The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7187: send it home, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Chapter seven hundred and eighty-seven send it home

At this moment, Jiang Yun has already walked towards the depths of this space with the guidance of the last trace of divine sense that Ye Dong left him.

At this time, Jiang Yun also realized that the sense of consciousness that Ye Dong left to himself, in addition to fulfilling his promise and giving him the magic weapon he refined, may also be to guide himself. .

After all, this space is not only huge, but also has nothing that can be used as a reference, so that people can find the right direction.

Looking around, wherever the eyes go, there is only endless darkness with no head in sight.

No world, no light, no life!

In this environment, let alone finding the right direction, even if you want to identify a direction and stick to it, it is extremely difficult.

It is very possible that when you look for a direction and walk a distance, you will unknowingly deviate from the direction, so that you have no idea where you are at all.

Beside Jiang Yun, Dao Rang really turned into a ball, rolling around constantly while repeating a sentence: "Jiang Yun, do you want to know about this space?"

There was no way, Jiang Yun always ignored it, as if it didn't exist, it made it very depressed.

In other places, Dao Rang could also remain arrogant and ignore Jiang Yun.

But here, it must quickly resolve the conflict with Jiang Yun.

Otherwise, it may be in danger of death.

After Daorang did not know how many times to repeat this question, Jiang Yun finally let out a helpless sigh: "Although I really want to cover your mouth and prevent you from speaking, I don't even know your mouth. Where the **** does it grow!"

Dao Rang's figure suddenly stopped rolling, and he understood the meaning of Jiang Yun's words: "I said I said it, I will say it now!"

"Actually, I don't know much about this space, but I can be sure that I, and other origins, all came from here!"

Daorang's words made Jiang Yun's mind shake violently!

Jiang Yun has always been curious about various origins, what kind of existence are they?

Although they claim to be the first of their origins, in Jiang Yun's view, their so-called origins are relative, not absolute!

Everything must have its own origin.

However, in the eyes of different people, or from different perspectives, even the origin of the same thing is not the same.

For example, Dreamland.

The origin of the Dream Domain can be said to originate from Nightmare Beasts, it can also be said to originate from Earth Venerable, and it can be said to originate from Pan Chaoyang.

It can even be traced back to the monk Pan Chaoyang was looking for.

Whether it's a nightmare beast, Earth Zun, Pan Chaoyang, or that monk, they can all be regarded as the origin of the Dream Domain.

In the same way, Dao Soil and Ganzhi Divine Tree, etc., they believe that they are the origin of themselves, but when they appeared, the various Taoist realms and myriad things did not appear.

So, is it possible that it is precisely because of their appearance that this wider world containing many Taoist realms appears?

Especially Daorang.

Its function is to nurture the Dao, so in Jiang Yun's view, Daoyang can be regarded as the origin of the Dao.

To put it simply, Dao Rang is the mother of Dao and gave birth to all kinds of Dao children.

At this moment, Dao Rang said that they came from this space, which also made Jiang Yun's ideas closer to reality.

It is precisely because of these origins that they first left this space and entered the outer space, so that there is the Dao, the time and space, the appearance of living beings, etc.!

Although Jiang Yun's heart trembled, his face did not show the slightest, and he did not make any response, waiting for Dao Rang to continue talking.

Daorang continued without a pause: "I don't know if there is any memory about this place before the other origins. Anyway, I have some, but not much."

"I vaguely remember that in this space, there is a very important place that I yearn and miss very much."

"I think that place should be like my home!"

"However, in this space, it's not really that what you see now is only darkness and emptiness."

"There are some special creatures here."

"Not only is it hostile to our origins, but it can also hurt us."

"I can't remember where they came from, but the thought of them scares me."

"I suspect that they are my kind and some origin."

"I wanted to go to that important place, but I was afraid of them and couldn't protect myself, so I found you and coaxed you into this place."

After listening to Dao Rong's so-called situation about this space, Jiang Yun was dumbfounded.

In fact, Dao Rang said so much, one sentence can explain it.

It wants to **** it home!

Dao Rang suddenly jumped up again and said, "By the way, also, there must be some good things in that very important place."

"As long as you can take me there, I will also help you get those good things. In that case, it will help you even more!"

Jiang Yun waved his hand and said, "Don't talk for now!"

Dao Rang's body that jumped up suddenly hovered in the air.

Not only did it stop talking, it didn't even dare to move at all, looking at Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun frowned, obviously lost in thought.

Jiang Yun thought of the two inexplicable words Ye Dong said to himself before.

One sentence is to give yourself the ten-blood lamp, which can help you increase your odds of winning.

Another is to wish you success!

Originally, Jiang Yun couldn't figure out what these two sentences meant.

But now, after listening to Dao Rang's description of this space, Jiang Yun realized that if these two sentences were used to protect Dao Rang and go home, it would all be explained.

On the way to send Daorang home, he will meet some special and powerful creatures.

If you get ten blood lamps yourself, you will have a little more chance of winning when facing them.

Finally, I wish you success in sending Dao Rang home!

Jiang Yun said to himself: "In this way, Ye Dong actually sensed the existence of Dao Rang, and even knew Dao Rang's purpose, that's why he said those two words to me!"

"And he should have also played against those special creatures. He is very aware of their strength, so he asked me to tell Pan Chaoyang, don't enter here until you are detached."

After confirming that his thoughts were correct, Jiang Yun finally looked at Dao Rang suspended in the air: "Since you know that those special creatures are very dangerous and can threaten your safety, why don't you find someone with stronger strength? someone to take you home?"

"Even if the detached powerhouse is hard to find, you can always find the peak of the source, right?"

With Dao Rang's identity, as long as he opens his mouth, almost no Dao cultivator can refuse it.

Take Evil Daozi as an example.

If Dao Rang asked him to be his bodyguard, Xie Daozi would never have any shirk.

Therefore, Jiang Yun really couldn't understand why Do Rang wanted to send it home to himself!

Facing Jiang Yun's question, Dao Rang said after being silent for a long time: "Because, you are different from others!"

"Hey!" Jiang Yun couldn't help but let out a sneer: "Dao Rang, if you want to praise me, you'd better change some fresh words."

"Am I different from the others?"

"You're right, except that I and they are both monks, almost everything is different!"

"No no no!" Dao Rang hurriedly defended: "You misunderstood me, I'm not complimenting you."

"I'm talking different, and it's not what you think it is."

"You are not only different from other people, you are different from yourself!"

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