The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7459: big orange flower, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

At this moment, Jiang Yun is like a round of sun, emitting sunlight. Wherever he passes, the fog and darkness are all dispersed, and he dare not approach at all.

Although it proved that the power of reincarnation must have an impact on this space, Jiang Yun did not dare to delay at all, but moved forward quickly with strides.

However, as fast as possible, Jiang Yun also gave the woman a certain amount of time to look around and see if she could find something wrong.

In this way, under the light of the tree of reincarnation, Jiang Yun kept walking towards the depths.

After more than an hour, the woman's voice suddenly rang in Jiang Yun's ear: "Flower! Senior, there is a big flower in front of you."

Even if Jiang Yun had the golden light of the tree of reincarnation to disperse the mist and make his consciousness more effective than before, it could only be within the range covered by the golden light.

It is about a hundred feet in size, which is still not as good as a woman's.

Therefore, although he heard the woman's reminder, Jiang Yun didn't even see the shadow of the flower in his consciousness and eyes.

The woman pointed forward, and continued: "It's in this direction, about two hundred feet away, not only is there a flower, but it seems to be the end of this place."

The woman's spiritual consciousness can reach a distance of two hundred feet, which means that her spiritual consciousness is almost twice as strong as that of Jiang Yun.

This made Jiang Yun secretly surprised. He didn't know what kind of place the woman's parents were in order to cultivate such a powerful and terrifying consciousness.

Amidst the woman's voice, Jiang Yun had crossed a distance of nearly two hundred feet in two steps.

Sure enough, in his eyes, he finally saw a flower!

The size of this flower is quite astonishing, with a size of three to five feet.

The shape of this flower is the same as the nine-petal flower that Jiang Yun and the others climbed before, and it also has nine petals, but the color is no longer nine, but only one.


Moreover, this flower is neither suspended in nothingness, nor placed there flatly, but stands sideways.

Behind it, there is still a piece of fog, but the fog is not black, and there are faint red and white colors in it.

Other than that, the flower is neither fully bloomed nor firmly closed.

Its nine petals are more than half closed, and there is still a hole about a foot in the middle.

Because the flowers stand sideways, the opening of the hole is directly facing Jiang Yun.

The inside of the cave was pitch black, without the slightest light, and nothing could be seen.

But no matter whether it is Jiang Yun or the woman, they have already guessed that in the entrance of the cave, that is, where the flower's heart is, there should be an antennae and a mummy attached to it!

Especially when the flower is standing on its side, once it fully blooms, the tentacles and mummy inside can just come out smoothly.

The woman said to Jiang Yun via sound transmission: "Senior, from this point of view, it is not the tentacles that absorb the mummy, but the stamen of the flower!"

Jiang Yun nodded, and also responded via sound transmission: "That's very possible. There is not only one pistil in this flower, but a mummy."

If the tentacles are stamens, then naturally there will not be only one.

What's more, they've seen up to six tentacles appearing at once before.

Thinking that there might be six mummified corpses hiding among the orange blossoms in front of her, even though the woman had confidence in Jiang Yun, she still couldn't help shivering, not sure if Jiang Yun could handle it.

"Senior, be careful!"

After the woman reminded Jiang Yun, she stopped talking, for fear of distracting Jiang Yun.

And just in case, Jiang Yun's figure stopped about ten feet away from this giant orange flower.

The golden light of the tree of reincarnation covered nearly a hundred feet, so there was no mist around Jiang Yun's body, and the golden light had already shone on the giant orange flower.

However, the red and white mist behind the giant orange flower was not affected by the golden light and did not dissipate.

Jiang Yun stared at the flower for a moment, then turned his gaze to the mist behind it.

The fog is also several feet high, not just one mass, but continuous, spreading horizontally, with no end in sight at a glance, like a wall of fog that stretches for an unknown distance.

This orange flower should have been planted on this foggy wall!

Jiang Yun's mind was spinning rapidly, should he attack the flower now, or should he try to break the fog wall first.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Yun raised his fist, thunder, fire and water, the three forces gathered together, turned into a three-color dragon, and slammed towards the fog wall.

Jiang Yun still chose to attack the fog wall first.

Because if the fog wall is really the end of this place, then break it and you will be able to leave here naturally!

And once it is confirmed that he can leave, then Jiang Yun can try to use the power of reincarnation to attack those mummy and tentacles without any scruples.

After all, the power of reincarnation does not have the effect of attacking.


Jiang Yun's punch hit the fog wall hard, but there was only a slight muffled sound.

Not to mention breaking the fog wall, even the fog only shook a few times before regaining its calmness!

This result caused Jiang Yun and the woman's complexions to change slightly!

With Jiang Yun's current strength, even a single star can easily punch a hole with this full-strength punch, but facing this fog wall, he can't even shake it.

Fly may shake the tree!

In short, this wall of fog cannot be broken by Jiang Yun's power.

Jiang Yun didn't try to attack the fog wall again, but hesitated for a moment, then raised his feet and walked towards the fog wall.

He wanted to take a good look at what this fog wall was, whether there were other ways to break it, or if there was any hidden door exit.

However, Jiang Yun's footsteps had just moved, and before he could get close to the fog wall, the orange flower suddenly trembled slightly.

During this tremor, most of its petals, which were originally closed, began to slowly spread out, as if they were about to bloom.

Jiang Yun naturally saw the blooming of the petals, and stopped in his tracks.

At this time, the woman also hurriedly said: "Senior, why don't we leave here first and walk along the fog wall to see if we can find another exit."

The woman is obviously still worried that Jiang Yun is not the opponent of the corpses in the flowers.


It's a pity that just as the woman finished speaking, a black shadow shot out from the center of the orange flower. It was a tentacle, carrying a mummy, and shot towards Jiang Yun.

This mummy was also the mummy that captured the old man before.

It seemed that the mummy didn't want Jiang Yun to get close to the fog wall, so even if it was afraid of the golden light of the tree of reincarnation, it had to rush out to stop Jiang Yun.

On the face of this mummy with tight skin, there is even a hint of helplessness and hatred of gnashing teeth.

The golden light of the tree of reincarnation naturally shone on the mummy and its tentacles, making the mummy seem to be under great resistance and not moving fast.

Seeing only one mummy appeared, the woman immediately calmed down, and looked at the center of the blooming flowers.

Facing the mummy rushing over, Jiang Yun raised his hands, and his hands began to form extremely complicated golden seals.

Seal of Reincarnation!

After these seals were formed by Jiang Yun, they quickly condensed in the air until they formed a golden palm!

With the appearance of the golden palm, Jiang Yun stretched out his palm flatly!

Strange to say, the golden Yinjue's palm seemed to have life, and it even took the initiative to meet Jiang Yun's palm, and merged with Jiang Yun's palm silently.

Jiang Yun glanced at his palm, which seemed to be condensed from gold, and suddenly hit the mummy.

This palm, except for the golden light, was really ordinary, and it didn't even have any breath fluctuations, which made the woman a little disappointed.

But she didn't know that this palm is the strongest supernatural power of the reincarnation clan, controlling reincarnation!

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