The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7706: Three Masters and Seven Deputy, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Hunyou's answer was actually within Jiang Yun's expectation.

If Hunyou really didn't have any hope for him, and didn't believe that the Hunzu had a future at all, then he wouldn't take the initiative to speak so much to himself.

Obviously, Hunyou knows some ways, not to mention that he can definitely save the Hunzu, but at least he can give it a try.

However, this approach will inevitably require a considerable price.

Jiang Yun said: "If I said that I would save the nobles and nobles regardless of my own life, it would be a bit false."

"But with some sacrifices, I can still do it."

"So, I ask Fellow Daoist to come up with a solution, and you and I can discuss it again."

Although Jiang Yun has friendship with the soul clan, it is only the soul clan in Daoxing Tiandi.

The soul clan here, including the Wuding soul fire obtained by Jiang Yun, is really related to Jiang Yiyun, not Jiang Yun.

What's more, if Jiang Yun died to save the soul clan, the Daoxing Dayu might be completely finished, so of course he couldn't risk his life for the sake of protecting them!

And Jiang Yun's answer made Hunyou very satisfied.

"This method will certainly be dangerous to fellow daoists, but if it succeeds, it will also bring great fortune to fellow daoists."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun's heart moved and said: "Could it be related to the noble sacred object?"

"That's right!" Hunyou said in a deep voice, "It's to let fellow daoists absorb the sacred objects of our clan, and completely fuse the sacred objects with your soul."

"At that time, Fellow Daoists will not only be able to obtain the full power of the holy object, but also use the holy object to unlock the seals on all my soul clan members."

"More importantly, Taoist friends can also designate ten soul guards, divided into three masters and seven assistants, so that they can also be fused with the holy object, and from then on, they will become part of the holy object."

It is not difficult for Jiang Yun to understand the first two benefits of merging the holy objects mentioned by Hunyou, but he is a little confused about the last point.

"Soul Guard? Become part of the holy object?" Jiang Yun asked directly: "Will they get any special abilities?"

Hunyou replied: "The so-called soul guards, they will become holy objects, that is, they will become your guards. They will never have a physical body, but can only exist in the form of souls in the holy objects, live with you, and stand for you." die."

"Also, they can't be too far away from the sacred object."

"As for the benefits they can get, as long as you don't die, they will live forever."

"Also, according to your cultivation level, the holy objects will use a lot of soul power to improve their cultivation level in a short period of time."

"According to the different aptitudes of each person, the cultivation level of the living soul guards is also different, but the three main soul guards will definitely be infinitely close to you, and even be exactly the same as you."

"The seven soul guards will be slightly weaker than you."

Three soul guards with strengths similar to his own!

This sentence alone shocked Jiang Yun's heart.

For Jiang Yun, this benefit is even greater than his benefit after fusing Wuding Soul Fire.

Regardless of the price to be paid for merging Wuding Soul Fire, Jiang Yun knew very well that even if he could succeed, the benefits he would gain would be minimal.

Especially in terms of cultivation, no matter how much you improve, it is impossible for you to become detached.

But the three soul guards with similar cultivation bases to his own, that is, three half-step transcendent powerhouses!

In the future, if they become detached, they are also likely to become detached.

This means that by my side, there can be three selves all the time!

However, Jiang Yun also knew that although the soul guards seemed to have benefited, the price they paid was extremely high.

Without a physical body, they can only exist in the indeterminate soul fire, which means they have lost their freedom!

They can no longer enjoy family, friendship, and life like other people!

To be honest, this situation is more painful than death!

Jiang Yun finally understood why Hunyou didn't say this method as soon as he came up.

As the patriarch, he was naturally unwilling to let his clansmen become soul guards and endure such pain.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun continued to ask: "Has no nobleman ever done this before?"

"Or, someone did it, but they didn't succeed?"

There was a bitter smile in Hunyou's voice and said: "Of course someone tried to fuse with the holy object, so I tried, but it didn't work."

"I was quite lucky, because I was in the midst of a great battle, and when I was about to fail, it happened that Xiuyue attacked the holy object, and I was lucky enough to survive."

"As for other people who try, they have already become part of the holy object."

Jiang Yun could imagine that Soul Blessing should be a last-ditch attempt to fuse the Wuding Soul Fire when the Hun You Da Yu was about to be defeated.

However, since Soul Blessing can leave alive, it means that when the fusion is about to fail, if people attack Wuding Soul Fire from the outside, wouldn't they be able to leave Soul Fire smoothly.

"Fellow Daoist, it's best not to take chances." Hunyou obviously knew what Jiang Yun was thinking at the moment, and said again: "It's a coincidence that I survived."

"Although Taoist friends have already fused some holy objects, the number is too rare, and the danger is naturally much smaller. It is different from the fusion of real holy objects."

"During the fusion process, you cannot have any contact with the outside world."

"It's impossible to quit halfway."

"Even if someone is guarding you outside, he doesn't know the slightest bit about your situation, and it's even more impossible to rescue you just when you are about to fail."

"What's more, although I survived, my cultivation has also plummeted, and my lifespan is approaching."

"If it wasn't for Wanzhu and they needed me alive to suppress the soul race, I would have been killed by them long ago."

"In short, if you fail to fuse the holy objects, you will be benevolent!"

"The possibility of failure is extremely high, so fellow daoists, please think twice."

"Fellow Daoists don't need to be under pressure, no matter what choice you make, I can understand it."

Jiang Yun really needs to think about it.

Now, apart from the fusion of holy objects, there is no other better way to save the soul clan.

Although the benefits of merging holy objects are great, the cost of failure is also great, almost fighting with one's life.

Throughout the ages, even the soul clansmen have not been able to successfully fuse the sacred objects, how can I be an outsider!

For Jiang Yun, there is nothing to lose if he does not save the soul clan. It is nothing more than the lack of a large domain to cooperate with.

Even, the Wuding Soul Fire, Jiang Yun will be able to find a way to **** it back from Wanzhu and the others in the future.

However, thinking about Hun Chengyu, who had already lost his soul, he was also somewhat unable to make Jiang Yun turn around and leave like this.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Yun asked again: "Can I ask, why did you fail?"

This question also caused Hunyou to be silent for a while before speaking, and there was a touch of doubt in his voice: "I don't know the specific reason very well."

"When I merged the holy object, the whole process was always smooth, but at the very end, I suddenly felt that the soul power in the holy object became weird."

"Like, like..."

Speaking of this, Hunyou stammered for a long time before continuing: "It's as if it doesn't belong to us."

"You may not understand what I said, and I don't know how to explain it. In short, that power is extremely strange to me. It is neither the power of my Soul Nether Realm nor the power of the Ten Thousand Lords Law..."

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