The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7332: Chosen Monument, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

"Another space?"

The appearance of this feeling made Jiang Yun's eyes brighten up, and he thought of a possibility: "Could it be the inner layer of the place of origin?"

"Is it possible? The second senior sister already knows that besides me, the master and senior brother also entered here."

"Because of the rules in this place of origin, even if we grab enough stones of origin, they will eventually be taken away by the vortex, which is of no use. As a result, we cannot enter the inner layer, nor can we leave the outer layer."

"Therefore, Second Senior Sister deliberately and secretly gave me some help, so that this Stone of Origin can lead to the inner layer."

"In this case, we don't need to look for other stones of origin, and this stone of origin is enough!"

Jiang Yun felt more and more that his idea was very likely to be true.

"Now, while I'm looking for Master and the others, I'm absorbing the water in the Stone of Origin and improving my strength!"

After making up his mind, Jiang Yun finally withdrew his consciousness from the Stone of Origin, opened his eyes, and saw Jiu Qin sitting beside him.

Although Jiang Yun and Jiu Qin had nothing to do with each other, even now, the two were still wary of each other, but I have to say that it was thanks to Jiu Qin that Jiang Yun was able to obtain the Stone of Origin this time.

Therefore, Jiang Yun said: "Miss Nine Birds, thank you this time."

Hearing Jiang Yun's voice, Jiu Qin, who was also closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, opened his eyes and said with a faint smile, "You're welcome. I'll help you. I originally hoped you could help me."

Jiang Yun heard the meaning of Jiuqin's words, and said in his heart: "You also wanted me to help you obtain the Stone of Origin, right?"

Before Jiang Yun caught a half-human, half-snake monk who knew the whereabouts of a Stone of Origin, Jiang Yun gave up that Stone of Origin in order to part ways with Nine Birds.

Therefore, upon hearing Jiu Qin's words, Jiang Yun could easily guess that the owner of the Stone of Origin was also a powerhouse at the peak of Origin.

And the strength of nine birds alone is not the opponent's opponent, so they come to ask for help.

However, Jiu Qin already knew that even if she obtained the Stone of Origin, it would have no effect on her, so she was not going to ask herself for help anymore.

Sure enough, Jiu Qin nodded and said: "That half-human, half-snake cultivator has no good intentions. He is also planning to frame me. I have already killed him."

"The owner of the Stone of Origin he told me is about the same strength as me, but the other party seems to belong to an organization."

"An organization joined by the original peak must be filled with people with similar strength and status to him."

"Even if I can defeat him, it will be difficult for me to escape the pursuit of the organization behind him."

"So, when I came to you, I originally hoped to continue to cooperate with you and grab a few more Stones of Origin."

Jiang Yun suddenly realized.

The purpose of Jiuqin looking for her is not only to need her own help, but also to hope that she can cooperate with her alone.

In this way, it is possible to fight against an organization.

And it is not unimaginable for those original peaks to form an organization.

In the outer layer of the place of origin, they can rely on their strong strength to not invade each other and live in seclusion.

However, if they want to go to the middle level, especially the inner level, it may be difficult for one person to deal with it. They can only report to the group to keep warm.

After all, compared to those monks living in the middle and inner layers, the monks living in the outer layer are also outsiders!

Jiu Qin continued: "However, it seems that even if we can **** the Stone of Origin, it is of no use."

"Can you show me your Stone of Origin?"

Naturally, Jiu Qin would not know that Jiang Yun's Stone of Origin had been tampered with by Situ Jing, so she just wanted to take a closer look at the Stone of Origin and see what was so special about it.

Jiang Yun didn't refuse, he took out the Stone of Origin and threw it to Jiu Qin.

Jiu Qin took it in his hand, rubbed it lightly for a moment, then frowned gradually and said, "Why does the texture of this Stone of Origin look like the Tianxuan Monument?"

The Monument of the Chosen!

Hearing Jiu Qin's words, Jiang Yun asked puzzledly: "What is Tianxuan Monument?"

Jiuqin replied: "My hometown, or the large area where I grew up, has a special kind of stele."

"The stele seems to have some kind of standard, and it can detect the way of cultivating monks."

"If a certain monk's practice method meets the standards of the stele, then the other party's name will appear on the stele."

"For example, my name is probably still on the stone tablet."

"Therefore, some people think that the people whose names can be recorded on the stele are the chosen ones, who bear some kind of special responsibility, so they named the stele the Tianxuan Monument."

"Originally, I thought that the Tianxuan Monument had no other function other than recording our names."

"Until I entered the realm of chaos, I vaguely felt that the reason why I entered the realm of chaos was probably because of the Tianxuan Monument!"

"And the Tianxuan Monument is extremely sacred in our place."

"Even if it's me, I'm not qualified to touch it with my own hands, so I just think that the Stone of Origin looks very similar to the Tianxuan Monument in appearance, so I can't be sure!"

What Jiu Qin said made Jiang Yun shudder!

The so-called Tianxuan Monument actually has a similar function to that of the Xunxiu Monument, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is the same thing.

But the problem is, Jiu Qin and Jiang Yun are not in the same domain!

Although Jiang Yun doesn't know whether there are similar things like the Xunxiu Monument in other dao worlds, it is not normal for the same thing to exist in two different domains with the same function.

In particular, Jiu Qin also speculated that she was sent to the chaotic realm by the Tianxuan Monument.

If everything is true, then the significance of this is no small matter!

Seeing the solemn expression gradually revealed on Jiang Yun's face, Jiu Qin asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

Jiang Yun shook his head and told about the monument repair.

After listening, Jiu Qin's expression changed instantly.

Obviously, she also thought of Jiang Yun's thoughts.

Jiang Yun said in a deep voice: "Is it possible that all the big domains have something similar to the Tianxuan Monument?"

Jiu Qin followed Jiang Yun's words and said: "The purpose of the Tianxuan Monument is to select some so-called chosen people to enter this chaotic realm!"

When the two said this, they looked at each other, and Qiqi closed their mouths, but their faces showed horror.

In the past, Jiang Yun thought that only Daoxing Heaven and Earth, where he was, was remembered by people from other Dao realms.

After entering the chaotic domain, he felt that there might be something wrong with the large domain where he and Ye Dong were.

But now, combined with Jiu Qin's words, he realized that his vision is still not broad enough, and his ideas are still not bold enough!

At this moment, Jiu Qin suddenly said with a serious face: "There are people chasing us, more than one, and their strength is similar to mine!"

Jiang Yun's consciousness is not as powerful as Jiu Qin, so even if he releases his consciousness, he can't see anyone behind him.

But he naturally believed that Jiu Qin would not lie to himself.

And the ones chasing the two of them were either Shi Feng and Bone King, or someone from some organization, or Yebai!

After pondering for a while, Jiang Yun said: "I have ten blood lamps on me, if you don't worry about being implicated by me, then let's go together!"

"Otherwise, we'll go separately!"

Jiu Qin threw the Origin Stone in his hand to Jiang Yundao: "I'm not worried about being implicated by you, but I have a way to hide."

Jiang Yun said without hesitation: "Then separate, see you again when we have a chance!"

"Okay!" Jiu Qin agreed, "I hope we can meet again."

After the voice fell, Jiu Qin had already taken the initiative to move away from Bei Ming's body and disappeared without a trace.

And Jiang Yun didn't dare to neglect, and let Beiming go forward with all his strength.

Beiming's figure suddenly swelled, and he looked at the huge body and rushed forward. Behind Jiang Yun, there are four figures following closely, one of them is Shi Feng who gave him the Stone of Origin.

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