The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7682: that's soul, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

These extremely heavenly cultivators did not notice Jiang Yun's arrival in the slightest.

Jiang Yun is not surprised when he sees these Jitian Dharma Cultivators with more than 10,000 members.

Although the Jitian Law Territory has lost a battle, of course it is impossible to let it go, so they will continue to gather monks and prepare to attack Daoxing Dayu again.

Zhen Ling found them, so he brought himself here to have a look.

Jiang Yun turned his head and looked around again, and found that he was still in the formation at the moment.

And the location where these Dharma practitioners gather is not at the entrance of the million feet.

Jiang Yun didn't take it seriously at all for this mere 10,000 Jitian Dharma cultivators.

With his own strength, not to mention that he could wipe out all of them, at least half of them could be killed.

However, Jiang Yun was thinking about another thing.

And at this moment, another teleportation force enveloped Jiang Yun, taking him away from this area in an instant and to another area.

Similarly, Jiang Yun saw nearly ten thousand monks gather.

But from the aura emanating from them, it was not difficult for Jiang Yun to judge that they were no longer monks from the Extreme Heaven Law Domain, but from another great domain.

Immediately afterwards, the array spirit continued to lead Jiang Yun, constantly changing positions in the array.

Every time the location changes, Jiang Yun can see a certain number of monks gathering.

It was not until more than ten times later that Zhen Ling sent Jiang Yun back to the original place.

So far, Jiang Yun has fully understood.

These monks should be the disciples of Zixu that Pan Chaoyang mentioned before, summoned from other jurisdictions.

They were scattered in all directions of Daoxing Dayu, and they were ready to launch an attack at the same time when the number of people arrived, thus catching Daoxing Dayu by surprise.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Yun said, "Zhenling, can you send other monks from the Daoxing Dayu out of the Daoxing Dayu?"

A wave of consciousness then passed into Jiang Yun's mind.

Zhen Ling gave his own response, which is absolutely fine.

Jiang Yun's eyes lit up immediately and he said: "In that case, we can let the monks of Daoxing Dayu divide into more than ten groups to take the initiative to attack these monks."

"It's best to fight to win. If you can't fight, Daoxing monks will flee back to Daoxing Dayu, and you will prevent the monks from the Extreme Heaven Law Domain from entering."

Under the protection of the formation diagram, the entire Daoxing Dayu is at least extremely safe at present, and no one can break through the formation diagram.

Moreover, the monks in the Extreme Heaven Law Region have not yet assembled, and they do not have an advantage in numbers at all. The Daoxing Dayu is fully capable of defeating them one by one.

Although killing these monks will not have much impact on the final battle situation, it can reduce the number of enemies to some extent.

The most important thing is to be able to temper the monks of Daoxing Dayu, let them familiarize themselves with the attack methods and magical powers of other Daoxing Dayu.

Even, if the Daoxing Dayu is strong enough, it can build a star world outside the territory, and use it as a stronghold to advance to the outside world little by little.

After getting affirmative response from the spirit again, Jiang Yun immediately asked the spirit to send him to the entrance of the million feet, and found the ten thousand monks stationed there.

Jiang Yun's arrival was beyond everyone's expectations.

But the moment they saw Jiang Yun, all the monks, including Ye Dong's three brothers, immediately clasped their fists together and saluted.

After the previous battle, Jiang Yun had already won their respect.

After Jiang Yun returned the salute, a big man walked up to Jiang Yun. It was Ye Dong's senior brother, Zhan Jiutian.

"Senior War!"

Jiang Yun greeted politely, and then expressed his findings and thoughts: "Although the risk of going to a foreign war is not too high, there is still a possibility of falling."

"So, everyone, please consider carefully whether you are willing to go!"

Zhan Jiutian glanced at everyone and said, "You guys, do you still need to think about it?"

All the monks shouted together without hesitation: "I am willing to go!"

A monstrous fighting spirit surged from this group of monks.

Everyone's reaction was within Jiang Yun's expectation.

When one's homeland is invaded by foreign enemies, a monk who has the opportunity to kill the enemy but dares not go there is not worthy of being called Daoxing monk.

Therefore, Jiang Yun stopped talking nonsense and directly communicated with the spirits with his spiritual consciousness.

"Zhen Ling, send us to the place where monks from outside the territory who are not Jitian Dharma gather."

Going outside the territory, killing the enemy is actually secondary, and training troops is Jiang Yun's main purpose.

Although Jitian Faxiu's strength is strong, these ten thousand Daoxing monks have already fought against them and gained some understanding.

So Jiang Yun wanted to see if monk Daoxing could still adapt to a different monk.

A ray of light descended from the sky, enveloping ten thousand monks.

Everyone only felt that there was a flash in front of them, and the next moment they were already outside the territory.

Only ten feet away, there are also more than ten thousand monks from other great domains!

This scene, not to mention Zhan Jiutian and others were a little caught off guard, even Jiang Yun smiled wryly.

Jiang Yun's idea is to let the formation spirit let everyone stay in the formation map first, take a look at these monks from outside the territory, observe their general strength, and then send everyone out.

Unexpectedly, Zhen Ling sent everyone to the enemy in such a direct way.

However, there is no point in talking about it now.

Now that it has come out, it can only be killed,

Jiang Yun shouted loudly: "Kill!"

The sound was like a thunderbolt, exploding above the heads of the ten thousand monks of the enemy!

These other monks from the Great Territory were also shocked by the sudden appearance of the Daoxing monk.

For a moment, they didn't know whether the other party was an enemy or a friend, and they were all in a daze.

Now Jiang Yun yelled again with all his strength, which made them dizzy even more.


Brother Daoxing came back to his senses, roared in unison, and rushed towards the group of monks.

The battle begins in an instant!

However, Jiang Yun did not participate in the battle, but was tall and condescending, and his spiritual consciousness covered all the monks on both sides of the war.

While checking the strength difference between the two sides, he observed the situation of the entire battlefield.

Although he said that anyone may have the risk of falling, since he is here, he naturally wants to minimize this risk as much as possible.

The strength of this group of enemy monks is also the beginning of the Great Emperor. The strongest are the two original peaks, and they have not surpassed half a step. Therefore, in terms of overall strength, Daoxing Dayu is stronger.

It's just that, after Jiang Yun looked carefully for a few breaths, he found that these monks were neither pure Dharma cultivators, nor did they come from the same great domain.

Apparently, they were sent out jointly by several large domains.

With superior strength and unexpected circumstances, Daoxing Dayu naturally gained the upper hand very quickly.

In just over ten breaths, over a thousand monks had been killed.

Among the enemy monks, there were those with a strong personality who blew themselves up without hesitation, and wanted to drag the monk Daoxing to die together.

Those who are greedy for life and afraid of death immediately flee in the opposite direction of the battlefield, and do not want to continue to fight at all.

For those monks who escaped, Jiang Yun did not intend to let everyone chase them.

After all, everyone is too far away from the Daoxing Dayu, and the power of the formation spirit cannot be reached, so it is difficult to bring them back to the Daoxing Dayu.

However, after Jiang Yun stretched out his hand to neutralize the self-destruction of a Supreme Realm cultivator, he suddenly raised his head and looked in one direction, his eyes brightened, and he said to himself: "That's the Soul Race!"

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