The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 710: Flamingo natural enemies

Jiang Yun is completely ignorant of the situation in the reincarnation cave, but he never imagined that there would be a living being in this reincarnation hole.

Although this is beyond the expectation of Jiang Yun, he is not flustered.

Because this reincarnation hole is not a forbidden place, it can even be regarded as a blessed land for all prisoners in prison.

Naturally, this creature, despite its strong breath, should not attack a prisoner like himself, nor threaten his own life.

However, this unexpected discovery is to make Jiang Yun's heart move.

"Is it true that this creature can get rid of the poison in the monk?"

"And, the reason why the firebird is always very disgusted with the reincarnation hole, is it possible, and because of the existence of this creature."

"If it is, then whether it is a human or a demon, it is probably a hostile relationship between it and the Firebird!"

With the emergence of these thoughts, Jiang Yun's gaze is also deeply in the depths of the cave.

Although the cave is dark, it is not enough to stop Jiang Yun’s line of sight.

So that he can clearly see that the terrain inside the cave is not flat, but gradually slopes downwards, showing a certain slope.

In other words, this turn hole should be underground.

Jiang Yun did not rush to enter the depths of this reincarnation hole, even in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, even the gods did not dare to spread in, just a few glances and regained their gaze.

Then, his **** swept the soft car and found a young man with a closed, pale face lying in the car.

The man's bare skin is on the outside, and there is a trace of blackness that swims like a snake. As Jiang Yun guessed, the gas in the body is saturated.

Although the man is now unconscious and unconscious, his face is still covered with dry tears.

Obviously, he should know the fact that his guards have all died!

Jiang Yun does not know how to do it in order to get rid of the poison gas.

Coupled with the existence of the creature in the cave, he did not dare to act rashly. He could only take back the gods from the man's body, and his eyes would look back to the world where the fire was still pouring out. The heart could not help but secretly marvel.

Although the temperature outside is high and scary, there is no way to enter this hole.

A hole is just like two different worlds.

Seeing that the fireball is about to end, Jiang Yun hesitated, stepping out of the reincarnation hole and continuing to engulf the flame.

It was not until the flames were all extinguished that he returned to the turning hole.

When he just entered the cave, he suddenly heard a very slight inspiratory sound coming from the depths.

This made his face suddenly change, suddenly reached out and opened the curtain of the soft car, and found that the car is empty.

"When I left, did the creature take the initiative to bring the people in the soft car into the hole?"

"Now listen to this voice, is it because you are getting rid of the poison in the man?"

Looking at the empty soft car and the dark bottomless reincarnation hole, Jiang Yun fell into meditation and wondered if he would enter it.

As for the feathers of the firebird, he has quietly collected more than ten pieces in the past year, so if the other party really wants feathers, he can also take it out.

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In the end, Jiang Yun said to himself: "Well, save people and save the end, I have to look at it, what is the sacredness in this reincarnation hole!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun finally walked toward the reincarnation hole.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that his own progress should be stopped by the souls inside the cave, but he did not expect that all the way was unimpeded.

It is only going deeper into the cave, the lower the temperature around it, and in the end it is for Jiang Yun to have to repair it to resist the chill of the bursts.

In this way, Jiang Yun estimated that he had walked nearly a thousand feet away, and suddenly there was a roar of anger in front of him: "You have the smell of the flamingo on your body, let me roll!"

Then, in the darkness, I saw a red rope, piercing the darkness at a very fast speed, and rushing toward Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed in the cold, and when he just wanted to grab the red rope, his face suddenly showed a strange color.

The palm of the hand suddenly stopped in the air, and changed to the shape of the body, avoiding the attack of the red rope.

After the red rope was missed, it returned to the darkness.

The next moment, another dark figure was thrown out of the darkness, and there was also an angry and sorrowful voice: "I knew that he was with you, I should not help him get rid of the poisonous gas. Rolling, fast rolling!"

The figure that was thrown out was the young man in the previous soft car.

Although he was still closed and stunned at the moment, the blackness above the skin disappeared, and it was clear that the poison in the body was eliminated.

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand to catch the man's figure. After he sank, he sighed in the darkness: "I am offended, I will quit!"

After that, Jiang Yun really took the man very simply, and quickly retreated, and instantly returned to the hole of the reincarnation hole.

After putting the man in the ground, Jiang Yun grew a sigh of relief. In his eyes, there was a flash of light. He said to himself: "I didn't expect it, I really guessed it!"

Although the red rope was just very fast, but Jiang Yun’s eyesight was so good, I realized at a glance that it was not a red rope, but a red tongue!

Even under his utmost effort, he even saw it faintly. It was a golden cockroach that stretched out this tongue!

In other words, the living creatures in this so-called reincarnation hole are actually a demon.

And there should be more than one such a beggar, but a group of people. After all, there is not only one reincarnation hole.

The relationship between this family and the Firebird is like a fire, like a natural enemy.

Even after this cockroach only noticed the smell of a flamingo on his body, he left the anger and let himself get out.

The reason why Jiang Yun did not shoot this one is because it is considered that since the other party can really get rid of the poison in the monk's body, then there will inevitably be the time to ask for it, or their family.

If you annoy the other person now, it would be like lifting a rock and licking your own feet.


Just then, a faint cockroach came from the mouth of the unconscious young man.

The man slowly opened his eyes and his eyes were in a stunned color, apparently still not knowing what he had experienced.

As the man's eyes turn faster and faster, the hustle and bustle is gradually replaced by the gods.

Until his gaze finally saw a faceless Jiang Yun, suddenly jumped up from the ground, watching Jiang Yun with vigilance.

Jiang Yun also looked at him quietly, without saying a word.

After a while, the man’s eyes suddenly became red, and he slammed into the front of Jiang Yun’s words: “Thank you for your help.”

While talking, tears began to fall off the eyes.

Obviously, he has already thought of everything, knowing that his guards have all died, and the last moment is that Jiang Yun has saved himself.

Looking at the sadness and tears on the man's face, Jiang Yun nodded secretly.

The performance of the other party is not artificial, it is really sad that the death of the guards, it can be seen that its character is not bad, which also makes Jiang Yun have a good impression on it.

Jiang Yun’s complexion is also softer: “You don’t have to thank me, I’m just doing it, really saving you, or your companions!”

The man nodded and cried for a while before finally stopping his tears. He casually wiped his face with his sleeve and once again confronted Jiang Yundao: "If it is expected to be good, Engong should just come to this prison soon. ?"

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