The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7684: Meet the Holy Relic, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Jiang Yun couldn't help being slightly taken aback by what the soul clansman said in front of him.

Jiang Yun could understand that the other party didn't know Hun Yanfeng.

I am Hun Yanfeng I met in the place of origin.

Although I don't know how long Hun Yanfeng left their domain, but it must have been hundreds of years.

It is normal for a person to disappear for hundreds of years, to be forgotten by others, or to be considered dead.

What really shocked Jiang Yun was naturally the man's last sentence.

After regaining his senses, Jiang Yun frowned and said, "Has your Soul You Great Domain been captured?"

The large domain where the soul clan is located is called Hunyou.

It's not all the soul clan members, but the soul clan occupies a dominant position and controls the entire domain.

There are two kinds of soul fire in the soul clan, one is ordinary soul fire.

And the other is the Indeterminate Soul Fire, which is also regarded as a sacred object by the soul clansmen!

Ordinary soul fires, as members of the soul clan, can naturally be used, but the indeterminate soul fire is enshrined in the holy place of the soul clan, and is guarded by the elders such as the patriarch.

Soul clansmen are only eligible to enter the Holy Land to observe the Wuding Soul Fire if they are allowed.

But no matter whether it is an indeterminate soul fire or an ordinary soul fire, only soul clansmen can have it.

However, the man in front of him said that there are tens of millions of monks who can cast soul fire, not hundreds of millions.

This can only show that the Great Domain where the Soul Clan is located has already fallen.

Their practice skills have been spread, making a large number of other non-soul monks able to display soul fire.

The man smiled miserably and said, "If my homeland hadn't been captured, I wouldn't have appeared here!"

The Great Domain of the Soul Clan has been captured. Although Jiang Yun was a little shocked by this fact, he quickly accepted it.

Since the battle between Taoism and law had already begun, and as one of the 108 great domains, it is naturally impossible to stay out of the war.

Even if the Hun You Da Yu is very powerful, if he meets the Extreme Sky Law Domain, he will definitely not be his opponent.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun said: "Tell me in detail about the specific situation of your Great Domain, especially your Soul Race."

Although the Hun You Da Yu was captured, Jiang Yun was mainly looking for the Hun Clan people.

Only the soul power mastered by the soul clan can suppress the power of a certain transcendent power outside the cauldron.

The man raised his head again, looked up and down seriously at Jiang Yun several times, and asked doubtfully, "Didn't senior really want to kill me?"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "I'm going to kill you, you're already dead!"

"I still say the same thing, I have quite a relationship with your soul clan, and I have no malice towards you."

After hesitating for a while, the man finally nodded and said, "Actually, this is not a big secret."

"Since senior wants to know, I will say it."

"My Hunyou Great Domain was captured by the Ten Thousand Lords' Domain nearly a hundred years ago."

"However, the Wanzhu Jurisdiction did not kill us, nor did it destroy our Great Domain, but sent people to station in our Great Domain."

"At the same time, they took out all the monks who had a certain level of cultivation in our great domain, scattered them all, incorporated them into their monks, and participated in the battle with them."

"Naturally, our identities are cannon fodder."

"Once we encounter an unfamiliar big domain, or a monk whose strength is unknown, we will take the lead first."

"After so many years, the monks in our Great Domain have been unparalleled in death and injury."

"Even though we don't want to work for them, they firmly control the lives of our relatives and friends."

"Let's just say this time, even if senior can let me leave safely, I still have to go back to the Law of the Ten Thousand Lords."

"As for the current situation of our Soul Race, to be honest, I don't know."

"Because I haven't been home since I came out, and I haven't seen other clansmen."

Having said that, the man closed his mouth, and the expression on his face became more and more sad. He sat quietly, motionless.

From the other party's expression, Jiang Yun could easily tell that what he said was the truth.

However, there was one thing Jiang Yun couldn't figure out.

"Why did you send people to station in your Great Domain?"

Attacking the domain is easy, but defending the domain is difficult!

After capturing a large domain, after taking away everything in it, it is absolutely possible to destroy this large domain, that is, to cut grass and roots, leaving no future troubles.

However, not only did Wanzhu's legal domain fail to destroy the Hunyou domain, but it also sent people to station it, which is a bit unreasonable.

The man stretched out his palm, and a ball of white flames rose from his palm and said: "They are for my clan's sacred object, the Indefinite Soul Fire!"

"The patriarch of our clan has used a special method so that if the Wuding soul fire is forcibly taken away from the holy land of our clan, the soul fire will be completely extinguished!"

"And the Indeterminate Soul Fire has a great effect on any living being, so they can only send people to station in our Great Domain."

Jiang Yun's face showed a look of surprise, and he nodded, which made sense.

Jiang Yun is naturally aware of the effect of the Indeterminate Soul Fire, and it does have a great effect on any living being.

I am the beneficiary of the Indeterminate Soul Fire.

In fact, Jiang Yun felt that the reason why the Ten Thousand Lords Lawyland would attack the Hunyou Great Domain might be to obtain the Unfixed Soul Fire.

Jiang Yun continued to ask: "Then how many members of your Soul Clan are left in the Hun You Da Yu?"

The man replied: "Originally we had a total of more than 100 million people, and nearly half of them died in the war."

"Later, nearly tens of millions of tribesmen like me were taken away from Dayu to participate in the great war."

"Anyway, when I left, there were still about 40 to 50 million clansmen who stayed in the Hunyou Dayu."

Forty to fifty million!

This amount moved Jiang Yun's heart.

There are only a few thousand soul clansmen in Daoxing Dayu!

If he can take all these soul clansmen to Daoxing Dayu, then the soul power alone should be enough to suppress a transcendent power outside the cauldron!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun said calmly: "What is the strength of the monks stationed in your Hunyou Dayu in the Ten Thousand Lords' Law?"

The man thought for a while and said, "I remember that at that time, there was a half-step detachment, and dozens of original peaks settled in our Dayu."

"However, after all these years, I don't know if they have increased their manpower."

Thoughts were spinning quickly in Jiang Yun's mind.

Anyway, I am going to go to where the Nine Clans are.

Now that I have met the soul clansmen, and the number of monks stationed in the domain of the ten thousand masters is not too strong, then I can go to the soul realm first.

"Then do you know, from here, how to go to your Soul You Dayu?"

Jiang Yun's question made the man's face show a look of vigilance: "What do you want to do, senior?"

Jiang Yun didn't hide his purpose and said: "I want to try and see if I can save your soul clan!"

After the man was stunned, the vigilance on his face turned into a sneer: "Senior, it's not that I look down on you."

"If I'm not wrong, your big domain is now the target of attack."

"Senior is too busy to take care of himself now, how can he save my Soul You Dayu!"

Jiang Yun didn't explain, a nearly colorless flame suddenly rose above his body, burning blazingly.

The moment he saw the flame, the smile on the man's face suddenly froze, and his whole body froze there as if struck by lightning.

After a long time, he suddenly turned over and knelt down in front of Jiang Yun, with reverence on his face, he murmured: "Hun Chengyu, a member of the Soul clan, pay homage to the holy object!"

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