The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7467: one flower one grave, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Although Jiang Yun was always on guard against this giant man and was ready to make a move at any time, the sudden wind was beyond Jiang Yun's expectations, so that he didn't know whether he should make a move at all. contend.

Before Jiang Yun could react, the strong wind had sent the three of them directly out of the nine-petaled flower, even into the darkness tens of thousands of feet away.

And those nine petals have closed again, and everything is as if it never happened.

If it wasn't for the chaos in Jiang Yun's body, he couldn't help wondering if what he had just experienced was an illusion.

The woman was even more confused, completely unable to understand what was going on.

However, being able to leave this flower made her quite at ease, so she did not speak.

Jiang Yun frowned, and said in his heart: "This person, maybe he wants to turn his back on him!"

Logically speaking, Jiang Yun, as a junior, helped this person absorb the power of Chaos, not to say that he was a great favor to the other party, but it must have helped the other party.

As long as he is a person who knows a little bit about the world, he should give Jiang Yun something in return.

However, now the other party didn't express anything at all, and sent Jiang Yun far away, and even closed the petals.

This approach is really like crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, turning your face and denying people!

It seemed that he didn't want to admit that Jiang Yun had helped him at all.

Jiang Yun didn't bother with the matter any more, and immediately looked around with his gaze and spiritual sense.

Being in the darkness at this moment, the loud "rumbling" sound became more and more clear, earth-shattering, and it shook Jiang Yun's eardrums with pain.

Moreover, after careful induction, he felt that the darkness around him was trembling slightly, obviously something happened.

At this time, the woman finally couldn't help asking: "Senior, what just happened?"

"What's going on with such a big commotion?"

Jiang Yun responded softly: "I'm afraid, this movement is the reason why that person sent us out just now."

"And the source of this movement..." Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "My lord, it should appear!"

After entering two nine-petal flowers one after another, and seeing the two detached ones, Jiang Yun already knew very well that no matter what this place is, it is definitely a place where outsiders are not allowed to enter at will.

And the pioneer here should be the owner of that giant palm.

Although my master accidentally opened this place with the power of some law and let me and others come in, but the owner of the giant palm who is outside must find a way to get in, kill myself and others, or drive them out .

Then, such a big commotion should be caused by the owner of the giant palm.

And this also means that he has broken through the blockade that Master has placed on this place.

Just after Jiang Yun's voice fell, an illusory nine-petal flower suddenly appeared in the darkness in front of the two of them!

This nine-petaled flower is only about Zhang Xu in size, and it is just about to bloom, appearing extremely abruptly, as if it was already there, blending into one body with the darkness.

While staring at the nine-petal flower that was rapidly changing from illusion to solidity, the woman hid behind Jiang Yun, her body trembling slightly and said: "Senior, you seem to be right."

"The nine kinds of light of this flower are all the same. It should be the flower of the owner of the giant palm. Let's run away!"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "I can't escape."

This place is obviously a closed space, even if there is an exit, only the owner of the giant palm should know.

Therefore, no matter where you escape to, as long as you cannot leave this space, it is impossible to escape!

During the brief conversation between the two, not only did the nine-petal flower become completely solid, but the nine petals even bloomed, revealing an old man sitting cross-legged on the flower heart!

Neither Jiang Yun nor the woman had actually seen the owner of the giant palm, so they couldn't know whether the old man in front of him was the other party.

Until the old man looked at the two of them, he suddenly smiled and said slowly, "I found you two!"

This voice is exactly the old voice that Jiang Yun and the others heard before, that is, the owner of the giant palm!

Although he knew that the other party was uneasy and kind, at this moment Jiang Yun pretended not to know anything, and even took the initiative to cup his fists at the old man and said: "Senior, you are here!"

"Before, didn't you tell us that we only need to choose another cliff and return to the starting point the same way, and you can send me directly to the inner layer?"

"But we suddenly felt a suction force, and then came to such a place inexplicably."

"We searched for a long time, but we couldn't find the exit except for a few nine-petaled flowers!"

"Could it be that the senior didn't want to fulfill his promise, sent us to this place on purpose, and wanted to trap us forever!"

Jiang Yun is testing the old man to see if the old man really doesn't know what happened here before.

After listening to Jiang Yun's words, the old man didn't seem to be able to tell whether it was true or not at all. He smiled slightly, waved his hand and said, "You little guy, you are quite courageous, dare to talk to me like that."

"You said that I trapped you on purpose, so tell me, what good does it do me if I trap you?"

"I said, I brought you from each checkpoint to give you a fortune."

"Since it is good fortune, of course it is not so easy to obtain, so everything you have experienced is my test for you."

"Only those who have truly passed the test can obtain the good fortune I sent."

"Oh!" Jiang Yun deliberately brightened his eyes and said: "We walked around here for a long time, but we didn't find anyone else, only the two of us."

"Now that the senior has appeared again, does that mean that both of us have passed the test of the senior?"

The old man said with a smile: "You are very close, but there is one last test!"

"As long as you pass, I will not only fulfill my promise and send out good fortune, but also send you to the inner layer, so that you can go wherever you want!"

Jiang Yun first showed disappointment, but then said with a little expectation: "Senior, you must keep your word."

"I don't know, what is this last test?"

The old man didn't answer directly, but stretched out his finger and pointed around and said, "How much do you know about this place?"

Jiang Yun shrugged his shoulders and said: "As I said just now, apart from seeing two huge flowers, we didn't find anything, so naturally we don't know much."

The old man nodded and said, "Then I will tell you."

"This place is called the Flower Burial Tomb!"

"Those huge flowers you see are not ordinary flowers."

"One flower, one grave!"

"Every flower is actually a tomb!"

"Inside, the corpses of some strong men are buried!"

"Ah!" This time, the woman let out an exclamation, and hastily stretched out her hand to cover her mouth.

Although both Jiang Yun and the woman believed that the giant old man and the man they saw should be alive, there was no evidence that they were alive at all.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't say a word, didn't make a sound, and didn't move too much.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are corpses.

Jiang Yun also showed shock, pointing to the flower where Wanzhang started school and said, "Such a big flower is actually a tomb?"

"How many corpses of strong men are buried there?"

Speaking of this, Jiang Yun's face changed again: "Those strong men, could they be the monks who were captured by the seniors like us, but failed the test of the seniors?"

"You?" The smile on the old man's face suddenly became cold: "You are not qualified to be buried among these flowers."

"Since this is a flower burial mound, a place where the dead are buried, then the last test I will give you is to defeat the dead here and leave here alive!"

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