world.

Can you afford such a big responsibility and crime?

But if you can't kill the red wolf, you will be tied when you take action.

Before facing Di Zun and them, I fought against them a few times and tried to protect Prison Dragon and the others as much as possible.

But in the face of the tree demon and the Master of All Spirits, if you have any scruples and reserve your shots, if you are a little careless, then you will be doomed.

Although there are concerns in his heart, with the Daoxingtian map in his hand, Jiang Yun has no time to continue thinking and choosing, and can only take a step by step.

Where Jiang Yun's thoughts moved, he shook his hand, and the entire Daoxingtian map was immediately suspended above his head, and slowly unfolded.

Looking at the Daoxingtian map, the tree demon's complexion changed slightly.

When Jiang Yun and the soul clone were fighting before, they were in the Daoxingtian map.

Later, after Jiang Yun defeated the soul clone, he avoided him on purpose, so he didn't know that the Daoxingtian map had fallen into Jiang Yun's hands.

However, in his capacity, he has naturally heard of the Daoxingtian map, and he has also heard that it is the strongest magic weapon of Dao Zun, so he can't help but be a little worried.

On the contrary, the Master of All Spirits sneered and said unsurprisingly, "You really got this picture!"

The words of the Master of All Souls made Jiang Yun's heart shudder!

I have never dared to use the Daoxingtian map, just to surprise and attack it.

Unexpectedly, the Master of All Spirits has already known.

Moreover, the Master of All Spirits looked relaxed, which meant that he might have a way to fight the Daoxingtian map.

After all, Xia Ruliu said very clearly that the Master of All Souls and Dao Zun are old enemies, and the Master of All Souls is also somewhat afraid of the Dao Xingtian map.

Then, it is very likely that he has found a way to counteract and restrain the Daoxingtian map in these years.

In this way, your odds of winning are even lower.

However, by this time, Jiang Yun couldn't control much anymore.

After the Daoxingtian map was expanded, Jiang Yun looked at the two of them calmly and said, "You two, come on!"

After speaking, Jiang Yun took the lead in stepping into the Daoxingtian map.

The Master of All Souls and the tree demon looked at each other, and the Master of All Souls smiled slightly: "Let's go together."

The tree demon doesn't know much about the Daoxingtian map, but only knows that this is an important magic weapon of Dao Zun.

But since the Master of All Souls looked relaxed, he didn't have too many scruples, and nodded with a smile: "Okay."

The two monitored each other, for fear that the other party would temporarily regret it, instead of advancing, they retreated, and they stepped into the Daoxingtian map at the same time.


Before the two of them could see the situation in the picture clearly, they had already heard the earth-shattering sound of thunder.

As the temporary owner of the Daoxingtian map, Jiang Yun naturally has the ability to decide to take guests who enter here to any region.

And Jiang Yun has already chosen a place, that is, Lei Jintian, where Lei Mu was in Shanhai Daoyu!

Within the days of Lei Ji, there is a huge sea of ​​thunder!

Originally, Jiang Yun wanted to bring the Master of All Spirits to the place where the Thunder Tire existed, but he found that there was no Thunder in that place on the Daoxingtian map, so he could only bring the two here. .

Naturally, among the thunderbolts that exist here, Jiang Yun has also joined the thunderbolts from the treasures.

The purpose is to use these thunders to make the realm of the two fall.

The source intermediate level is still not something Jiang Yun can fight against.

Hearing the sound of thunder, the Master of All Souls' relaxed expression suddenly became solemn.

At this time, he didn't care about concealing it any more, and hurriedly reminded the tree demon through voice transmission: "Be careful, once the thunder that Jiang Yun possesses, once it enters our body, it will make our realm drop a layer."


Contrary to the Master of All Spirits, the tree demon, who was still a little jealous here, heard the news, but his face showed interest: "There is such a strange thunder, then I want to see it."

As the voices of the two fell, Jiang Yun's body of Lei Benyuan had already appeared under the Dao lines on Jiang Yun's body.

With one enemy and two, and the weak against the strong, of course Jiang Yun couldn't continue to support the big, so he used the original body.

Looking at Jiang Yun's original Dao body, the Master of All Souls was stunned again, and an uncontrollable flash of envy and jealousy flashed across his face.

Although he is also the source state, but he does not have the source body.

Even in the entire Daoxing world, except for Jiang Yun, the other monks known as the source realm do not have the source body!

However, the Master of All Souls did not expect that Jiang Yun actually cultivated the origin of the Tao!

After the origin of the Taoist body appeared, no nonsense, and directly reached out and pointed at the two of them.

Immediately, the entire Daoxing world was surging, and countless thunders began to emerge from all directions, rolling towards the two of them.

Moreover, because of the improvement of Jiang Yun's realm, the strength of Lei Benyuan's Taoist body is also rising, making the speed of endless thunder gathering much faster than when dealing with soul clones.

The Master of All Souls raised his claws and was about to pat Jiang Yun's origin.

Although he captured the red wolf, this kind of seizure was incomplete. He only occupied the body of the red wolf. He could not invade the soul of the red wolf, and he could not use the magic power of the red wolf.

The most convenient is to use the power of the red wolf's body.

The tree demon on the side smiled lightly and said, "Fellow Daoist, don't be impatient."

"You don't know anything about me, so I'll let you see my skills first!"

"In this way, I believe you will have more confidence in our cooperation."

The tree demon's words surprised the Master of All Spirits.

He has already told the other party that Jiang Yun's thunder can make people fall, and he still has the confidence to deal with these thunders alone.

Could it be that his strength is really strong enough to ignore these thunders?

Between the astonishment of the Master of All Spirits, the tree demon's body suddenly swelled, and instantly turned into a giant tree with a height of ten thousand feet, standing in the sea of ​​thunder.

The endless thunder suddenly rushed towards the huge body of the tree demon.

In this scene, not to mention the Master of All Souls, even Jiang Yun's eyes were full of light, and he didn't understand what the tree demon was doing.

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