The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7361: Origin Strikes Back, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

The reason why Jiang Yun wanted Lei Benyuan's dao body was to take the initiative to attack the original thunder with the attitude of going to death, not only because Lei Benyuan's dao body was stronger, but also because he wanted to pass through the eyes of the dao body. , to see for yourself

Look, what is that long **** line.

Jiang Yun's efforts were not in vain, he did see clearly.

That long blood-colored line is not a line, but just a side of a whole piece of blood-colored metal, it is endless!

On the blood-colored metal, there were faint lines, which he couldn't see clearly because of the distance.

If it were the same as before, even if Jiang Yun saw this piece of blood-colored metal, he wouldn't feel anything.

But not long ago, he saw a man named Daojun holding a tripod named Longwen Chiding in his hand from the picture presented by Daozhishui!

Jiang Yun couldn't see the specific appearance of the tripod, but he knew that the tripod's body was full of blood and radiated blood.

But now, he saw a huge piece of blood-colored metal, saw the lines on the metal, heard the faint sound of the dragon chant just now, and the feeling of sitting in the sky suddenly appeared in his heart!

Furthermore, that Daoist Lord made a bet with another person named Bai Ye.

Although Jiang Yun didn't know the content of the bet, the last image he saw in the screen was the tripod that Daojun threw out in his hand! The combination of all these things suddenly made Jiang Yun realize that the land of origin, the domain of chaos, Daoxing Tiandi, including the 108 large domains counted by Mengjue, is it possible that they are all in one place? Long Wenchi

In the cauldron!

It has to be said that Jiang Yun himself couldn't believe this idea, wondering if he was just wishful thinking.

With so many great domains and so many creatures, how could it be possible to live in a small tripod?

But the reality is that the more he thinks about it, the more frightened he becomes, and the more he thinks about it, the more he thinks it's possible. Especially as a person who came out step by step from the world of mountains and seas, Jiang Yun knew a long time ago that he was always jumping from one circle to another, from one well to another


The only difference was that the circle he was in was getting bigger and bigger, and the well he jumped into was getting deeper and deeper.

But he never expected that even though he had already arrived at the place of origin, he discovered that the well that trapped everyone might be just a tripod!

And thinking about it along this line of thought, many of Jiang Yun's confusions can also be explained.

The most obvious point is the strange disappearance of those who have transcended the strong in the great domain where they are.

They didn't disappear, but walked out of the tripod smoothly and went to the world outside the tripod.

As for the second senior sister, maybe she is not from the cauldron at all, but is from the world outside the cauldron just like Daojun, Bai Ye and others.

It's just that for some reason, she allowed one of her divine senses or avatars to enter the cauldron, enter Daoxing Tiandi, and become her senior sister?


Just when all kinds of messy thoughts came to Jiang Yun's mind, a thunderous thunder suddenly sounded!

Above Jiang Yun's head, two thunderbolts suddenly appeared.

One is golden and the other is almost transparent.

The transparent thunder fell from the sky, but the golden thunder seemed to appear out of thin air!

The moment the two thunderbolts appeared, they collided heavily.

However, Golden Thunder is no match at all.

The moment it touched the transparent thunder, it was already fragmented and collapsed.

And the transparent thunder continued to fall until it struck Jiang Yun's body.

A huge force and severe pain swept across Jiang Yun's whole body in an instant, and even knocked him down to the bottom.

Although the pain was severe and Jiang Yun was severely injured, at least for Jiang Yun, there was no danger of his life.

Jiang Yun endured the pain, raised his head again, and found that the original thunder had become extremely dim.

Obviously, the source of thunder is about to disappear!

And before it disappeared, it even attacked Jiang Yun again.

If it wasn't for the golden thunder that suddenly appeared, blocking the transparent thunder and weakening part of its power, then Jiang Yun had no doubt that he might be dead now.

As for the golden thunderbolt that saved his life, Jiang Yun knew that it came from the origin of the Dao of Thunder, from the whirlpool of Daoyuan!

When Jiang Yun successfully broke through the original Dao realm, a vortex appeared, called the Daoyuan vortex.

The spirit of the Ten Blood Lamps reminded him that he could condense as many dao seeds as possible, send them into the vortex of the dao source, and combine with the corresponding dao source, which is equivalent to imprinting his own brand in it, and there will be unexpected benefits.

Now, Jiang Yun finally enjoys this benefit!

At the critical moment, the source of thunder saved his life!

As Jiang Yun fell from the sky, the original thunder finally completely disappeared.

Naturally, no matter where the many creatures are, even those who recognized Jiang Yun, they don't know what happened at all.

For them, it was nothing more than a transparent thunder that inexplicably appeared and then disappeared inexplicably.

That's all.

As for Situ Jing, Ye Dong and the others, their complexions were a little gloomy.

Because, they didn't expect that the original thunder would attack Jiang Yun before it dissipated!

This has never happened before, and it is something they have never experienced!

Just as Jiang Yun thought, if it wasn't for the emergence of the Dao Yuanyuan, then Jiang Yun would really be dead!

Then, if Jiang Yun wants to disperse the original thunder next time, the first thing he must do is to prepare for the counterattack of the original thunder.

This made Jiang Yun even more difficult.

"No problem!"

At this time, Situ Jing was the first to wake up, with a smile on his face and said: "The way my little brother cultivates is the way of protection, not the way of thunder."

"This time, he was just trying."

"On the day when he is really likely to succeed, he will definitely use the guardian avenue, and he should never face the original thunder again."

The man next to Situ Jing looked at her calmly, knowing that she was worried far more than herself and others.

The reason why she said that was just to comfort herself.

After Situ Jing finished speaking, the man also nodded with a smile and said: "You are right, maybe he will face the origin of the Five Elements in the future, and in that case, I might be able to help him!"

In the Land of Origin, Jiang Yun's figure finally stopped falling, but he fell into nothingness, motionless.

He attacked the original thunder three times in a row, which was equivalent to being attacked in reverse three times in a row, so the injuries in his body were already extremely serious, and he didn't even have much strength in his body.

Seeing Jiang Yun lying there, General Jin Chan began to struggle again, should he attack Jiang Yun now!

He was going to run away, but in the end Jiang Yun was hit by the transparent thunder, which made his thoughts shake again.

He could naturally see that Jiang Yun's condition was really bad.

However, with the experience that even a golden sword could not pierce Jiang Yun just now, he hesitated again.

"No, no matter what, you have to give it a try. He must know the secrets about him, especially what this transparent thunder is!"

After pondering for a while, Jin Chan will decide to attack Jiang Yun.

It is naturally best to be able to catch Jiang Yun. If you can't catch it, you will lose this original Dao body at worst!

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