The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7071: Show the treasure, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Just as Yi Yi rushed to Jiang Yun, in the land outside the law, Meng Lao, who was galloping wildly towards the world of the Lord of Law, suddenly saw a flower, and a beautiful woman had already blocked him.

The beautiful woman looked at Meng Lao, frowned slightly, and said, "What are you running? Could it be that there are monks from outside the realm chasing you?"

This beautiful woman is naturally a goddess!

Tianzun was looking for the location of the passage that Ding Yi opened to connect the immortal world, but he happened to find Meng Lao, who was galloping wildly.

Although Tianzun has no image of Meng Lao, but from the aura emanating from Meng Lao, it is not difficult for her to judge that the other party is a true cultivator.

And today's extrajudicial land is almost like a dead place, not even a ghost can be seen.

Now Meng Lao suddenly appeared, and he was still galloping wildly, so it aroused the curiosity of Tianzun, so he took the initiative to show up and stopped Meng Lao.

Seeing Tianzun appear, Meng Lao almost cried with joy.

He didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of the map: "In the map, a large number of monks from outside the realm suddenly attacked, preparing to enter the real realm."

"Jiang Yun blocked them alone and asked me to find Lord Tianzun."

As soon as Meng Lao's words fell, a flower flashed in front of him again, and he had already lost the figure of Tianzun!

Meng Lao stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat off his face, hurriedly turned around, and flew back in the direction of the array.

In the array, seeing Yi Yi rushing towards him, Jiang Yun, together with his two origin Dao bodies, immediately gave up and continued to attack other monks outside the territory, and flew into the distance.

Jiang Yun was quite apprehensive about Karma, knowing that he had no way to fight it, so naturally he wouldn't rush to confront Yi Yi.

Yiyi used the fire of karma to burn himself. Although the Thunder in the Treasure was temporarily unable to let his cultivation realm fall, his state was also extremely painful, and he was unable to exert his full strength.

Therefore, seeing Jiang Yun avoiding the battle, he did not continue chasing Jiang Yun, but instead said to Feng Can: "Feng Daoyou, you and I work together to escape from here first!"

Feng Can squeezed out a word between his tightly clenched teeth: "Okay!"

Although Yiyi and Feng Can were not in danger for the time being, how could the two of them not see that this time their plan to attack the True Domain had already been considered a failure.

There are more than 20,000 monks outside the territory, and there are only more than 2,000 people left, and all of them are still struggling, resisting the sound of Jiang Yun's heart beating, and someone will die at any time.

Even if Jiang Yun escaped now, with their numbers and strength, it would be almost impossible to conquer the entire True Domain.

Therefore, instead of continuing to fight with Jiang Yun here, it is better to leave quickly and turn to the Immortal Realm first.

Tell other monks from outside the realm about their experience this time, and then gather their strength to attack the real realm for the second time.

With Feng Can's promise, Yi Yi's figure suddenly rose into the sky.

From a distance, his body burning with karmic fire looks like a black flaming bird, heading straight for the sky.

Feng Can also raised his hand and moved towards his body again and again.

Just saw that on his golden armor, a golden light soared, condensed into a golden palm, followed by Yi Yi, and also rushed towards the sky.

Jiang Yun naturally also saw that the two wanted to leave their Taoist realm.

With the strength of these two, once they really attacked the sky, they would easily shatter the sky and leave the Dao Realm.

However, Jiang Yun did not know that they had the intention of retreating, and had given up attacking the real realm, preparing to return to the immortal realm.

As Jiang Yun thought about it, if the two of them left the Taoist realm and entered the real realm through the channel opened by Ding Yi, it would still bring endless threats to the real realm.

Of the two powerhouses in the source realm, one is still a high-ranking person. No matter how strong Tianzun is, he can only deal with one, and the other is completely invincible in the real realm.

Or, these two hide their auras and find a place to hide.

In the huge real estate, I am afraid that even if it is Tianzun, it will not be easy to find these two.

