The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7469: Daojun Dizun, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

The sudden opening of the sarcoid man caught both Jiang Yun and the woman by surprise.

When facing the giant old man or this man before, the two of them didn't say a word and didn't react at all, so that even though Jiang Yun and the woman thought they were still alive, they couldn't be sure.

But now, the man's opening not only proves that they can actually speak, but also means that they know clearly what's going on inside and outside their body.

When Jiang Yun was surprised, his heart moved slightly, he took a deep look at the man, and said secretly: "The other party was the first to speak at this time, and what he said was also inclined to help us."

"Could it be that he is repaying me?"

After Jiang Yun absorbed the chaotic energy from the man before, there was a strong wind that sent them out of the flowers.

Now it seems that Jiang Yun feels more and more that the other party should know that the master of the giant palm is coming, and he knows what will happen next, so he sent himself out.

In this way, the owner of the giant palm can avoid knowing that he has had contact with him and help him heal his injuries.

And as the sarcoma man's voice fell, not far away, an old man coughed heavily twice, and then he said: "Two-headed old monster, have you stayed here for too long? Arranged?"

"Don't forget, Bei Chenzi specifically mentioned that we should follow the rules."

"His words are also the rules here, so since the nine of us appear together, we must also go together when dealing with these two little babies."

The old man who spoke was the first giant old man Jiang Yun and the others saw.

And what he said also moved Jiang Yun's heart.

The other party seemed to be bickering with the sarcoma man, but in fact, he revealed two names and two messages.

Two-headed old monster, of course, is not a name, but it is definitely a nickname for a man with sarcoma.

Needless to say, Bei Chenzi is the owner of the giant palm!

Two pieces of information, the first one, the rule here should be that Bei Chenzi calls a few people out, and they must attack together.

The second piece of information, in Jiang Yun's opinion, is the most important - Bei Chenzi's words are the rules here!

This is tantamount to telling Jiang Yun that Bei Chenzi's identity is above that of the nine detached powerhouses.

The nine of them cannot defy Bei Chenzi's words here.

If it were someone else, they could only think of these things, but for Jiang Yun, apart from these things, he could think of more things.

Because, in the stone of origin that Situ Jing gave Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun saw a picture.

In the picture, Jiang Yun knew even more that Daojun is the master of Longwen Chiding!

As for Bei Chenzi, he also seems to have a prominent position, able to surpass the nine detached powerhouses, but in fact, through him, he cannot take the initiative to kill Jiang Yun, and has been looking for the true identity of the first Jiang Yun, etc. In terms of behavior, it is not difficult to infer that he is subject to many constraints and restrictions in this Longwen Chiding.

Jiang Yun's thoughts turned quickly in his mind and said: "The Taoist Lord is the master of Longwen Chiding, there is no doubt about it."

"The identity of Bei Chenzi should be Daojun's subordinate, who is only responsible for maintaining and handling various affairs in the Longwen Chiding."

"In other words, these nine detached powerhouses may not be imprisoned here by Bei Chenzi, but imprisoned here by Daojun."

"Then, the nine of them and Bei Chenzi are probably from outside the cauldron!"

Ever since Jiang Yun knew the existence of the nine detached powerhouses, he hadn't considered their origins.

But now, he gathered all the known clues and came to this conclusion by accident.

And following this conclusion to continue thinking, some things gradually became clear in his mind.

"Daojun and Bai Ye, those two made a bet around Longwen Chiding."

"Although I don't know exactly what they are betting on, but in order to allow life to be born in the cauldron and the world to be born, Daojun specially found nine transcendent experts, and either imprisoned them or sealed them in the cauldron. "

"Also, he arranged for another subordinate named Bei Chenzi to watch over the nine detached powerhouses and take care of everything that was born in Longwen Chiding."

"At the same time, in order to prevent Bei Chenzi from doing whatever he wants here, Taoist Lord imposed many constraints and restrictions on Bei Chenzi."

"And this flower burial tomb, including Beichenzi and the nine detached powerhouses, shouldn't have been known by the creatures born in Longwen Chiding."

"But in my first life, I came here by accident."

"He is here, not to mention that he knows everything, at least he has discovered some things and created some goals, so this is why he has a series of actions to find the Nine Clans, create Dao Xingtiandi, and so on."

When Jiang Yun's thoughts reached here, he suddenly shuddered and said: "In this process, how did the earth respect let the Nine Clans catch the Nine Emperors, and go to the Dream Realm in the Four Realms of Tibet, looking for something that can let him step on it?" Is it so similar to taking a crucial step above the Supreme?"

"Di Zun and Daojun did similar things, this can be regarded as a coincidence..."

"However, the Nine Clans were found by me in the first life and sent into Daoxing Heaven and Earth."

"But why is it such a coincidence that all of these nine clans just happened to be under the command of the Earth Lord?"

"In Daoxing Heaven and Earth, Earth Venerable is the father of Second Senior Sister."

"Besides Longwen Chiding, the second senior sister should be under Daojun's subordinates."

"The Taoist Lord and the Earth Venerable, do they have anything to do with each other?"

Daojun and Dizun, in Jiang Yun's original cognition, the two are completely incompatible.

One is the owner of Longwen Chiding.

One is just one of the three gods of a side of heaven and earth in a large domain in Longwen Chiding!

No matter in terms of status or strength, the two of them are far apart.

But now, a Nine Clan, a Situ Jing, and the similar actions made by both sides seem to connect the two of them together.

Jiang Yun also suddenly realized that both the earthly deity and the human deity have taken refuge in the sacred tree of Ganzhi, and both are hidden in the body of the Lord of Heavenly Stems.

But I only saw human beings, not earthly ones.

Is the deity still hiding in the body of the Lord of Heavenly Stems and has not appeared, or is he already in another place.

"Senior, senior!"

At this moment, the woman's rapid voice transmission sounded in Jiang Yun's ear, immediately pulled him out of his thoughts, and responded, "What's wrong?"

The woman smiled wryly and said: "Senior, I was just asking you, what should we do now, should we just admit defeat!"

The woman was completely convinced.

After asking himself for a long time, Jiang Yun remained silent.

Surrounded by nine detached experts, Jiang Yun was still standing here in a daze at such a time!

In fact, Jiang Yun couldn't really be completely immersed in thinking, he was always watching every move of these nine people.

As for what to do, it can only be blocked by soldiers, and Jiang Yun has no other way except to fight these nine people.

It is impossible to admit defeat at all.

After all, Bei Chenzi was still counting on these nine people to finally confirm Jiang Yun's identity!

"Stop talking nonsense!" Among the nine people, the three-foot-tall boy-like man suddenly said with a cold smile, "Hurry up and deal with these two little ones, I still have work to do!"

While speaking, the boy had already raised his hand, ready to make a move.

But as soon as he finished speaking, another voice suddenly rang out: "I'm most annoyed by people who are like me, who are obviously old and dying, and still want to pretend to be a boy."

"Fourth, beat him back to his original form!"

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