The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7708: ritual of buddhism, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Hunyou has already told Jiang Yun the method of absorbing and merging the Wuding Soul Fire.

Absorption is actually very simple, it can be swallowed directly, or absorbed through seven orifice pores.

It's just that you need to use soul power to absorb it!

The stronger the soul power, the faster the speed of absorbing the indeterminate soul fire, and the greater the amount absorbed.

If the soul power is weak, it may not even be able to shake the Wuding soul fire.

Moreover, the absorbed soul fire can only be sent to the soul, and cannot be placed in the physical body.

Then, you need to fuse the soul fire with your own soul by means of refining, instead of just putting it in the soul.

Fusion is the hardest.

Because the indeterminate soul fire itself also has the function of fusing the soul and tempering the soul.

Send it into the soul, if the soul power is a little weaker, it is very likely that your own soul will be fused by the indeterminate soul fire in turn!

In short, apart from the strange power in the depths of the soul fire mentioned by Soul Blessing, the key to absorbing and merging the Unfixed Soul Fire in the early stage is to look at the strength of one's own soul power.

This is not difficult for Jiang Yun.

Because he has unique advantages that others, including the soul race, do not have.

His soul has incarnated.

The flesh is the soul, and the soul is the flesh.

So he can directly absorb or devour the Indeterminate Soul Fire with his physical body.

In this way, his soul power will naturally be stronger than others.

In short, Jiang Yun is confident that he can absorb and fuse the Wuding Soul Fire.

However, the question before him now is how he can get close to the Wuding Soul Fire.

Although the size of the Indeterminate Soul Fire is extremely large, it seems that it can be anywhere close to it.

But in fact, except for the bottom part of the soul fire, no one can get close to other parts!

Even Jiang Yun can't!

Because the indeterminate soul fire can also absorb the fusion soul.

Except for the bottom part, every other part exudes soul power that can shake the soul of living beings all the time.

The closer the distance, the more powerful the soul power can be felt.

Jiang Yun has already tried.

When he was thousands of feet away from the soul fire, he could clearly feel that a hand stretched out from the soul fire, grabbed his body, and dragged it towards the soul fire.

That feeling was so strong that he doubted whether his soul would be forcibly pulled out of his body!

Therefore, Jiang Yun could only think of a way to lure away Wanzhu and others first.

"Let Beiming lure one away, and I will lure four more with the four original Dao bodies, and finally trap the two of them temporarily with the magical power of closing eyes for night..."

"It can be done to lure them away, but it certainly won't last for too long."

"That means, I need to absorb the Indeterminate Soul Fire into my soul in a short time."

"Then, I'll find a safe place to fuse the Indeterminate Soul Fire."

Because Jiang Yun already had the Unfixed Soul Fire in his soul, he could take the Unfixed Soul Fire and leave the Hunyou Great Realm, and the Soul Fire would not go out.

Jiang Yun frowned and said: "Even if everything goes well, the process of absorption will inevitably take a certain amount of time. How can I fight for this time!"

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Yun couldn't think of a perfect solution.

But seeing the time passing by little by little, he could only shake his head and said: "There is no good way at all, so I can only try it first."

"Even if you fail, at least you have to feel whether the Indeterminate Soul Fire is really difficult to absorb."

After making the decision, Jiang Yun stretched out his hand to summon Bei Ming, but suddenly a candlelight flashed in his eyes, and when he closed his eyes, all directions fell into darkness in an instant.


Immediately afterwards, near Jiang Yun, there was a voice of surprise.

Jiang Yun's personality has always been cautious. Although he had been thinking about how to lure Wanzhu and others away just now, he still monitored the surroundings with his spiritual sense.

It was also because of this that he suddenly noticed a faint aura around him!

In Jiang Yun's mind, it must be that there are actually strong people in the Law of the Ten Thousand Lords who hid near this Dao Realm, found himself, and were about to attack him.

Therefore, Jiang Yun immediately used the supernatural power of closing his eyes for the night, bringing the area within a thousand miles around his body, including the sneak attacker, into the night.

Through the darkness, it can be seen that there is indeed an extra bald old man here, who is looking around in surprise, running with all his strength, looking for Jiang Yun's trace.

And Jiang Yun stood silently behind the old man, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was looking up and down the old man.

It is not difficult for Jiang Yun to judge by weakening the other party's senses.

The old man's strength should be comparable to his own, and he is also a half-step detachment.

However, Jiang Yun didn't make a move, but after looking at it for a while, he slowly said: "Is the person here from Kuhai?"

Hearing Jiang Yun's voice, the bald old man trembled slightly, turned his head suddenly, and looked in the direction of the sound, but he didn't see Jiang Yun's figure.

The old man did not hide anything, nodded and said: "I am the sea of ​​bitterness!"

As the Kuhai people admitted their identity, Jiang Yun stepped out of the darkness in front of him.

The Kuhai people also raised their heads, looked at Jiang Yun earnestly and said, "Is the benefactor a new helper from Wanzhu Law?"

People from the Kuhai Sea naturally come from the Kudu Daoyu!

Before. When Jiang Yun searched for the soul of the fat old man in Wanzhu's Law, he learned something about the Kudu Dao.

Most of the monks there were the same as the disciples of the Dreamland Ku Temple back then. Jiang Yuntui speculated that they should be Buddhist monks.

According to Zeng Shura, there are also differences between Buddhist cultivation and Taoist cultivation.

However, under the general environment in the tripod, there is only the distinction between Taoism and law, not Buddhism and Taoism, so Kudu Daoyu has included itself within the scope of Taoism.

Naturally, Jiang Yun had also seen some strong men in the Kudu Dao Domain in the memory of the obese old man, so at this moment, he recognized at a glance that the person who was about to attack him unexpectedly was a half-step detachment from the Kudu Dao Domain One of them is the bitter sea people.

As for the reason why the other party attacked him, from his question at the moment, it is not difficult for Jiang Yun to deduce that he regarded himself as a person from the Law of the Ten Thousand Lords.

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "I'm Jiang Yun, who comes from the Daoxing Dayu, and the Wanzhu Jurisdiction. They are enemies and not friends."

"I have some friendship with the Soul Clan. I came here to see if there is a way to rescue the Soul Clan."

After listening to Jiang Yun's explanation, the Kuhai people couldn't help raising their heads again, took a deep look at Jiang Yun and said, "Fellow Daoist came here alone?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Does the Kuhai people have companions?"

After pondering for a while, the man from Kuhai pointed in one direction and said, "I do have four companions who are waiting outside the Hunyou Great Territory."

"Although we are not here to help Hunyou Dayu, we are willing to help fellow daoists!"

"If fellow daoists trust me, please move outside the Hunyou Great Domain, we can discuss it."

Jiang Yun could tell that the Kuhai native didn't believe his words too much.

However, since the other party is indeed a person from Kudu Daoyu, and five strong men came this time, it gave Jiang Yun an idea.

Kudu Daoyu has a good reputation.

If he can cooperate with Kudu Daoyu, then someone can help lure Wanzhu and others away.

Therefore, Jiang Yun clasped his hands together, put them on his heart, bent his body slightly, and said a Buddhist ritual to the man in Kuhai: "Then I will be recommended by Master Lao!"

Seeing Jiang Yun's salute, the people in Kuhai's eyes widened suddenly.

The degree of surprise even surpassed when Jiang Yun was brought into this darkness before!

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