The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7038: can't take it, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Looking at the woman who suddenly appeared, Jiang Yun was secretly relieved, knowing that his helper had arrived.

Because, the woman who appeared was a goddess!

In the real domain, the three are headed.

Among the three honors, Tianzun is the most!

Even, Tianzun can completely dominate the entire real domain alone, and he can't allow the appearance of earth and human beings.

For all the monks in the real realm, the name Tianzun is like a big mountain, always pressing heavily on their hearts, making them feel breathless.

This can be seen from the look of fear on the unfamiliar monk's face.

This strange cultivator, like Prisoner Long Mengzun, was the fourth supreme being born in the real realm during a certain reincarnation in Guantian Palace, and he almost died under the siege of the three deities.

Even if his current realm has reached the source realm, even if he has not seen Tianzun for a long time.

However, when he saw Tianzun again at this moment, he didn't need to deliberately recall it at all. The dust was sealed in the depths of his soul. The memory of Tianzun has automatically emerged, and it reminded him of the fear when he was suppressed by Tianzun.

As for the reactions of others, it was different.

Ji Kongfan calmly glanced at the woman, although there was no reaction, but there was a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

Ji Kongfan doesn't know much about Tianzun.

Especially under the current situation, he doesn't know what the purpose of Tianzun's arrival, nor does he know which side Tianzun is on.

Therefore, he can only be careful.

As for the Earth Venerable and Human Venerable, after seeing the Heavenly Venerate, they were stunned for a moment, but then a smile appeared on their faces.

No matter how many reincarnations it has gone through, the three deities of the real realm are always the same.

The status of the two of them is always under the Heavenly Venerate.

Originally, they all thought that the strength of Tianzun was stronger than the two of them, but the strength was limited.

But not long ago, when the two of them were defeated by Jiang Yun, it was Tianzun who took action, sheltered them, and finally made them understand that Tianzun's strength actually far surpassed them.

However, now they are no longer supreme, but equivalent to the source realm.

Therefore, they feel that the two of them should be able to stand up!

At least, if the two join forces, they will definitely have the power to fight Tianzun.

Di Zun smiled proudly, and took the lead to say: "Tian Zun, you seem to be a little late!"

"Let's make a statement first, which side are you on?"

At this time, Tianzun, who also clearly saw the chaotic situation on the battlefield in front of him, swept his eyes across everyone, especially Ji Kongfan's body for a moment.

In the end, her eyes fell on Di Zun, and she frowned slightly: "What side am I standing on?"

"Earth Venerable, you are all cultivators of the real realm. Usually it's okay to fight within each other, but aren't there a large number of cultivators from outside the realm entering here?"

"Why do you want to kill each other here if you don't solve the monks outside the territory?"

"Haha!" Earth Zun laughed and said, "Tian Zun, this is the space opened up by Master and his old man."

"There is a master and the old man personally took action, and the monks outside the territory are basically dead. Where do we need to do it?"

"Master?" Tian Zun's face showed a half-smile but not a smile and said: "I said that your strength has improved. It turns out that you have re-identified your master and re-arranged the door and wall. It's really gratifying."

Di Zun turned his face with a stern face, and even said in a teaching tone: "Tian Zun, the master is the master of everyone."

"You are also his old man's disciple, even the eldest disciple."

"As a big disciple, you should lead by example, respect your teacher, and set an example for other disciples, instead of sneering here."

Hearing the tone of the teaching of the earth, the smile on Tianzun's face became even stronger: "Big, disciple, son!"

"You're right, good junior brother, today, the eldest disciple will come first to make a list for you..."


Before Tian Zun finished speaking, he was interrupted by a sudden loud noise.

This made Tianzun suddenly look unhappy, turned his head suddenly, and looked in the direction of the voice.

The arrival of Heavenly Venerate made Earth Venerable Human Venerable and dozens of Ji Kongfan stop fighting.

