The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7704: Senior Gu Ding, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

The order issued by Wanzhu surprised this half-step transcendent and said: "Give up the Liangyi Dayu?"

"My lord, we have spent more than ten years attacking the Liangyi Great Domain, and we have finally made a breakthrough. It is a pity to give up suddenly now!"

This person naturally understood that Master Wan wanted to gather the power of the entire legal domain to deal with Jiang Yun with all his strength.

And this is what he couldn't figure out.

Although he also admitted that Jiang Yun was so elusive that he was able to pass through the trap carefully set by Wanzhu without any injuries, which is indeed a bit of a headache.

But for the sake of one Jiang Yun, he had to give up the entire Liangyi Dayu, which was simply a small loss.

Even if Jiang Yun could be killed in the end, it would not be worth the candle!

Wanzhu shook his head and said: "You are clear about the strength of Zixu and Jitian Law Realm."

"Not to mention their failure in attacking Daoxing Dayu, Zixu still failed to keep Jiang Yun when he went to Jitian Law, and even notified me, hoping that I would kill Jiang Yun."

"You can imagine how afraid he is of Jiang Yun."

"Now, Jiang Yun also escaped in front of us."

"This is enough to show that Jiang Yun's threat to us is definitely worth a big domain."

"It's fine if Jiang Yun doesn't come to trouble us, but now that he has come to our Dayu and he is here to save Soulyou Dayu, then he is our enemy."

"If we don't deal with him with all our strength, once the Hun You Da Yu, especially the Wuding Huo of the Hun Clan, is snatched away by him."

"At that time, what we will lose will not only be a Liangyi Grand Domain!"

After listening to Wanzhu's explanation, this half-step detachment suddenly realized.

In fact, the Indeterminate Soul Fire of the soul clan that Wanzhu really cares about!

However, he also admitted that the Indeterminate Soul Fire is indeed incomparably miraculous.

Although the soul clan is a Taoist cultivator, the benefits of the Unfixed Soul Fire can be enjoyed by both Taoist cultivators and Dharma cultivators, which is the improvement of the power of the soul.

Since conquering the Hunyou Great Domain, for the sake of Wuding Soul Fire, several jurisdictions, including the Extreme Sky Domain, have offered extremely high conditions. They wanted to exchange with Wanzhu's Domain, but they were all rejected by Wanzhu.

Therefore, if Jiang Yun snatched the Wuding Soul Fire, the loss of the Ten Thousand Lords' Domain would indeed be too great.

After figuring this out, this half-step detachment naturally didn't say anything more, and immediately agreed, and began to notify the other half-step detachments.

Wanzhu took out a teleportation array map and went directly to the Hunyou Great Domain.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun has already moved away from the edge of Wanzhu's legal domain, and flew towards the depths.

With the protection of Beiming and the supernatural power of closing his eyes for the night, he didn't have to worry about being discovered.

In this way, after flying for three days, Jiang Yun finally came to a dharma realm and entered it without hesitation.

Although Wanzhu's law domain has a teleportation map leading to the Hunyou Great Domain, Jiang Yun is very clear that since Wanzhu has known about his arrival in advance, he must also know that his destination is the Hunyou Dayu.

Then, he will inevitably put away the teleportation array directly, or also set up many traps near the array.

Because the Hunyou Great Territory is adjacent to the east of the Wanzhu Law Domain, and the location where Jiang Yun entered the Wan Lord Law Domain is in the north.

So Jiang Yun could only choose to travel through half of the Ten Thousand Lords' Domain and go to the Soul You Domain.

If it was all by flight, it would take Jiang Yun a few years to reach Wanzhu's jurisdiction.

But fortunately, within Wanzhu's legal domain, there are its own teleportation array maps, so Jiang Yun can use these teleportation array maps to shorten the time of traveling.

Stepping into this Dharma Realm, Jiang Yun immediately felt an oppressive force covering his body.

Although Jiang Yun was not greatly affected by this oppressive force.

But after pondering for a while, Jiang Yun blinked his eyes, and a candle appeared in his right eye, and the oppressive force disappeared without a trace!

Jiang Yun couldn't help saying with emotion: "This drop of Zhulong's blood is so worth it!"

In the dispute between Daoism and Daoism, when Daoist and Dharma cultivators go to each other's territory, they will be repelled by the corresponding power of Daoism, which makes their own cultivation strength suppressed a little.

Don't look at this little suppression, it is likely to kill the monk.

And Jiang Yun has the blood of Zhulong, so this problem will no longer bother him.

The only inconvenience is that when the candle dragon blood is displayed, the candle that floats in the right eye is a bit of an eyesore.

For monks who have never been outside the cauldron, it is good to see it.

But if it was a monk outside the cauldron, especially a monk who knew the lineage of Zhulong, he would recognize it immediately and doubt Jiang Yun's identity.

Therefore, Jiang Yun had to spend some more time to open up an independent space in his right eye to cover the candle.

Jiang Yun restrained his breath again, changed his appearance and figure, and then stepped forward calmly, truly entering this Dharma Realm.

Although he had just come to the legal domain, Jiang Yun was not interested in seeing the environment here, so he went directly to the teleportation array.

Next, Jiang Yun didn't encounter any troubles. With the help of the teleportation array maps distributed in various Dharma Realms, it took nearly two months and finally arrived at the eastern edge of the Law of the Lord.

When he got here, Jiang Yun didn't need to borrow the teleportation array anymore, he took Beiming directly, left the domain of the ten thousand masters, and rushed towards the Hunyou domain.

Sitting on Beiming, Jiang Yun's consciousness looked at the fire in his body!

Since successfully incorporating the candle dragon's blood into his own blood, Jiang Yun has used all the remaining power in the candle dragon's blood to weaken the power of the seal on the fire seed.

However, Jiang Yun was worried that it would attract the attention of Bei Chenzi and others, so he didn't dare to use it too directly, so he could only use a slow fire to simmer to wear off the power of the seal little by little.

Today, only a thin layer of sealing power is left.

Jiang Yun estimated that in another two or three months, the seal should disappear completely.

To be honest, the benefits brought to him by the candle dragon's bloodline made Jiang Yun have expectations for the things in this fire seed.

"Hopefully, it will give me some more surprises then!"

After Bei Ming walked through the darkness for more than a month, Jiang Yun, who was meditating with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and looked forward.

Rao is Jiang Yun who is well-informed, and at this moment, his face is also full of shock!

In front of him, in the boundless darkness, stood a huge group of flames, burning silently.

The color and shape of the flame are constantly changing!

Especially when the flames were burning, although there was no scorching heat, it made Jiang Yun's soul feel extremely comfortable, as if bathing in the sun, warm.

Unfixed soul fire!

The Holy Relic of the Soul Race!

Although Jiang Yun had the Wuding Soul Fire in his own soul, he was still deeply shocked when he saw the body of the Wuding Soul Fire at this moment.

The size of the Wuding Soul Fire alone is far beyond Jiang Yun's imagination.

In Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness, he hadn't seen the Hunyou Dayu yet, but he saw the Wuding Huohuo first.

If he really got to the side of the Wuding Soul Fire, the shock would naturally be even stronger.

Jiang Yun calmed down, and continued to urge Bei Ming to rush towards the Wuding Soul Fire.

But as the distance got closer and closer, an old voice suddenly sounded in Jiang Yun's soul: "Is the person here Senior Gu Ding?"

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