The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7595: blatantly false, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

The condition proposed by Moxian Zun made Jiang Yun a little helpless.

Jiang Yun wouldn't feel any pressure to fight against a peak source at other times.

But at this moment, this will undoubtedly be a huge difficulty for Jiang Yun.

First of all, this is the Soul Dao Realm, and there is the existence of the Dao Demon.

Jiang Yun is in the Soul Dao Realm, not to mention unable to borrow the power here, and even be repelled by the demon of the Dao, he can only use his own power.

Secondly, before he came to the Soul Dao Realm, although he had recovered from his injuries, he had consumed a lot of life blood, which reduced his strength.

Moreover, he has broken through the six layers of heavens one after another, and performed the art of fixing the sea three times. Up to now, it is too much to say that 80% of his original strength is left.

Most importantly, Jiang Yun's ultimate goal is the Dao Demon.

Even at his peak state, he was not sure that he would be able to defeat the opponent in the battle for the top, let alone defeating a peak of origin first!

But now, he knows that Mo Xianzun's ability to raise this condition is already the biggest concession he has made to himself.

Therefore, Jiang Yun could only nod his head and agree, "Okay!"

The Demon Immortal Venerable raised his feet and walked down directly from the dragon head of the giant dragon. With his arms around his chest, he stood in front of Jiang Yun and said, "You and I will take turns attacking each other until one party admits defeat, or How about being beaten to death?"


Mo Xianzun said with satisfaction: "You are a guest from afar, so I will let you make the first move!"

Jiang Yun cupped his fists at the opponent and said, "Then I'll be offended!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Yun raised his fist, and smashed it at the Demon Immortal Venerable very simply.

Although Jiang Yun can only be regarded as a half-body cultivator, or half a demonic cultivator, his special practice experience makes him above pure strength, not weaker than real physical and demonic cultivators.

Therefore, in the eyes of most people, his punching did not seem to have any special features, but the eyes of Mo Xianzun suddenly lit up, and he shouted: "Okay!"

The Demon Immortal Venerable shouted yes, but his body stood still. He just let go of his hands, stretched out a palm, and stood upright in front of him.

Obviously, he was going to take Jiang Yun's punch hard.


Jiang Yun's fist hit Mo Xianzun's palm.


Mo Xianzun roared again, and his palm exploded.

Amidst the blood splattering, Mo Xianzun staggered backwards.

Mo Xianzun didn't stop until he had withdrawn a full ten feet away.

This punch, in the eyes of those who don't understand, naturally thinks that Mo Xianzun has suffered a disadvantage.

After all, even the palm of his hand was smashed by Jiang Yun's punch.

But Jiang Yun's heart sank.

Jiang Yun was very aware of the power contained in his punch just now, and he didn't hold back the slightest bit.

If it was replaced by other original peaks, if it was connected like Moxianzun, not only a palm would be broken, but at least an arm would also be added!

Therefore, it is not difficult for Jiang Yun to infer that the body of the Demon Immortal Venerable is probably stronger than his own.

Despite all the restrictions, Jiang Yun is confident that he can defeat the opponent by virtue of what he has learned.

But after this punch, Jiang Yun understood that if he only used pure strength, he had no chance of winning at all.

Jiang Yun was shocked, and the Demon Immortal Venerable opposite him was also taken aback.

Don't look at Mo Xianzun saying that he is stupid, but how can a person who can cultivate to the peak of his origin be stupid!

Ever since Jiang Yun appeared in the first layer of heavens, Mo Xianzun has been following him.

Naturally, the Demon Immortal Venerable had already noticed that Jiang Yun had consumed a lot of strength and seemed to be injured.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Yun's punch could break his own palm, so if Jiang Yun was at his peak, he might not be his opponent.

Mo Xianzun thought to himself: "In this way, what he just said is a little more believable."

"With his strength, even if he doesn't know anything about the Soul Dao Realm, he will be able to retreat completely under the killing spree."

"But he has always been merciful, which shows that he really doesn't want to be our enemy."

The reason why Mo Xianzun always had a skeptical attitude towards Jiang Yun's words was because he didn't know Jiang Yun's strength clearly enough.

Before Jiang Yun said that his subordinates were merciful, in his mind, Jiang Yun was worried that there would be too many strong people in the Soul Dao Realm, and he was afraid that under the massacre, many strong people would be attracted to kill him.

But now, he doesn't think so.

"Let him pass, or leave him here!"

Mo Xianzun was tangled in his heart, his figure flickered, and he returned to the position where he was standing before. He shook his hand, and the palm of his hand returned to its original state.

"Now it's my turn!"

Just as Mo Xianzun clenched his fists and was about to strike, a lazy voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Big devil, it's almost over, if you think about it, just admit defeat and let this kid pass!"

Hearing this voice, Mo Xianzun was not surprised, but hastily responded: "Xiao Daozi, what do you mean, is this kid telling the truth?"

"That Ye Dong, what kind of monster is it really?"

That lazy voice said: "Nonsense, when did you see that Ye Dong would encourage everyone in the entire soul world to deal with a foreign enemy?"

"What's more, this kid's strength is so strong, except you and me, other people will deal with him. If he really kills, everyone will never return, and they will definitely die."

"This kind of thing, Ye Dong can do it?"

"So, it's clear that Ye Dong is a fake!"

"Fake!" Moxian Venerable said angrily, "Since you know he is fake, why didn't you say it earlier, instead, you just watched the fun from the sidelines?"

"Hey!" The lazy voice said with a smile: "Who said I've been watching the fun all the time."

"If this kid killed our people, I would have stopped him long ago."

"Furthermore, this kid hasn't come to me yet. When he arrives, I will naturally let him go."

Mo Xianzun frowned and said, "Just let him go?"

"Since you're sure that Ye Dong is a fake, why don't we deal with the Dao Demon?"

The lazy voice let out a helpless sigh: "You are really stupid!"

"Although I know that Ye Dong is a fake, we can't listen to this kid's one-sided words."

"What's more, we have never heard of the demon of the Dao, and we don't know what his origin is."

"Let this kid fight with him first, let's observe for a while and see what's going on."

Mo Xianzun pondered slightly: "Well, what you said makes some sense, so let's listen to you first."

After the voice fell, Mo Xianzun's raised fist suddenly slammed at Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun was ready. He didn't go for a hard catch like Mo Xianzun did, but raised his fist and greeted him.


After the two fists intersected, under the dumbstruck of everyone, Moxianzun's body flew out heavily like a huge stone.

Jiang Yun stood where he was.

Mo Xianzun's voice came from afar: "I lost, let's go!"

When Jiang Yun came back to his senses, he naturally understood that Mo Xianzun had deliberately lost to him, and said gratefully: "Thank you."

After the words fell, Jiang Yun had already soared into the sky, directly rushing out of the seventh layer of heaven.

And just as he set foot on the eighth layer of heaven, a lazy voice sounded in his ear: "I won't stop you, but the next heaven is where Ye Dong's family lives. Be careful that the other party threatens you with the lives of Ye Dong's family." !"

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