The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 705: Fireball rain

Looking at the herds and humans who are rushing toward their own places, Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed a touch of color.

He is not surprised by the appearance of these people, but under his cover, he can see that these people are not monks, just mortals.

Moreover, their bodies are filled with a lot of poisonous gas, so that their faces are showing an abnormal ruddy.

However, relying on Jiang Yun’s accomplishments in the medical field, it is not difficult to judge that the poisonous gas that exists in them does not seem to have much influence on them!

What makes Jiang Yun strange is that these people’s faces are panicked and there seems to be something to chase them.

But Jiang Yun’s powerful gods, within the range of thousands of miles behind them, did not see the existence of any living things.

In the face of these people, Jiang Yun did not hide, nor did he meet, but stood still in silence, waiting quietly.

In the past, the smoke was filled, and these people had already rushed to Jiang Yun.

Although they all saw Jiang Yun, they did not have much fear, but instead revealed a kind of sympathy.

That gaze seems to be watching a dead person!

They did not stop their bodies, but accelerated their speed and rushed directly from Jiang Yun’s side.

Jiang Yun has always been on the sidelines, and it is completely certain that they are all mortal!

Even Jiang Yun has speculated about their identity.

If they have not guessed wrong, they should be human beings born in the seven layers of this prison.

After all, ordinary human beings cannot be thrown into prison, and even the monks, even if they are weak, even if they are ruined, become mortal, and more or less will leave some traces of being a monk.

There is no trace of these people.

This also explains why they don't feel uncomfortable with the poison in the air.

Because of the inheritance of generations, they have adapted to such an environment, adapted to such poisonous gas, and adapted to the existence of seven suns.

If they are brought back to other normal worlds, I am afraid that they will not be able to adapt, or even die because there is no poison in the air.

After thinking about this, Jiang Yun has a clearer understanding of the tenacity of life.

These mortals in front of us are just like the grasses that are not far away. Even if the environment is worse, there will be life as well.

Just watching these people leave like a flight, Jiang Yun’s doubts are even worse.

Because until now, I have not found any danger.

As soon as he was indulging, Jiang Yun’s body flashed and followed behind these people.

However, Jiang Yun did not use the aura, nor did he directly go to stop them, just relying on the power of the flesh, far following.

He would like to see what the group of people are avoiding.

After all, Jiang Yun is completely ignorant of the seven layers of this prison, and he is also unaware of the origin of this group of mortals.

This group of people naturally do not know the follow-up of Jiang Yun, one by one is desperately beating the monster underneath, speeding up the speed of running.

Even when they passed through the places where the trees grew, they did not stop at all, but the face showed a sorrowful color.

This makes Jiang Yun's heart more and more puzzled.

Obviously, these people are very concerned about these plants.

And they have more than 20 people. Even if they stop to pick these trees, they won't delay for too long, but they would rather give up these plants than dare to stay.

At this time, Jiang Yun finally lost patience and prepared to stop them to ask directly.

But at this moment, his ear suddenly heard a "beep" sound, looked up, a group of black crows appeared above the sky.

These crows are also flying their wings fast, flying in the same direction as the group of people.

From their fast-moving eyes, Jiang Yun also saw fear and panic.

"What are these people and crows hiding?"

With this doubt, Jiang Yun finally used the aura, and his body vacated.

And just as he just stood in the air, there was a blazing fire in the distance, and two screams were heard.

This voice, not from humans, but from two different beasts, even Jiang Yun heard the anger from these two humming sounds.

Only the direction of the sound and the direction in which the group fled are two different directions.

After hearing these two beasts, Jiang Yun’s consciousness immediately spread and clearly saw that on a flat land, there were two beasts fighting fiercely.

Originally, Jiang Yun was prepared to catch up with the group of people to ask for a clear understanding, but seeing the monsters in these two fights, he let him suddenly change his mind.

Turned back and flew toward the two monsters.

Because among the two monsters, there is a flamingo that is the size of a singer and burns with flames. The fire that had previously rushed to the sky is from this flamingo.

This flamingo is a bit like a flamingo that is cultivated by Xiajia in the turbid wilderness, or, like a demon Wuyang!

If you are fighting with a flamingo, it is a lizard with a length of three feet.

Whether it's a flamingo or a lizard, they all have strong power fluctuations.

They are not ordinary beasts, but monsters, and their strength is at least comparable to that of the Tao!

With Jiang Yun's eyesight, it can be seen at a glance that the strength of the firebird is not as good as that of a lizard.

Surprisingly, the lizard wants to escape and is unwilling to fight with the firebird.

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However, the flamingo is constantly entangled with the lizard. Once the lizard wants to escape, it opens its mouth as a fireball squirting and slamming on the lizard.

Although the fireball did not cause any harm to the skinny lizard, it made it impossible to escape, so that the angry roar of the mouth continued.

At the moment, Jiang Yun is completely confused!

Everything that appears in the seven layers of this prison is extremely abnormal.

Jiang Yun simply fell to the ground, watching the two monsters fighting each other.

As time went by, the lizards became more and more angry, and the roar of the mouth was getting stronger and stronger.

The flamingo is gradually losing its power, but its eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

To Jiang Yun's feeling, it seems that this firebird has a helping hand to come.

Suddenly, Jiang Yun frowned and turned around and looked around because he could clearly feel that the temperature that had been hot was unconsciously rising.

When he looked up, his face could not help but change.

Among the seven suns hanging above the sky, the color of one of the sun is becoming red and red, just like a man is suffocating.

Then, a loud bang of "Peng" came from the sun, and there were countless fireballs like the size of a human head. It was overwhelming and dense, just like a raindrop, pouring down toward the earth!

As the fireballs fell, the firebird's mouth suddenly sounded a scream, and the lizard's eyes showed a desperate look.

At this time, Jiang Yun finally understood everything!

The sun hanging high in the seven layers of this prison is not just a high temperature, they can also release such a terrible fireball.

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