The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7696: perish together, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

When the candle dragon transformed from this drop of Zhulong's blood was tightly wrapped by the flame transformed by Jiang Yun, all the magical powers had lost their effect at this moment.

The life-and-death contest between the two is a pure power struggle.

Jiang Yun could clearly feel that there was a majestic force gushing out of Zhulong's body, constantly hitting his body.

If Jiang Yun still has a human body, then his body will collapse under this kind of impact at this moment.

But because his body has turned into flames, in the eyes of Zixu and Hun Chengyu, they can only see the area covered by the flames and the burning flames, which sometimes swell and rise, and sometimes shrink and condense.

Every contraction and condensation represents the collapse of Jiang Yun's body.

Every swell represents the rebirth of his body.

This constant collapse and rebirth naturally brought great pain to Jiang Yun.

But fortunately, this kind of experience has become accustomed to him, so he didn't even make a sound.

At this moment, Jiang Yun also completely let go of all thoughts, and really embraced the idea of ​​being immortal with this drop of Zhulong's blood, and exhausted all his strength to absorb the blood of Zhulong little by little.

I have to say that Jiang Yun's luck is still very good.

The last time he absorbed the ray of original fire, Yue Tianzi Xue Yunfei and others stood by to protect him, and the whirlpool of Daoyuan generously sent the power of Dao.

But this time, he also had Hun Chengyu restraining Zixu, and even more so, the power of the nine clans descended from the sky, pouring into his body continuously.

The original soul power, as well as the current power of the nine clans, naturally came from the nine chains on the boundary land!

When the power contained in the candle dragon's blood showed, Jiang Yiyun was amazed at its strength, so he hesitated.

He was worried that even if he mobilized the power of the chains to Jiang Yun, he would still be unable to resist in the end, and Jiang Yun would still die in Zhulong's hands.

However, when he discovered that Jiang Yun had transformed into the Demon Queen of the Way of Fire, and had faintly qualified to contend with the blood of the candle dragon, he made a decisive decision, continued to activate the power of the chain, and gave it to Jiang Yun.

Originally, Jiang Yiyun only used his soul power.

But now he has added the power of the other eight clans, and he must help Jiang Yun succeed no matter what.

Anyway, if Jiang Yun can absorb that drop of Zhulong's blood, all the benefits obtained will belong to Jiang Yiyun in the future!

In short, Jiang Yiyun and Jiang Yun are fighting this drop of Zhulong's blood together.

What Jiang Yun and Jiang Yiyun didn't know was that at this moment, in the depths of a certain palace far outside the cauldron, a figure was sitting cross-legged.

Around the figure, there was a circle of lit candles, and the flickering candlelight illuminated the figure.

The figure was a young man in white, handsome in appearance, with a single horn growing on top of his head.

His appearance is exactly the same as Ye Bai who was caught by Jiang Yun.

Naturally, this person is Bai Ye who is as famous as Daojun!

Bai Ye's gaze was fixed on the burning candle flame on one of the candles.

Inside the candlelight, Jiang Yun, who had turned into a Dao demon of fire and was absorbing the candle dragon, suddenly appeared.

Bai Ye's face was a little distorted, and he murmured, "Why is it you again!"

That drop of Zhulong's blood came from Bai Ye.

Now that Jiang Yun is going to absorb the blood of Zhulong, how can Bai Ye not know.

It's just that Bai Ye didn't expect that the person who dealt with Ye Bai last time was Jiang Yun.

The person who wanted to absorb his own blood this time turned out to be Jiang Yun again!

In fact, with Bai Ye's strength, at this time, it is completely possible to take back that drop of blood, or let the blood burst into a stronger force and kill Jiang Yun directly.

However, he dare not do this!

Because once he makes a move, the Taoist Lord will know immediately, thus exposing him.

At that time, not only will he be punished, but all the other methods he arranged in the cauldron will no longer be able to be used.

Even his camp will be implicated.

Therefore, he could only watch helplessly as his own blood gradually lost the power to resist under Jiang Yun's wrap.

After half an hour had passed, Jiang Yun, Zi Xu and Hun Chengyu could clearly hear a mournful dragon chant in their ears.

Surrounded by Jiang Yun's body, Zhulong curled up.

Although there is still power released from his body, he is no longer Jiang Yun's opponent.

Zixu's complexion suddenly changed, and he wanted to deal with Jiang Yun and help Zhulong Zhixue.

But Hun Chengyu in front of him seemed to be aided by a god, and his strength was getting stronger and stronger, so strong that Zi Xu faintly felt that he was not an opponent.

"Damn it!"

In desperation, after Zixu uttered a vicious curse, a stream of blood suddenly spewed out from his mouth, surrounding his body.

The blood exploded and turned into a driving force, causing his speed to soar in an instant, and he turned around and ran away.

Obviously, he knew very well that since he couldn't save Zhulong, Jiang Yun would join hands with Hun Chengyu to deal with him after the blood of Zhulong was absorbed by Jiang Yun.

When the time comes, you won't be able to escape.

Therefore, Jiang Yun hadn't completely absorbed the blood of the candle dragon, so he ran away quickly.

Zixu's sudden escape left Hun Chengyu stunned.

It never occurred to him that this well-known domain master of the extremely heaven law domain would choose to run away when facing him.

After recovering, Hun Chengyu looked at Jiang Yun.

He couldn't see the candle dragon surrounded by Jiang Yun, but the stern dragon chant just now and the flame transformed by Jiang Yun had gradually stabilized, which made him understand the reason for Zixu's escape.

After a little hesitation, Hun Chengyu said to Jiang Yun: "Senior, this junior should be here to protect you, but..."

Speaking of this, Hun Chengyu suddenly knelt down to Jiang Yun and said, "The younger generation has nothing to repay the life-saving grace of the senior. I can only do my best to kill that Zixu."

"I hope the seniors can save the clansmen of the juniors, save the Soul You Dayu, and even win the final victory in this battle of Taoism!"

After respectfully kowtowing to Jiang Yun nine times, Hun Chengyu stood up and chased in the direction where Zi Xu was escaping!

Although Jiang Yun was still absorbing Zhulong's blood, he knew clearly about Zixu's escape and Hun Chengyu's words, which also changed his complexion.

Zixu escaped, Jiang Yun was not surprised.

But Hun Chengyu's departure was beyond his expectation.

No matter how strong Hun Chengyu is, it is impossible to kill Zixu.

Unless, he and Zixu died together!

But this is not necessary at all!

Without the candle dragon's blood, Zi Xu could no longer use the power of transcendence outside the nine cauldrons, it was just an ordinary half-step transcendence.

Even if he is allowed to escape today, there are plenty of opportunities to kill him in the future.

It's a pity that Jiang Yun couldn't be distracted, he couldn't even speak, so he could only let Hun Chengyu go, and he tried to speed up the speed of absorbing Zhulong's blood as much as possible.

When another half an hour passed, Jiang Yun heard a faint roar in his ears.

And the flame he turned into also exploded and soared into the sky, turning into a fire dragon.

Jiang Yun didn't even have time to change back to his original appearance, so in the form of a fire dragon, he hurriedly chased in the same direction as the roaring sound came from.

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