The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7397: close your eyes for night, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Hearing Tianzi Yue's reminder, although Jiang Yun didn't know what kind of existence Zhulong was, it sounded like it should be a kind of demon!

Therefore, without hesitation, Jiang Yun immediately drew a demon seal with his own blood, and patted the candle that Ye Bai was hiding in front of him.

Regardless of whether he was a demon or not, Jiang Yun had to try it first with the magic refining technique.

Unfortunately, the flame of that candle suddenly flickered slightly.

It can be clearly seen that ripples like ripples are released with the shaking of the flames, spreading towards Jiang Yun and the surrounding areas.

The demon sealing seal played by Jiang Yun hit the ripples, and was easily defeated immediately.

Ripple continued to rush towards Jiang Yun.

And Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness immediately covered these ripples, and he could faintly feel that there was an inexplicable aura in it.

Let's say it's unfamiliar, Jiang Yun can tell that it seems to contain completely different auras such as darkness and light.

It can be said to be familiar, this darkness and light, but the corresponding power that Jiang Yun came into contact with and mastered is different.

However, Jiang Yun did not choose to dodge, but waved his hand again and hit Ripple.

The fist swung out, bringing out a strong wind.

Jiang Yun's physical body has been reshaped by the origin of the Dao, which has improved his physical strength to a certain extent.

Therefore, after the strong wind from the fist collided with the ripples, the ripples were immediately dispersed, but they did not completely disappear.

The intersection of the two was more like passing each other, the strong wind rushed towards the candle where Yebai was hiding, and the ripple continued to rush towards Jiang Yun.

Such weird ripples made Jiang Yun not make another move, but simply dodged to the side, avoiding the range of the impact of the ripples.

And at the moment when Jiang Yun dodged, the strong wind he shot hit the candle that Ye Bai was hiding in.


The candle trembled slightly, but there was a sudden change.

The candle, which was only about ten feet high, suddenly exploded.

Inside the white candle body, there began to be streaks of bright red runes, seeping out like blood, quickly dyeing the candle body red.

Not only that, but the skyrocketing candle body was no longer straight, but curved and narrow, giving Jiang Yun the feeling that it was a bit like a snake's tail.

And the biggest change is the top of the candle!

The turbulent ripples around the flames actually condensed into a blurred face.

The five sense organs of the face can't be seen clearly at all, except that it can roughly see that it has only one eye.

And that burning flame turned into the pupils of his eyes.

The erect blood-colored pupils!

In the blink of an eye, the candle turned into a monster with a human face and a snake body, with one eye and vertical pupil, about five or six feet in size!

At this moment, those monks who were eager to participate in the battle of seizing the source, no one is urging Emperor Yue anymore.

All of their attention was focused on the fight between Jiang Yun and Ye Bai.

Although most of them are strong at the peak of origin, they rarely have the opportunity to witness the life-and-death battle between two peaks of origin.

Compared with the battle of seizing the source, such a life-and-death battle naturally attracted their interest more.

As for the changed appearance of the Yebai candle imprint, almost no one can recognize what it is, whether it is a human or a demon.

But everyone can feel it, after becoming such a night white, the aura emanating from his body has also risen and become more majestic.

Yuanzhu narrowed his eyes, looking at Yebai now, his ever-changing facial features also combined into an expression of envy and reverence.

Not far away, the girl stared deeply at Ye Bai, her expression was still calm, making it hard to see what was going on in her heart.

Only Yue Tianzi secretly sent a voice transmission to Jiang Yun: "I don't know much about Zhulong. I only know that it opens its eyes for day and closes its eyes for night. It is extremely powerful."

"Although Yebai is not a real candle dragon, his strength should not be underestimated, so be careful."

Open your eyes for day, close your eyes for night!

These eight characters made Jiang Yun immediately understand Ye Bai and the origin of the name Bai Ye outside the tripod!

If Yebai is not the real Torch Dragon, then the real Torch Dragon should be the Bai Ye who bet with Daojun.


Jiang Yun didn't have time to thank Emperor Yue, because Yebai had already raised his **** snake tail, and with the sound of the wind, he drew towards Jiang Yun.

The **** snake tail looked normal at first, but it gradually disappeared as it flew across the air.

Only a few powerhouses could see that the snake tail didn't disappear, but because it absorbed the surrounding darkness and hid in the darkness as it moved forward.

By the time it was drawn in front of Jiang Yun, it had completely disappeared, perfectly merging into one with the darkness.

Of course, Jiang Yun was able to capture its position keenly, and without fear, he directly reached out and grabbed the snake's tail.

But above Jiang Yun's palm, a raging flame was burning, burning the surrounding cracks into nothingness.

Yebai is a Dharma cultivator, especially now that he is transformed, although the attack method he uses is ordinary, but the power it uses is unfamiliar to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun could only fight back in his own way.

Ye Bai hid the snake tail in the darkness, clearly using the power of darkness, so logically speaking, Jiang Yun's best response is to use the power of light.

It's a pity that his previous way of light has been burned by the original fire, and he hasn't had time to comprehend it, so he can only retreat and use the power of fire to counter it.

With a muffled sound of "bang", Jiang Yun's palm grabbed Yebai's tail, but at this moment, an eye suddenly appeared on the snake's tail, with a vertical black pupil in it, staring at it very strangely. Looking into Jiang Yun's eyes.

Jiang Yun's reaction was extremely fast, and ten colorful marks immediately appeared in his eyes, and he spun wildly.

But that eye suddenly closed!

With the eyes closed, Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly became pitch black.

Whether it was Shewei, Yebai, or even Yue Tianzi and Yuanzhu, all people and things disappeared from Jiang Yun's eyes.

It was as if it wasn't that eye that closed the eyes, but Jiang Yun's eyes.

Open your eyes for day, close your eyes for night!

Jiang Yun remembered the eight words Yue Tianzi told him.

It turns out that closing your eyes for the night is to let others enter the darkness.

"Is this an illusion?"

Jiang Yun turned his head and looked around, the colorful imprints in his eyes swirled wildly, but he couldn't sense the existence of the slightest magic power.

There was also a flame in his hand, but the light of the fire only maintained the flame itself, and it couldn't reach even an inch away from the light of the fire.

All light is blocked in this darkness.

Thoughts were spinning quickly in Jiang Yun's mind.

"I have already comprehended the origin of the Dao of Dreams, and re-mastered the Dao of Dreams. Since I can't sense it, it should not be an illusion or a dream."

"It can only be the power of darkness!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun said, "Ye..."

As soon as the word came out, Jiang Yun immediately closed his mouth.

Because he suddenly discovered that he couldn't make a sound at all.

I can't hear any sound with my own ears.

"My sight and hearing were blinded by the darkness, and even my six senses were all blinded."

"Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind!"

"The pure power of darkness may not be able to achieve this level. Could it be that the so-called Dharma has been added to the law?"

At this moment, Jiang Yun felt a sudden strong impact on his back.

Accompanied by a sharp pain that swept through his body, he staggered forward a few steps.

After stopping his figure, Jiang Yun continued to think: "You left me a body consciousness, it seems that you want me to feel the pain?"

So far, Jiang Yun has roughly understood Ye Bai's role of closing his eyes for the night.

It is to bring people into darkness and blind the six senses of others.

In this way, people in the darkness cannot perceive any attack from the other party, so naturally they cannot dodge or fight back. They can only be passively beaten until they are beaten to death.

After understanding all this, Jiang Yun opened his mouth and said silently: "This technique is good, but for me, it is not very useful!"

"You seem to have forgotten that I have a dark beast!"

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