The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7419: best choice, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Hearing that Dao Zun's tone finally loosened, he decided to tell himself something. Although Jiang Yun was extremely looking forward to it, he didn't dare to show it on his face.

There is no way, the same sentence, Jiang Yun can't figure out Dao Zun's temper at all.

Jiang Yun was worried that if his reaction or the words he said aroused the dissatisfaction of Dao Zun again and made him change his mind, it would be even more difficult to get him to speak again.

Dao Zun did not remain silent this time, and said bluntly: "I do know some things, but not much."

"Especially our conversation, which can be heard anytime and anywhere, so I can only reveal a little bit to you."

Be heard talking!

Jiang Yun's consciousness could not help but spread in all directions.

I and Dao Zun are in this unknown place, and Dao Zun is hiding in my body, communicating with myself with divine consciousness.

Under such circumstances, someone could still hear the conversation between him and him.


Jiang Yun thought of a few people, but when he said a word, Dao Zun immediately interrupted unceremoniously: "Shut up!"

Jiang Yun closed his mouth and quietly swallowed the remaining word "outside".

Obviously, only a person outside the cauldron like Daojun Baiye could know the conversations between the living beings in the cauldron anytime and anywhere.

Dao Zun continued: "When I was outside, I always ignored you, not only because I didn't want to waste my life, but also because I was worried that people would hear me."

"Here, it should be relatively safe, so I dare to reveal something to you."

"Okay, long story short."

"You are most concerned about the mirage and soul clans. I can tell you that they are indeed not born in Daoxing Heaven and Earth."

"Originally, I thought they were from outside Daoxing Heaven and Earth, but when I came here with you, I realized that they came from other great domains."

The first news revealed by Dao Zun shocked Jiang Yun.

Although Jiang Yun had already guessed this, Dao Zun gave an affirmative answer.

Jiang Yun also didn't think Dao Zun was making things up.

Because Dao Zun is Daoxing Tiandi, he is the only one who knows the origins of the various ethnic groups in it.

Dao Zun continued: "As for the purpose of the mirage and soul clan being brought to Daoxing Tiandi, I was also not clear at first, but now, I can speculate."

Although Dao Zun said it was just speculation, Jiang Yun believed that what he said should be the truth.

"The lucid dream of the mirage clan, you understand better than me."

"As long as you are strong enough, you can deceive anyone, and make any living beings take what happened in the dream as real!"

"Listen carefully, I'm talking about anyone!"

Hearing that Dao Zun specially emphasized the three words "anyone", plus the conversation he said before in the cauldron, which could be heard anytime and anywhere, Jiang Yun suddenly realized.

The purpose of the Mirage Clan being brought into Daoxing Heaven and Earth is to create a monk who is proficient in the art of lucid dreaming, and even, can use lucid dreaming to deceive some powerful monks outside the cauldron!

Is this monk himself?

Dao Zun's voice continued to sound: "Before, the originator named Mengjue you met said you were real, and you are indeed real."

If someone else heard this sentence, I'm afraid they wouldn't understand it.

But Jiang Yun naturally understood!

Mengjue said that he could not be an illusion born in a dream, but a real existence!

Originally, I still didn't believe in Meng Jue's judgment, but since even Dao Zun said so, it was natural that he couldn't be wrong.

Myself, from beginning to end, is real!

However, Jiang Yun immediately thought, if he is real, then do his parents and his Jiang family also exist?

Before Jiang Yun could ask, Dao Zun said again: "It doesn't really matter whether it's true or false. The important thing is that all of this is to protect you."

"The reason why you were raised by the Mirage Clan and lived in the dream of the Nightmare Beast is to prevent you from being discovered by some people and to give you enough time to grow."

"Even, even I agreed to Pan Chaoyang's request to arrange almost the entire Daoxing Tiandi into a bureau, just to let you grow up."

Jiang Yun's palm on the Soul Fire Gate, which had been constantly inputting the power of Meng Dao, suddenly paused because of Dao Zun's words.

The nightmare beast's dream is to protect itself, which I can understand.

But Dao Zun's plan was to protect himself, but Jiang Yun couldn't accept it.

To be honest, Jiang Yun was a little skeptical whether Dao Zun deliberately took this opportunity to try his best to clear up some of the things he had done and ease the relationship with himself.

Dao Zun continued: "I know you can't believe what I said for the time being."

"But you can think about it, if it weren't for the existence of this bureau, which allows you to be resurrected from the dead, reincarnated, and make the right choices in life time and time again, then you would have died long ago! "

Make the right choice!

Jiang Yun finally couldn't help but asked: "What do you mean, the whole situation of Daoxing Tiandi is done because of me?"

"Just so that I can make the most correct choice when facing major choices in life?"

"Once I make a wrong choice, the reincarnation will start again, so that I can choose again?"

Dao Zun was silent for a moment and said: "You can understand it this way."

"However, it is a bit inaccurate to say that it is the right choice."

"Because even I don't know whether every choice you make is correct."

"It can only be said that when your choice is helpful to your growth, your life will continue."

"On the contrary, it will start a new cycle."

"And in the new reincarnation, I will basically not intervene in the life experience before you made the wrong choice."

"For example, if in the last reincarnation, you made a wrong choice when you were a hundred years old, then in the new reincarnation, your life course at the age of ninety-nine will be almost the same as the last reincarnation. unanimous."

"When you are about to turn a hundred years old, or when you are close to a hundred years old, I will try my best to use every little thing you don't care about to influence you, so that you can avoid the original choice and make a new choice!"

Jiang Yun was stunned, and even felt that the blood in his whole body had stopped flowing.

Although he has long known that he is a pawn, he always feels that he should at least have some freedom.

But now it sounds like every step in my life, every choice, was completed under the deliberate guidance of others.

I have never had any freedom at all.

And if you think about it further, it means that the friends you make, everyone you meet, even your parents, your master, and your wife are all arranged for you by Dao Zun!

"No, no, no!" Dao Zun obviously sensed Jiang Yun's emotional changes, guessed what he was thinking, and said again: "You misunderstood me."

"Your human emotions are the most complex and uncontrollable."

"So, whenever your life involves the choice of feelings, even I can't change it."

"I tried to change a master and some friends for you, but they all ended in failure."

"In short, you can also think that the friends you make, your relatives whose blood is thicker than water, the teacher you worship, the Taoist companions you meet, etc., are all your best choices!"

"It's not just you, everyone is like this!"

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