The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7075: Kill a bunch, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

This statement given by Dao Rang made Jiang Yun's complexion suddenly change!

If you use your own Dao Realm to let all the living beings in the Dao Xing Tian and Earth live, doesn't you mean that you have become a new Dao Venerable?

Although you can sacrifice your life for the people you want to protect, but to let yourself use your life to protect the entire Dao Xingtian life, you really can't be so selfless.

"Hahaha!" Seeing the change in Jiang Yun's complexion, Daorang couldn't help bursting out with a burst of laughter: "You don't have to be so nervous!"

"What I said is yours - Daojie!"

"In the world of Dao, there is no such problem between Dao Zun and you."

"If other Dao worlds are also conscious, wouldn't they also kill all the creatures living in them."

"In that case, in this world, apart from the world, there will be no other types of creatures."

"The real Dao world, of course, all spirits will absorb everything from it, but because there are enough Dao cultivators among all spirits."

"Dao Xiu will also feed back their own vitality and so on to the Tao world where they live."

"In this way, the relationship between Wanling and Taoism is no longer one party's request and one party's giving, but can give to each other and rely on each other, so they can coexist."

Jiang Yun finally realized: "That is to say, the reason why Dao Zun's lifespan is reduced, in fact, the fundamental reason is that Dao revitalizes the world, not the Dao world, and there is no Dao of his own."

"Not bad!" Dao Rang put away his laughter and said, "Dao is good, very good!"

"Although I dare not say that the Dao is the only truth in this world, the only way to practice, but as a Taoist and Taoist world, at least you will not encounter the situation of your Taoxing the world."

"And as a Taoist, you already have your way of protection."

"Then, provide your Taoist realm to ten thousand spirits to live in. Perhaps those living beings who are alive now are not willing to give up their original path of cultivation."

"But among their descendants, there will be more and more creatures who are influenced by your Dao world, and thus embark on the road of Dao cultivation and join the ranks of Dao cultivation."

"Judging from your current state, you should be able to live to the day when those Taoist practices will feed you back."

Jiang Yun found that this soil is not only conscious, but also very good at joking.

What do you mean you should be able to live!

The growth of a monk, whichever is not at least, takes hundreds of thousands of years.

Especially the further you go, the more difficult it is to practice. It is not uncommon for 10,000 years to 100,000 years. What if you can't live?

"Okay!" Dao Rang's voice suddenly became serious: "What I said just now is nothing more than a reminder to you."

"And those issues, you don't need to think about them for the time being."

"Because the situation you are facing now is far more urgent and dangerous than the end of Dao Zun's lifespan."

"According to your words, since the monks from outside the territory have already made up their minds to attack you, then with your strength, you don't have to wait until the day when the Dao Zun's lifespan is exhausted, and you will be gone."

"On the contrary, Dao Zun may live longer than you."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "What senior said is very true."

"But even if we know this fact, we Dao Xingtian and earth creatures have no time to improve our strength."

"I don't know, is there any way senior can help us?"

Jiang Yun didn't care about the role of Dao Rang in nurturing the Dao.

What Jiang Yun really cares about is that Dao Rang was able to make the thunder that he summoned before, all of them have the ability to bind the realm of monks outside the realm.

If Dao Rangken once again came to help when the monks from outside the realm attacked the real realm again, it would be a big help to the real realm.

What's more, Dao Rang, as the treasure that nurtured the Dao, probably not only has such a little ability.

Doyang responded, "That's why I brought you into me alone."

"I was not born in your Daoxing world, but in any case, the reason why you Daoxing heaven and earth are facing the current situation has something to do with me."

"Therefore, of course, I will try to help you as much as possible, and it can be regarded as some compensation for you."

"However, I don't have a body, so I can't shoot directly, I can only rely on Dao Xiu to shoot."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun understood why Daorang didn't help the Master of All Spirits before.

Because the master of all spirits is not a Taoist cultivator!

Dao Rang continued: "Furthermore, my main role is to nurture the Dao, and all my strengths are also provided to various Dao."

"If I want to divide my strength, I need you to provide me with strength first."

Jiang Yun said inexplicably: "How to provide it, and what kind of power does the senior need to supply?"

"Dao!" Dao Rang explained: "Dao meaning, Dao strength, Dao thought, and everything related to Dao can provide me with strength."

Jiang Yun pondered for a moment and then frowned and said, "How much power does the senior need?"

"If it's not too much, then after I return to the real realm, I will gather all the Taoist practices together."

Jiang Yun is very clear that in Dao Xingtiandi, there are very few things related to Dao.

The real Dao cultivators are probably only those cultivators who remained in the original Shanhai Dao domain.

As for those who walked out of the Shanhai Dao domain, including myself, they could not be regarded as pure Dao cultivation, and I am afraid they would not be able to provide enough strength for Dao Rang.

"All Dao Cultivators?" Dao Rang laughed again and said: "All the Dao Cultivators of Dao Xing Tian and Earth put together, the power they can provide me is not as good as an extraterritorial Dao Cultivator in the Immortal Realm."

Jiang Yun's brows furrowed even tighter and he said, "Outer Territory Dao Xiu?"

"Outside the territory, how can we provide enough strength for the seniors?"

Dao Rang laughed and said: "It's very simple, as long as you kill them in your Dao world, I will be able to gain their power and help you in turn!"

Jiang Yun's heart suddenly moved!

I just killed nearly 10,000 foreign monks in the Taoist realm. Their blood, and even their lives, were left in their Taoist realm. They should have been obtained by Dao Rang, so Dao Rang was able to help him in the end. .

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Yun said solemnly: "I understand!"

"When the foreign monks come to attack us again, I will let them provide enough strength for the seniors."

Daorang said: "In that case, I'm afraid it's too late!"

"I absorb those powers, it will take some time."

"It's not that I underestimate you. Once the foreign monks really attack you, I doubt whether you will be able to hold out until I make a move!"

There was a flash of light in Jiang Yun's eyes and he said, "What do you mean by senior?"

Daorang said indifferently: "Now, you have repelled two consecutive rounds of attacks by the monks from outside the territory, and you should be able to buy some time."

"Therefore, you can go to the Immortal Realm and kill a group of extraterritorial monks before the extraterritorial monks attack the real domain again."

"Even, when your strength is stronger, I can let you go directly to other Taoist realms!"

Jiang Yun was silent for a while, then nodded slowly and said, "Okay!"

In fact, Jiang Yun faintly felt that the purpose of Dao Rang's letting himself go to the Immortal Realm, or even other Dao Realms to kill monks outside the realm, should not be just to help Dao to rejuvenate the world.

But the cultivator outside the territory should be killed, so he deliberately pretended not to know.

"By the way, the senior just said, I need help with something, I don't know, what is it?"

"It's nothing!" Dao Rang said with a smile: "I thought about it, your strength is still a little weak now, so when you are stronger, I will ask you for help!"

"Okay, the battle outside is over, I'll send you out!"

When the voice fell, Dao Rang didn't give Jiang Yun time to react at all, and sent Jiang Yun out directly.

Jiang Yun saw his own body in an instant, and only felt that someone pushed him heavily behind his back, causing him to pounce directly into his own body.

The next moment, Jiang Yun suddenly opened his eyes, rolled over and sat up.

Ahead, Tianzun and Feng Can, the battle of Yiyi has indeed ended.

Tianzun stood there alone, Yiyi and Feng Can disappeared without a trace.

However, in front of Tianzun, there is an extra tree!

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