The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7431: Pass three levels in a row, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed!

Nearly a hundred monks have gathered in the boundary crack about ten thousand miles away from the meeting area.

Naturally, these are the monks who are going to enter the confluence area and go to the middle level of the land of origin.

Among them, although Dongfang Bo and Xuanyuanxing were absent, there were still many acquaintances of Jiang Yun.

Like Shen Lin, Hun Yanfeng, Qin Bufan, Lord of Heavenly Stems, Golden Zen General, Shi Feng and so on!

The Lord of Heavenly Stems and Qin Bufan, after figuring out the general situation of the outer layer of the Land of Origin, as Taoist cultivators, they wanted to join Yue Zhongtian to seek asylum.

But thinking that Jiang Yun would definitely choose to join Yue Zhongtian, the Lord of Heavenly Stems changed his goal without hesitation and joined Yuanyuan instead.

Although Qin Bufan was somewhat reluctant, the Eternal Light behind him forced him to join Yuanyuan.

And since receiving the convening order jointly issued by Yue Zhongtian and Yuanqi, everyone has rushed towards the intersection area at the fastest speed.

But when he reached this position, he was stopped by Yue Tianzi, who had been waiting here for a long time.

In order to cover up the fact that his original Dao body had entered the intersection, after watching Jiang Yun and Ji Kongfan leave, he deliberately stayed away from the intersection and used this as a meeting point.

Apart from the Moon Emperor, the Source Lord has also arrived.

And the presence of these two grand masters really exceeded the expectations of many monks.

After all, in the past, every time they set off for the middle level, these two would hardly come in person. At most, they would send a right-hand man over to organize the crowd.

Therefore, everyone also consciously and automatically divided into two waves.

One wave gathered near Yue Tianzi, and the other gathered near Yuanzhu, with almost the same number of people.

At this moment, Yue Tianzi glanced at the people around him, finally landed on Yuanzhu, and said loudly: "Yuanzhu, the people are almost here, we can go now!"

Hearing Tianzi Yue's words, Yuanzhu pondered for a moment and then nodded, "Yes!"

So, the two of them each led the people around them, and immediately set off towards the intersection area.

Of the nearly one hundred monks, the weakest ones are also the high-level ones, and the peak ones occupy the majority.

Therefore, with a distance of only ten thousand miles, everyone will be there in a blink of an eye.

And when everyone looked at the first level, which was supposed to be full of dark beasts, but now it was empty, they couldn't help being dumbfounded, looking at each other in blank dismay, completely wondering why all the dark beasts disappeared out of thin air.

In the confluence area, except for the six levels of checkpoints, there is nothing else, so most monks will not approach at all on weekdays.

Therefore, Jiang Yun's destruction of the first two checkpoints was only known to a very small number of people such as Tianzi Yue and Yuanzhu.

And they didn't publicize it.

Until this moment, Yue Tianzi said lightly: "You monks are actually very lucky."

"Because before you, someone not only broke through the first two checkpoints, but also destroyed them conveniently, which can be regarded as clearing some obstacles for you."

"Who is this person, I think you should be able to guess, it is my brother, Jiang Yun!"

The reason why Tianzi Yue chose to tell the truth of the matter at this time is naturally to help Jiang Yun Liwei.

Yue Tianzi knew very well that many of these monks wanted to be unfavorable to Jiang Yun.

Let them know what Jiang Yun has done, not to say that they are grateful to Jiang Yun, but at least it will make them more afraid of Jiang Yun.

In this case, if they encounter Jiang Yun in other levels, they may not dare to make a move.

As soon as Tianzi Yue said this, everyone was naturally even more shocked.

They couldn't imagine how Jiang Yun destroyed the first two levels.

The source master was expressionless and didn't speak, but Shi Feng, who was always by his side, smiled coldly: "The first two checkpoints are not a threat to us."

"If we want to destroy it, we can actually do it, but we just don't want to waste our energy."

