The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7051: worship me as a teacher, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun was slightly startled.

At this time, the red wolf was able to speak. Could it be that he had already escaped the state of being seized by the Master of All Spirits?

Or, this is the Master of All Souls pretending to be a red wolf, trying to deceive his trust so that he can let him go.

The red wolf paused for a while, and then the weak voice sounded: "Don't worry, I am the red wolf."

"The Master of All Souls' seizure of my body is not complete. I have always maintained a sober state, but I can't regain control of my body."

"Just now you severely injured him and gave me a chance, so I took the opportunity to regain control of my body."

"As for what just happened, I already know."

"It stands to reason that I shouldn't tell you the next words."

"But I think you are a good boy, plus, this is indeed what we did wrong."

"So, even if we will become enemies in the future, or even fight to the death, at least I will tell you the truth."

"Heavenly Venerable is right, no matter what you choose, it's... Hongmeng has already decided to attack Daoxing Tiandi."

"Once he makes a decision, no one can change it."

"I and he have been brothers for many years, a life-threatening friendship."

"Even if I disapprove and support his actions, I must obey his orders."

"From now on, you must be careful of the attacks of monks from outside the territory!"

"I can't help you any more. The only thing I can do now is to return the memory of the Master of All Souls to you."

As the voice of the red wolf fell, Jiang Yun also saw a hazy light in the body of the red wolf, which quietly poured into his palm, which was the memory of the master of all spirits.

The red wolf continued: "I know, you can't bear to kill my clone, so I won't let you embarrassed."

"When you and I meet in the future, you don't need to feel any guilt for me."

"I hope you grow up quickly and look forward to fighting with you again!"


As the red wolf's voice fell, his body suddenly trembled violently, and then it exploded gently!

In order not to make Jiang Yun difficult, Red Wolf chose to commit suicide.

Watching the red wolf's body gradually turning into flying ashes, Jiang Yun silently clasped his fists with both hands and bowed deeply towards the other party.

Even if the red wolf would be an enemy, it would be a respectable enemy!

"Okay!" The voice of the leader of the Hongmeng also sounded: "Jiang Yun, Tianzun, since this is your choice, then wait for the arrival of my foreign monks!"

The voice fell, and the figures of the lord of the Hongmeng alliance and the lord of heaven finally disappeared from the Daoxingtian map!

In the Immortal Realm, the Lord of Heavenly Stem looked gloomy and looked at the Lord of the Hongmeng Alliance coldly: "Do you have a detailed plan, fellow Daoist?"

The Alliance Leader of Hongmeng smiled lightly, looked at Dao Zun and said, "Daoist friend, didn't you say before that you would help us?"

"Then, now, can you take action and cancel this game, so that our non-territorial monks can directly enter the Guantian Palace?"

"Or, you can lend us the real Daoxingtian map to use!"

The bureau where Guantiangong is located was jointly arranged by the Alliance Leader of Hongmeng and Dao Zun.

And in order to show his sincerity, the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance set up the Dao Network and the Five Elements Barrier at the beginning, and the other arrangements were made by Dao Zun.

This also makes it very difficult for the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance to break through this game alone without the consent of Dao Zun.

Dao Zun was silent for a moment, then slowly shook his head and said, "It's not that I refuse to help you, but that I can't help you!"

"You should also know that at the time of the layout, what I used the most was the power of time."

"In my current state, if I want to cancel everything I laid down at the beginning, it will consume my lifespan."

"I'm not great enough to be willing to sacrifice myself to help you!"

"As for the Daoxingtian map, it is also closely related to my Shouyuan."

"If it's a fake, it's okay to give it to you, but the real one, no!"

The Alliance Leader of Hongmeng nodded, then turned to the Lord of Heavenly Stem and said, "He is telling the truth."

After a pause, he continued: "Although we can still enter from the chaotic airspace, according to my estimation, Tianzun and the others will definitely solve the rules enforcers of my Hongmeng first and destroy the teleportation array inside."

