The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7323: Origin Stone, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

A continuous undulating mountain range, thousands of miles away, pressed on Beiming's body.

Although it didn't do any harm to Bei Ming, it made it temporarily unable to move.

Standing on the mountain range, Shi Feng couldn't help frowning slightly when he saw Jiang Yun's stunned look as if struck by lightning.

Although he knew that the thing in his hand was equivalent to a priceless treasure in the place of origin, but the state Jiang Yun showed was indeed a bit too much.

After a while, Jiang Yun shook his head vigorously, trying to recover himself from the shock.

However, he still didn't open his mouth, but said softly to his own body: "Daoist, don't you have anything to say?"

After waiting for Jiang Yun, Dao Zun remained silent.

And Jiang Yun didn't ask any more questions, and raised his head again, staring at the thing in Shi Feng's palm and said: "Can I ask, what is this thing?"

"You don't know what this is?" Shi Feng frowned and said, "Then why are you so shocked?"

Jiang Yun tried his best to keep his voice steady and said: "I just entered the place of origin, so naturally I don't know what it is."

"But, to tell you the truth, I have a familiar feeling about this kind of thing."

Shi Feng's gaze also looked at the thing in his hand.

It was a triangular black stone about half the size of a palm!

"The Stone of Origin!"

Shi Feng gave the answer, and raised the Stone of Origin a little higher and said, "The Stone of Origin, here, is equivalent to a key."

"A key that allows us monks on the outer layer to enter the inner layer."

Stone of Origin!

From the mouth of the big clan elder, Jiang Yun knew the existence of the Stone of Origin for the first time.

And at this moment, he finally saw the Stone of Origin.

Even without Shi Feng's answer, it is not difficult for Jiang Yun to deduce that it is the Stone of Origin.

However, Jiang Yun is not only no stranger to this stone of origin, just from its appearance, and even once owned a stone that is almost exactly the same as it!

That stone can also be regarded as the beginning of Jiang Yun's journey of cultivation in this life.

When Jiang Yun was sixteen years old, he was going to Wendaozong. The night before he left Jiang Village in Mangshan Mountain, his sister Jiang Yuerou secretly slipped him a stone and told him that the stone was a treasure.

At that time, Jiang Yun didn't care too much, and didn't think that a child younger than himself could get any treasure.

It wasn't until later that Jiang Yun realized that that stone was really a treasure.

That stone is not complete.

Because it's just a part of something bigger like a stele.

That stele is named Daoyin!

That stone, at that time, was called Daoyin Fragment.

Dao seal has another meaning, which is a kind of seal formed by condensing Dao power, like Jiang Yun's Guardian Dao seal.

But the stone tablet named Dao Seal is said to be a magic weapon, a Taoist artifact, which exists in the mountains and seas!

Its function is to absorb all kinds of Taoism, so as to turn the Taoism into the power of the Dao, and then give it back to the Mountain and Sea Dao domain, maintain the stability of the Mountain and Sea Dao domain, and maintain the Taoism of the Mountain and Sea Dao domain. .

As a result, between the mountains and seas and the Tao, life can be endless and never extinct. Later, Jiang Yun learned from Ye Guyen, the demon refining master, that the Dao Seal should have been used to feed back to the Dao Domain, so that the Dao Domain would never be destroyed, so that the Tao of the Dao Domain would never be extinct, and let the Dao Domain's billions The power of the avenue shared by all living beings is truly

In fact, they are acquired and possessed by others, making others perfect.

And this person, also called Dao Zun, is Shanhai Daoyu!

However, that Daoist has disappeared forever under the joint efforts of Jiang Yun and Ye Guyen.

For this reason, Ye Guyen did not hesitate to change from a human to a demon, and became a mountain and sea road domain, guarding the mountain and sea road domain.

Dao Yin, of course, has long since disappeared.

After Jiang Yun left the Shanhai Dao domain, until today when he saw Shi Feng, he never thought about anything about Dao Yin.

But he never imagined that Shi Feng, who lived in seclusion in the place of origin, did not come from the same big domain as himself, and the stone of origin in his hand would be a Dao seal fragment from the former Mountain and Sea Dao domain.

Although he hasn't touched the Stone of Origin yet, he is not 100% sure that it is a fragment of Dao Seal.

But the familiar aura he felt came from the Stone of Origin!

The reason why he asked Dao Zun to inquire just now is because he had long suspected that this Dao Zun is that Dao Zun!

Especially just before entering the place of origin, Dao Zun deliberately opened his mouth to remind Jiang Yun to let him enter last.

The strange behavior shown by Daoist, combined with the stone of origin that is almost the same as the Daoyin fragment, made Jiang Yun very clear that Daoist must know something.

It's a pity that Dao Zun refused to say it!

Jiang Yun closed his eyes slightly, and issued an order to Bei Ming who was struggling to overthrow several mountains on his body, telling him not to move in a hurry.

Then, Jiang Yun opened his eyes, looked at Shi Feng again and said, "I can't exchange the ten blood lamps."

"But there are other things on me, can I exchange this Stone of Origin?"

Jiang Yun knew well that it was impossible for Shi Feng to agree to this request.

But there is no way, Jiang Yun really wants this Stone of Origin too much.

It's not because he hopes to use the Stone of Origin to go to the inner layer of the Land of Origin, but he wants to verify whether it is really a fragment of Dao Seal!

If the Stone of Origin is a fragment of Dao Seal, then for Jiang Yun, many of the answers to the questions he already knew may have to be overthrown and he will have to find the answer again.

Shi Feng sneered and said, "As long as you can take out something with the same value as the magic weapon refined by the transcendent expert, I can exchange it with you."

Jiang Yun was not surprised by Shi Feng's answer, and he also understood that the other party had never thought of picking up the Origin Stone to exchange anything with him.

Even if he took out the ten blood lamps himself, he couldn't exchange them.

The Stone of Origin is the hope of all monks living in the outer layer of the origin to enter the inner layer, and even the hope of becoming a transcendent strongman.

If it were me, I would definitely not be willing to exchange for anything.

Therefore, Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "Forget it!"

After the words fell, Jiang Yun's figure immediately took a step towards the rear.

However, just as his feet landed in the darkness, his expression changed.

Because he smelled a rancid smell in his nostrils.

A false idea!

Jiang Yun didn't have time to think about it, his body instantly became unreal.

At this moment, five long gray-white sharp bone spurs suddenly penetrated into his body!

Although Jiang Yun's body was illusory and was not really injured by the bone spurs, the dense runes covered on the bone spurs exuded a dead air, which instantly took away part of his lifespan.

Jiang Yun turned around again, and turned away from this area before turning his head to look.

He saw a tall, skinny man with abscesses all over his body, almost like a skeleton, appearing next to where he was standing just now.

Those five bone spurs were basically the man's five fingers.

At this moment, the man missed a hit, but he was not upset, but stuck out his tongue, licked his fingers, and said greedily in his eyes: "What a fresh body!"

And Shi Feng closed his palms together, put away the Stone of Origin in his palm and said: "Bone King, you came too slowly, almost let him escape."

Obviously, this man named Bone King was the helper Shi Feng called.

The reason why Shi Feng took out the Stone of Origin and talked to Jiang Yun for a long time was nothing more than delaying time and waiting for the arrival of the Bone King. Now, two original peak powerhouses surrounded Jiang Yun!

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