The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7442: Can't count, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

The ten-thousand-foot-sized nine-petal flower not only brought a huge visual impact to everyone, but also made them panic in their hearts.

And they just escaped from their respective flowers, but now there is such a huge flower that they can't figure out what the owner of that giant palm is going to do.

Compared with the nine-petal flowers they were in before, there is a world of difference between the two.

Except for the difference in size, the nine petals of this huge flower are firmly closed, and it has never bloomed, so it is just a flower bud.

With the appearance of this giant flower, when someone turned their head to look, they found that the flowers that were suspended here had all disappeared at some point.

That is to say, at this moment, apart from the darkness and mist, the area where everyone is in is only this nine-petaled flower.

Jiang Yun's gaze was fixed on the nine petals of the flower.

As a half-baked pharmacist, Jiang Yun has memorized the names and uses of various animals and plants since he was a child. During the process of growing up, he has also come into contact with many plants, many of which are strange and weird.

However, at least in Jiang Yun's memory and cognition, this is the first time he has seen a flower with nine petals and each petal showing a color.

"Nine!" Jiang Yun said secretly in his heart: "Does the nine petals have any special meaning?"

For monks, the number nine does have different meanings.

Because nine is the ultimate number!

Along the way, Jiang Yun has encountered too many things related to Jiu.

The Shen Lin he met not long ago reminded him of the Nine Clans even more!

In addition, he had just thought about whether the people captured by the giant palm were related to the Nine Clans, so the nine petals of this flower now inevitably made him feel that it might not be a coincidence.

"Is this a kind of flower that naturally exists between heaven and earth, or is it condensed by certain forces like Master?"

"If it's the latter, those nine petals might really have a special meaning."

It's a pity that no matter whether it's the small flower before or the big flower now, apart from being able to see it with the eyes, the consciousness doesn't work on it at all, and it's even more impossible to judge whether the petals contain any power.

Under everyone's gaze, the giant flower suddenly trembled slightly!

Immediately afterwards, the flower bone that had been firmly closed suddenly gradually bloomed.

However, it is different from the blooming of ordinary flowers.

I don't know if it's because it's too big, or because of other reasons, it seems to everyone that there are nine invisible giants, each of them grabs a petal, pulls the petal vigorously, and makes the flower bloom open.

And the consequence of this kind of blooming is that the nine petals do not spread out flatly, but hang down towards the bottom.

After the flowers are fully bloomed, the nine petals with different colors and the same ten thousand zhang length seem to become nine huge pillars, standing in the void, supporting the flower heart in the center!

Among the crowd, Jin Chan Jiang suddenly said softly: "Could it be that we are allowed to follow the petals and enter the heart of the flower?"

Although Jin Chanjiang's voice was soft, it was clearly heard by everyone present, and most of the people actually had the same idea when they saw the shape of the flower after it bloomed.

It's just that they are not sure, and no one dares to try it.

Everyone is still standing in place, waiting to see if there will be other changes.

Suddenly, an old voice sounded: "You are all monks I deliberately selected, and I brought you here to give you a fortune."

"However, there is only one copy of good fortune, and I don't know which one of you should give good fortune to, so, from now on, you climb along the petals, who can reach the heart of this flower, that's the question." Whoever owns the good fortune!"

Hearing this voice, everyone's hearts were refreshed, and after carefully listening to what the voice said, although there was no expression on their faces, there was almost a hint of suspicion hidden deep in their eyes !

The owner of this voice is naturally the person who brought them here, and since the other party can capture themselves and others so easily, they should be detached and strong.

And the purpose of the other party is to send a good luck!

Almost all the people here are top-notch powerhouses, and they simply don't believe that there will be pies in this world for no reason.

Therefore, after a moment of silence, Jin Chanjiang boldly said: "Senior, if we don't want this fortune, or what will happen to other people who don't get it?"

Jin Chan will be able to ask everyone's aspirations!

The old voice also responded immediately: "Where the heart is, it is the road to the middle layer of the land of origin!"

"The first person to reach Huaxin can get the fortune I sent, and the person who arrives later can naturally go directly to the middle layer."

After saying these words, everyone already knew that this good fortune, no matter whether they wanted it or not, they had to go through the flower petals, climb up the flower mountain, and go to the flower heart.

It seems that seeing this old voice is easier to talk, the Lord of Heavenly Stems also asked: "Senior, since it is good luck, and the senior specially emphasized that we should choose one of us, does that mean that we are in the process of going to Huaxin? Will it be difficult?"

Everyone is not stupid, follow the petals to the heart of the flower, if it is really that simple, then everyone present can easily do it.

And the other party took a lot of trouble to catch everyone to such a special place, and then made a giant flower for himself and others to climb. There must be various obstacles in the process, and maybe even life-threatening.

The Lord of Heavenly Stems' inquiry was nothing more than hoping to get a positive answer from the other party.

"Difficult!" There was a bit of a smile in the old voice: "You are all considered to be strong in every big domain. Have you ever had the word easy?"

"Of course there are difficulties, but as long as you obediently abide by my rules, it doesn't mean that everyone can reach the place of love smoothly, at least there will be no fear of life."

Although the other party's words were ambiguous, but there would be no danger of life, everyone basically believed it.

There is no other reason, if the other party really wants to kill himself and others, there is no need to be so troublesome.

And as the old voice fell, Dongfang Bo also asked: "It seems that the rules of the seniors have not been said yet!"

The old voice said with a smile: "You can use any method, any force, and you don't need to hide your secrets or hide your strength to climb these petals."

"There are two rules, one is not to help others!"

"Whether you succeed or fail, everyone must rely on their own strength to go to the place where they love each other!"

"Another rule is that whichever petal you choose, you cannot choose other petals."

"If someone dares to violate the rules, don't say that they will lose the chance to get good luck. From now on, just stay here with me!"

It doesn't matter if you don't choose other petals.

Do not help others!

Regarding this rule, most people are also secretly relieved, because even if the other party doesn't tell them, they will not help others.

Only Jiang Yun frowned slightly.

He wasn't worried about himself, but he was worried about Shen Lin and the elder brother. Their strength was at the bottom of the crowd, and it might be difficult for them to reach their hearts by their own strength.

The old voice said again: "Okay, now you can start!"

At this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly said: "Senior, can I ask you, why did you deliberately choose the eleven of us?"

"Is there anyone else here besides us?"

What Jiang Yun really wanted to ask was the second question, knowing Ji Kongfan's whereabouts.

Because of the first question, he believed that the other party could not answer it.

"Eleven" the old voice laughed loudly: "Who said it was eleven? Let me count, twelve, thirteen, fourteen..."

"Oh, I can't count them all. Anyway, no matter who wants to leave here, they must rely on their own strength to go to Huaxin!"

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