But the Prisoner Dragon and the Primordial Three Spirits, because they have no sanity, are still fighting fiercely with a large number of Ji Kongfan.

Ji Kongfan didn't kill them either. He just took advantage of the large number of clones and tried to use up their power as much as possible, thinking of keeping them alive.

But Prisoner Long and the Primordial Three Spirits were not appreciative, and they were still rambling under the siege of Ji Kongfan regardless of the situation, and they shot with all their might.

Naturally, the voice that just interrupted Tianzun's speech came from them.

Tianzun not only looked at them, but his figure had disappeared from the place.

Everyone only saw that after Tianzun's figure flashed only two times, Prison Dragon and Taikoo Sanling had their eyes closed, and both fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

The figure of Tianzun also appeared next to the ancient three spirits. He carefully looked at the strange body that merged together, and said with a chill in his eyes: "What a master!"

"In order to forcibly enhance the strength of the ancient spirits, he even used the power of rules to bind them together and wiped out their sanity!"

"In this way, even if they wake up, people are almost useless!"

Tianzun suddenly raised his head, two eyes with cold light, looked at Dizun, and said coldly: "Would you like to, I will set an example for you again!"

Facing the gaze of Tianzun, this time, the earthly Zun obediently closed his mouth, even shaking his head, not even daring to make a sound.

The strength of the prisoner dragon and the ancient three spirits is comparable to him.

However, he didn't even see how Tianzun made his move, and the two had already been knocked unconscious by Tianzun.

This is enough to show that the strength of Tianzun is much higher than he imagined, and it is naturally more than him!

Since there is no strength to back it up, how can Earth Zun dare to teach Tian Zun with the attitude just now.

He was even ready to run away.

Fortunately, at this time, Ji Kongfan suddenly opened his mouth to help him relieve the siege: "Lord Tianzun, Jiang Yun is now using his own strength to deal with the Master of All Spirits and a cultivator from the origin realm outside the realm."

"Can Lord Tianzun help?"

Although Ji Kongfan had a vigilant attitude towards Tianzun before, but through the few words Tianzun said, he could naturally judge that Tianzun and the Master of All Spirits were opposites.

Therefore, he opened his mouth, hoping that Tianzun could help Jiang Yun share the pressure.

Tianzun raised his eyebrows and said, "Where are they?"

Ji Kongfan stretched out his hand and pointed into the distance: "There should be a picture, which Jiang Yun took out."

"But for some reason, after Jiang Yun and the others entered the picture, the picture disappeared inexplicably, and we couldn't sense it!"

The Daoxingtian map actually did not disappear, it was still suspended there quietly, but it was invisible.

Jiang Yun was worried that other people would come and play the idea of ​​​​this Xingtian map, so after the tree demon and the Master of All Spirits entered, he hid the map.

As strong as Tianzun, after coming for so long, he didn't even notice the existence of the Daoxingtian map.

After hearing Ji Kongfan's words, Tianzun's gaze also turned to the direction of his finger, and said to himself, "A picture?"

"Is it Jiang Yun's magic weapon?"

But as soon as she finished speaking, her complexion suddenly changed: "No, it's the Daoxingtian map!"


As if to verify her words, the Daoxingtian map has already appeared.

Looking at this picture, Tianzun's eyes flashed a rare look of fear, and he said to himself: "How can Jiang Yun have the Daoxingtian map, is it that Daozun gave it to him?"

"You can't take this picture!"

At the same time, Jiang Yun's voice also came from the picture: "Lord Tianzun, we are inside, please come in!"

Jiang Yun knew that Tianzun was coming, so he naturally wanted her to come in to help.

Tianzun's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes swept away behind him, and he said to Ji Kongfan, "Can you trap them?"

Ji Kongfan nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Okay, wait for me to come out!"

After leaving this sentence, Tianzun took a deep look at the Daoxingtian map, and then took a step forward and stepped directly into the map!

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