The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7717: end of chain, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

In an unknown space, filled with misty nothingness like mist.

Faintly visible, a huge chain stretches across it.

The shroud of nothingness makes it impossible to see how long it is.

The entire chain is condensed by various runes, there are magic patterns and dao patterns, but at the center of it, there are continuous soul patterns!

Naturally, this chain is one of the nine chains that Jiang Yun discovered above the boundary, the chain with the soul patterns of the soul clan as the main body.

At the same time that Jiang Yun was drawn into Wuding Soul Fire by Xiu Yue, an illusory figure suddenly appeared above this chain.

Jiang Yun!

This is not Jiang Yun's real deity, but the spiritual consciousness extended from Jiang Yun's guardian Taoist world.

Not long ago, when Jiang Yun faced the blood of the candle dragon and was in danger, Jiang Yiyun activated the nine chains in order to save Jiang Yun, and was noticed by the guardian Dao Realm in the Daoxing Dao Territory.

With the help of Zhenling, the Guardian Dao Realm not only went to the space where the nine chains were, but also had a bold idea.

He wanted to annex all the nine chains and incorporate them into himself.

Coincidentally, the guardian of the Dao Realm just chose this soul chain as his first annexation target.

It was just a simple annexation, so that Jiang Yiyun didn't notice it at all, and it didn't encounter any difficulties in guarding the Taoist world. The whole process went very smoothly.

Until now, the Guardian Dao Realm has no idea how much it has completed in annexing this chain.

However, he has already gained some benefits.

Not only can he use the power of some chains, but he can also make his consciousness appear in any position of the chains that have been absorbed by him.

It's just that, being on the chain, apart from being able to see various runes more clearly and carefully, I can't see anything else.

During this period of time, the Guardian Dao Realm was quietly annexing the chains, while studying these runes, and gained some gains from the runes.

In addition, the Guardian Dao Realm also found that the more he annexed the soul chains, the distance between the soul chains and the other eight chains became farther and farther.

About a month ago, the other eight chains could no longer be seen in the divine consciousness that guarded the Dao world, only the only chain of the soul clan could be seen.

For this change, he didn't understand what was going on, and he didn't think much about it.

Anyway, after the entire chain is completely incorporated into his body, he should have the answer.

However, at this moment, he suddenly sensed the aura of the deity!

The guardian Daojie stood on the chain, looked down and said: "The aura of this deity comes from below!"

Below the chain, there is also nothingness.

These days, the guardians of the Dao Realm have also used some methods, even breaking their consciousness from the chains, trying to find out what is near the chains, so as to determine where the chains are located.

But unfortunately, he always got nothing.

"Huh? Disappeared again!"

Guardian Daojie frowned, unable to figure out why the deity's aura suddenly appeared and then disappeared.

Now that the deity's aura appears, as long as you know where the deity is, you can know the exact location of the chain.

Although he wanted to meet with the deity and see where the deity was, he could only think about this idea.

As a divine consciousness, it is impossible for him to be too far away from the chain.

Shaking his head, the Guardian Dao Realm didn't think about the matter of the deity anymore, and hid inside the chain again, continuing to annex the chain and study the runes.

But after just over ten breaths, his eyes suddenly lit up!

Because, he felt, the chains were at an end!

Although the Guardian Dao Realm knows that the nine chains must have an end.

But he really didn't expect that it took him only a few months to reach the end!

Of course, this is only the end of one end of the chain.

And at the end of the other end, he still doesn't know where it is.

After all, the position where he started to annex the chain is above the Daoxing Dayu.

Relative to the entire chain, that position may be near the end of the chain, or it may be in the middle of the chain.

However, being able to reach one end of the chain is also good news for him.

The guardian Daojie stood up and appeared on the chain again. While walking towards the end of the chain, he frowned and said to himself: "At the end, there happens to be this deity. breath."

"That is to say, no matter why the deity's aura disappears, it means that he should be at the end of the chain now."

"And he left the Daoxing Great Domain this time, most likely to go to the Great Domain where the Soul Clan and Mirage Clan are located."

"Is it possible that the end of this chain is where the Soul Clan Great Domain is?"

"If it is, then it can be inferred that at least one end of the nine chains should be within the domain of the Nine Clans!"

Amidst the soliloquies of guarding the Taoist world, his figure suddenly stopped.

Because, in front of him, a closed door appeared!

Although the Guardian Dao Realm doesn't have the cultivation base, but when he saw this door, he recognized it at a glance. This is a door made of soul fire!

And for this door, Guardian Dao Realm is no stranger.

Back then, when Jiang Yun met Hun Yanfeng in the place of origin, he learned from the other party that there was a special entrance to the space in the place of origin, and only soul clansmen could enter.

Jiang Yun found the entrance, and after entering, he found a path completely condensed by soul fire!

When Jiang Yun walked to the end along that road, he saw a closed door that was also condensed by soul fire.

And the door in front of him is exactly the same shape as the door Jiang Yun saw on that road, and they are just ordinary soul fires.

The difference is the height of the two doors!

The door on the road of soul fire is only Zhang Xu Lai high, which looks quite normal.

But the door in front of me is so high that it doesn't see the top, as if it is boundless, it is incomparably majestic.

One end of the huge soul clan chain is tightly connected to this door.

It is possible that after the chain passed through this door, it would continue to extend.

It is possible that this is the end of the chain.

The Guardian Daojie stared at the door, and murmured: "Is it possible that if I pushed that door open, I could see this Soul Clan chain?"

Whether it is the chain of the soul clan or the path of the soul fire, they are all written by Jiang Yiyun, so there will be such guesses in the guardian of the Taoist world.

It's a pity that Jiang Yun's deity, who exhausted all kinds of means back then, even used the origin of the Dao of Soul, was unable to push the door open.

And Dao Zun gave Jiang Yun a suggestion at that time, let him try again after he has condensed the soul source Tao body!

Now, facing this door, although he does not have a soul origin body, he hesitated for a moment, but he slowly stretched out his hand, and gently pressed it on the **** door.


Accompanied by a low shout from his mouth, the closed soul fire door trembled slightly!

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