"Even, they may send people to the Five Elements Formation to control the spirit of the Five Elements."

"Therefore, if we want to attack Guantiangong, we can only use the extrajudicial land as a springboard."

"In this regard, I believe that Ding Yi, the fellow Taoist, should be able to help."

The Lord of Heavenly Stem sneered twice: "It seems that you can't hide anything from fellow Daoists."

"Okay, then you and I are going to gather your troops now. When you are ready, let me know, and I will let you lead you into the extrajudicial land."

The extraterritorial monks can enter the extrajudicial land from the immortal world. Originally, it was the avatar of the Taoist Venerable Taigu Buling as a medium, and he personally went to the extrajudicial land, thus opening a channel.

However, when Ten Tiangan's people, especially Ding Yi, went to the extraterritorial land, they had already opened up a passage by relying on the power of his space.

Even, if it wasn't for being chased by Tianzun later, Ding Yi could open up a channel directly from the Immortal Realm to the Guantian Temple.

Therefore, the easiest way for non-territorial cultivators to enter the Guantian Palace is to enter from a place outside the law.

The Lord of Heavenly Stem doesn't mind that the people of Hongmeng take advantage of the law.

Because in that case, at least Ten Tiangan holds the initiative of the channel.

The leader of the Hongmeng didn't say anything more. He clenched his fists at the Lord of Heavenly Stem, and his figure disappeared without a trace.

The latter looked at Dao Zun who was trapped in the **** tree of stems and branches and said, "Dao Zun, what is that treasure, what is it?"

"I don't know!" Dao Zun said without opening his eyes: "That treasure was discovered by the Master of All Spirits."

"The reason why I turned against him is because he refused to tell me the secret of the treasure."

"Actually, I want to know more than you, what the treasure is!"

The Lord of Heavenly Stem doesn't believe this answer of Dao Zun at all.

However, after staring at Dao Zun for a while, he smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, it won't take long anyway, even Daoxing heaven and earth will belong to us, let alone a treasure!"

After finishing speaking, the Lord of Heavenly Stem also turned and left.

And Dao Zun closed his eyes from beginning to end, as if he really didn't care about everything.

In the whirlpool space, Jiang Yun and Tianzun finally left the Daoxingtian map.

Here, there are only three demon cultivators, Ji Kongfan, Prisoner Long, Taikoo Sanling, an unfamiliar cultivator, and Sand Zhiling, who was previously controlled by Jiang Yun's sorcery.

Earth Zun and Human Respect are unknown.

Except for Ji Kongfan who was awake, everyone else was in a coma.

Looking at the situation around him, Jiang Yun sincerely sighed again that he could really trust Ji Kongfan forever.

With the strength of one person, he actually survived the joint attack of the five primary source powerhouses, and knocked out three of them without hurting their lives.

However, it is not difficult to see that Ji Kongfan also paid a considerable price.

Ji Kongfan's whole person has become extremely old, and his body is exuding a faint sense of death.

Jiang Yun came directly to Ji Kongfan's side, stretched out his hand and gently placed it on his back, sending his vitality into his body.

Ji Kongfan waved his hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't die, I will recover after a few days' rest."

"It seems that you have already made a choice?"

Only Jiang Yun and Xia Ruliu knew about what happened after Tianzun killed the tree demon and the red wolf committed suicide, and the others did not.

Ji Kongfan saw that only Jiang Yun and Tianzun appeared, but did not see the red wolf and the tree demon, so it was not difficult to infer that the two had already made a choice.

Jiang Yun nodded, and did not hide it, and simply stated Tianzun's speculation and what happened.

After listening to Ji Kongfan, he smiled and said, "Actually, I think so too."

"Or, we don't have a choice at all."

"That's fine, at least you don't have to worry about it all day, waiting for the arrival of the monks from outside the territory!"

At this moment, Tianzun, who had never spoken, suddenly said to Ji Kongfan, "Are you interested in taking me as a teacher?"

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