"Furthermore, everyone knows that the real danger in the intersection area is the four levels behind."

"If Jiang Yun can easily destroy the last four levels, then we should thank him properly."

Shi Feng's yin and yang aura made Yue Tianzi look at him with cold eyes.

But the source master blocked Yue Tianzi's gaze, and said lightly: "Let's go!"

After the voice fell, Yuanzhu took Shi Feng and continued to fly forward.

Yue Tianzi showed a sneer on his face, but he didn't speak anymore, and followed behind Yuanzhu together with other monks.

Arriving at the Leihai area, although everyone already knew that this place was also destroyed, they were still shocked when they saw it with their own eyes.

The source master didn't stop at all, and continued to rush to the third level with the monks attached to him.

However, the footsteps of the source master had to stop when they reached the area that originally belonged to the third pass of fire.

Seeing the same empty darkness in front of him, Source Master asked Shi Feng with some uncertainty: "Shi Feng, was this where the Fire Gate was before?"

Shi Feng's face was full of confusion. After turning his head and looking around for a while, he nodded slightly and said, "Yes."

"But what about the fire here?"

"I can't, I was..."

Shi Feng stopped talking halfway.

He really didn't want to admit that this level was easily destroyed by Jiang Yun again.

Yuanzhu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a gloomy expression: "Maybe, I really told you the right thing!"

"His way of fire is so powerful that it can even devour the flame in the fire cave, so the flame here should not pose any threat to him, and I am afraid it will be absorbed by him."

Shi Feng was a little surprised: "Absorbed?"

"The area of ​​this level is huge, and the number of flames that exist is also extremely complicated. How could he absorb them all?"

Yuanzhu suddenly changed to sound transmission: "It doesn't matter, even if he destroys the first four levels, it's nothing."

"Anyway, he will definitely not be able to destroy the last two levels."

"Shi Feng, listen carefully, in the remaining levels, as long as you find Jiang Yun, you must kill him at all costs, rescue Yebai, or find a candle!"

What Yuanzhu really cared about, besides Jiang Yun's life, was Yebai and that candle.

"You don't have to worry about not being his opponent."

"I have already greeted General Jin Chan and Yin Muzi, including Qin Bufan and others. They will cooperate with you when the time comes."

"Even, there are our people in the middle of the moon!"

"In short, if you can succeed, it will be a great achievement."

"After you enter the middle layer, people from the origin will naturally come to meet you and send you directly to the inner layer."

Shi Feng's Stone of Origin was snatched by Jiang Yun, which made him hate Jiang Yun to the bone.

The source master took a fancy to this point, so he specially secretly gave him a blank Origin Stone, promised him a favor, and gave him the task of killing Jiang Yun!

Shi Feng nodded again and again: "Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely not disappoint my lord's expectations!"

"Of course I believe you!" Yuanzhu stretched out his hand and patted Shi Feng's shoulder and said, "Okay, let's move on, so that we won't be ridiculed again when the Son of Heaven arrives!"

Two days later, Yuanzhu led the crowd and finally arrived at the fourth level.

Seeing the howling wind in front of them, Yuanzhu and Shi Feng both heaved a sigh of relief.

They were really worried that this level was ruined by Jiang Yun again.

Yuanzhu first whispered to Shi Feng: "Don't wait for Emperor Yue and them, you enter quickly."

Then, he turned around again, and clasped his fists towards Cultivator Zhou and said, "Everyone, I will send you off for thousands of miles, and I will have to say goodbye at the end."

"Now that you have passed three levels in a row, I will not accompany you to continue walking."

"Here, I wish each of you can break through the checkpoints behind, enter the inner layer smoothly, and reach your destination."

"Now, I'll send you off for the last time!"

Without waiting for everyone to react, the source master had already waved his sleeves, and an incomparably thick force enveloped everyone and sent them directly into the Pass of Wind!

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