The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7723: you are pathetic, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!


Looking at the place where Jiang Yun disappeared, Xiu Yue sneered again, shook his head and said, "You are overestimating your capabilities!

"Now, it's time to clean up the law of the soul!"

The Soul Beast and Xiuyue's Dao Golden Body are still fighting.

It wasn't that the soul beast was strong enough, but that Xiu Yue didn't pay attention to the soul beast at all. His main target was Jiang Yun from the beginning to the end, so he just held back the soul beast.

The origin of mere laws, in the indeterminate soul fire, can't stir up any storms.

However, just as his eyes were about to look at the soul beast, he suddenly heard a loud "crash".

This sound, to him, seemed to be the sound of a chain shaking.

This made Xiu Yue couldn't help closing his mouth, pricking up his ears, and listening attentively, where did the sound come from.

Before he could find the source of the sound, the Guardian Dao Realm suddenly began to shrink rapidly!


Hearing the movement, Xiuyue turned his gaze to the Dao Guardian again, his complexion changed suddenly, and he exclaimed.

No matter in what way, the Dao realm opened up by Daoxiu is bound to be closely related to Daoxiu itself, coexisting and dying together.

Xiuyue already knew that this was Jiang Yun's Dao Realm, so when Jiang Yun's soul was gone, his Dao Realm should also disappear together, and it was impossible to continue to exist.

But now, instead of disappearing, the Dao world has begun to shrink.

What's more, the two soul palms that were already about to dissipate, under the contraction of the Taoist world, they froze there as if their movements were restricted.

Therefore, in Xiuyue's eyes, the two palms belonging to the Wuding Soul Fire also began to shrink under the shrinkage of the guardian realm.

The two soul palms at this moment seemed to have become Jiang Yun from before.

The guardian of the Dao Realm turned into a huge palm in turn, holding the soul palm tightly, trying to crush it with force.

Inside, the fused soul body was also squeezed by a powerful force and changed its shape, squeezed together, looking extremely hideous and terrifying.

With a "bang", the two palms exploded.


Xiu Yue uttered the same exclamation again, his face was full of disbelief.

He knows far better than anyone else that although he said he controlled the Wuding Soul Fire before, in fact, he just borrowed it!

Only after he sacrificed his own soul blood in the form of a sacrifice, could the Wuding Soul Fire really make a move.

In other words, those two soul palms were not some kind of magical powers displayed by his Xiuyue, let alone controlled by him, but Wuding Soul Fire himself.

In Xiu Yue's view, the strength of Wuding Soul Fire definitely surpassed himself, surpassed the ordinary half-step transcendence, and was infinitely close to transcending the strong.

However, after Jiang Yun's soul flew away, the Dao Realm left behind was able to smash the two palms of the Wuding Soul Fire so easily!

This really overturned his cognition, and even destroyed his belief, making him unacceptable at all!

"Impossible, it is impossible for you to have such a powerful soul power!"

While Xiuyue murmured, he kept shaking his head, while suddenly shaking his body, he took the initiative to rush towards the guardian realm.

Xiuyue's speed was also extremely fast, and he came to the side of the Guardian Dao Realm in an instant.

But just as he raised his hand, a thunderous shout suddenly sounded: "Go away!"

The Guardian Dao Realm, which had shrunk to only Zhang Xu's size, was slightly distorted in shape, and accompanied by several rays of light soaring into the sky, it turned into Jiang Yun's appearance!

However, the Jiang Yun at this moment is somewhat different from the previous Jiang Yun.

One is that in the center of his eyebrows, the rune that has not been fully formed has obviously a few more strokes than before, and it has become more complicated.

The second is behind Jiang Yun, there is a raging soul fire burning.

The size of that soul fire, from Xiuyue's eyes, was almost comparable to the body of the Wuding soul fire, towering above the sky and unattainable.

And the sound of Jiang Yun's yelling, like a storm, directly rolled up Xiuyue's body, and threw him heavily into nothingness.

Jiang Yun has become the body of heaven and earth, and his body is the guardian of the Taoist world.

When Wuding Huo's two palms were about to shatter his body, Jiang Yun resolutely gave up the body.

Anyway, if the Dao Realm is not destroyed, he will still be able to reappear.

As for the removal of the soul pattern, it was simply because the soul pattern was extremely precious, and Jiang Yun was reluctant to give it up.

Xiu Yue, who got up from nothingness, looked at Jiang Yun who was so high above, not only a sense of danger surged in his heart, but also a sense of shame!

It seems that Jiang Yun at this moment, not only the soul fire behind him is comparable to the Wuding soul fire, but also his life form has changed and entered a higher level.

Xiu Yue plucked up his courage and stammered and asked, "You, how did your soul power suddenly become so strong!"

In any case, Xiu Yue couldn't figure it out. Jiang Yun, who was supposed to be out of his wits, was fine if he didn't die, but why did his strength increase instead of decrease?

Jiang Yun looked at him expressionlessly, of course it was impossible to tell him that he had used the power of a chain!

After merging with the Guardian Dao Realm, Jiang Yun already knew the experience of the Guardian Dao Realm these days, and knew that the Guardian Dao Realm had swallowed part of the Soul Clan chains!

And above that chain, there is soul power!

Jiang Yun had already prepared to borrow the power of the chains, but at that time, Xiu Yue suddenly and inexplicably surrendered his identity, and in an almost humble state, dedicated his soul blood to ask Wuding Soul Fire to take action.

What surprised Jiang Yun the most was that the Wuding Soul Fire actually made a move!

Jiang Yun has always had doubts about the Wuding Soul Fire. He doesn't understand what is the strange power contained in it that makes Hunyou strange, and he doesn't understand where the Wuding Soul Fire comes from.

Therefore, Xiuyue's actions made Jiang Yun realize that he might be able to take the opportunity to find some answers to his questions.

Although Jiang Yun's approach was a bit risky, the chain of the soul clan gave him confidence, and he decided to follow suit.

Thus, the series of events that Xiuyue saw happened, and Jiang Yun took the initiative to ask Xiuyue two questions.

Seeing that Jiang Yun didn't respond to him, Xiu Yue became a little annoyed and said: "Don't think that you are really invincible after you smashed the two palms of Wuding Huo!"

"Now, let me show you the true power of Wuding Soul Fire!"

While talking, Xiu Yue raised his hand again, reaching for his eyebrows.

Obviously, he was planning to sacrifice his soul blood again.

And at this time, Jiang Yun finally said to him: "You know, are you really pathetic?"


Xiuyue's palm stopped between his eyebrows, and he laughed wildly: "I can borrow the power of Wuding Soulfire, and I can make Wuding Soulfire do it for me, even the soul clansmen can't do it!"

"I am like this, how can it be pathetic!"

Jiang Yun then said: "Are you sure, you are borrowing the power of the Wuding Soul Fire, not the Wuding Soul Fire using you?"

"Use me?" Xiu Yue was slightly taken aback, "Use me for what?"

However, Jiang Yun didn't respond to Xiu Yue, but suddenly raised his head, looked at Wuding Soul Fire's main body and said, "Your soul guard, no, it should be your soul slave's question, don't you want to answer it?"

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