Therefore, Jiang Yun must continue to keep the two in his own Dao world.

Immediately, the two Origin Dao Bodies used all their strength to summon as many Dao Thunders and Dao Fires as possible, and rushed towards the two of them in unison.

Jiang Yun's deity no longer avoided the battle, but waved the bone-breaking vine in his hand, and also entangled the two of them.

At this time, the voice of the old man in charge of the pen resounded in Jiang Yun's ears again: "Hold on for a while, and Tianzun will be here soon!"

This sentence, for Jiang Yun, was like a reassurance pill.

As long as Tianzun comes, he and Tianzun join forces, not to mention that they can be killed, but they can definitely prevent these two from entering the real domain.

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of earth-shattering explosions continued to sound.

It was the thunder of the avenue and the fire of the avenue, which slammed into the palm of Feng Can's golden light.

Jiang Yun didn't know what kind of avenue Feng Can practiced, but the golden palm seemed to be indestructible.

More than half of the thunder of the avenue and the fire of the avenue, under such a violent impact, were not able to destroy the palm of the hand, and the palm continued to rush towards the sky.

Although the broken bone vine also wrapped around Yi Yi's feet, but before Jiang Yun could exert his strength, the karmic fire on Yi Yi's body had quickly spread to the broken bone vine, and rushed towards Jiang Yun along the broken bone vine.

Jiang Yun could only helplessly let go of the broken bone vine.

"Boom, boom!"

Immediately afterwards, there were two loud bangs.

Yi Yi and Feng Can's golden palms have already hit the sky one after another.


Blood spurted out of Jiang Yun's mouth, and a huge hole was directly punched in the sky, revealing the array outside!

Yi Yi, who was near the entrance of the cave, glanced at the formation map, then glanced at Jiang Yun again, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and finally understood: "This is actually inside your body!"

Although I understand this, since the gap has been made, Yiyi will naturally not turn his head and deal with Jiang Yun, but raise his feet and prepare to leave the Taoist world first.

Feng Can also took a deep look at Jiang Yun, and his body also quickly rose up and flew towards the gap in the sky.

Seeing that the two were about to rush out of the Taoist world, Jiang Yun suddenly said aloud: "The treasure you want is on me."

This sentence, as if with supreme magic power, suddenly stopped Feng Can and Yi Yi's figures, and the four eyes fell on Jiang Yun's body in unison.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's seven orifices are gurgling out blood, his complexion is extremely pale, his body is also shaky, and he may fall from the air at any time.

No way, all the power of Yiyi and Feng Can's attack was equal to hitting Jiang Yun's body and soul, which made his condition worse to the extreme, and he was even in danger of falling.

But even so, Jiang Yun still showed the biggest temptation of the treasure, thus attracting the two to stay.

Moreover, in order to prove that what he said was true, he even stretched out his palm tremblingly.

As if knowing Jiang Yun's purpose, the treasure voluntarily flew out of Jiang Yun's body and landed on his palm.

And although Yiyi and Feng Can saw this treasure for the first time, they didn't know what the treasure looked like and what it did.

However, sensing the strong aura of the Great Dao from the treasure, it is not difficult for them to judge that it is indeed a treasure.

At this moment, the two hesitated!

They don't actually have any hatred for Zhenyu and Jiang Yun.

Whether it was the first group of non-territorial monks who died, or the extra-territorial monks they led this time, they had nothing to do with them.

They risk their lives, are willing to enter the land outside the law, and are willing to attack the real realm, for the sake of treasure!

But now, the treasure is right in front of them, and Jiang Yun is so weak, for them, the treasure is just at their fingertips.

Therefore, after the two looked at each other, they didn't need to think about it at all, and immediately rushed towards Jiang Yun in unison.

At this moment, an angry voice suddenly came from outside the Taoist realm: "Jiang Yun, put away your Taoist realm!"

Lord, it's finally here!

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