The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7725: my soul fire, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

"Friend Soul Daoist, I don't know if you can see all this!"

Seeing the ten soul guards appearing in front of him, Jiang Yun said softly: "The so-called soul guards are actually just tools controlled by Wuding Soul Fire!"

Before, when Hunyou, the patriarch of the soul clan, told Jiang Yun that after absorbing and merging the Wuding soul fire, ten people from the soul clan could be selected to become soul guards.

Especially the strength of the three main soul guards can be improved to be comparable to Jiang Yun.

This moved Jiang Yun's heart, but it was also a little unbelievable.

It is not difficult to help others improve their strength.

But being able to help others and directly increase one's strength to half-step transcendence, and it's not a temporary improvement, but a permanent improvement, is no longer difficult or difficult!

There are 108 large domains in the Longwen Chiding, with hundreds of millions of living beings, but the number of half-step transcendence, on average, can have two in a large domain, which is commendable.

Even if it is a strong transcendent, it is almost impossible to raise the cultivation base of others to half-step transcendence.

Otherwise, people like Ye Dong and the others would definitely try their best to let a few more half-step transcendents be born among their relatives and friends before leaving the tripod.

But the Wuding Soul Fire can do it unexpectedly, could it be that the Wuding Soul Fire is more powerful than the detached powerhouse?

At this moment, Jiang Yun saw the ten soul guards cultivated by Wuding Soul Fire himself, and Jiang Yun knew that his suspicion was right.

These ten soul guards were originally very strong, and now they should have three souls and seven souls from the Wuding soul fire in their bodies!

To put it simply, when the Indeterminate Soul Fire selects ten souls to be absorbed by it, it is already half a step beyond the soul of the strong.

Then, he separated his three souls and seven souls, sent them into their bodies respectively, and added the soul power supplied to them, thus the so-called soul guard was born.

"Boom boom boom!"

As soon as Jiang Yun's words fell, the bodies of the ten soul guards in front of him heard earth-shattering roars.

I saw the powerful aura emanating from them, and behind them quickly gathered various huge figures of different shapes.

The golden body of the avenue, the golden body of the Dharma!

Naturally, this is not the real Dao or the golden body of Dharma.

After all, these ten souls no longer have a physical body, but the state of a soul body.

Therefore, these huge figures are also formed by the condensed soul power, thus imitating the golden body of the Dao or Dharma that they originally possessed.


Immediately afterwards, another series of explosions sounded.

The voice comes from the ten realms that the soul clan regards as their clan land!

The aura emanating from the ten soul guards was too huge for the ten dao realms to bear.

First of all, the Heavenly Soul Dao World, which was already riddled with holes and torn apart, collapsed directly.

The other nine Dao worlds followed closely and began to collapse one after another.

Countless fragments of the Dao world wrapped the sky and the earth, mountains, rivers and oceans, surrounding Jiang Yun and Wuding Soul Fire, making this great war have the potential to destroy the world before it really started.

Finally, the ten soul guards, together with the huge figure behind them, all rushed towards Jiang Yun.

Even though they only had soul power, the ten half-step detachments joined forces to advance, and the momentum was so great that Jiang Yun, who had a calm face, felt dignified again in his heart.

Jiang Yun's biggest reliance now is the soul chain.

He didn't have to think about whether Jiang Yiyun would know about using the chain power.

However, his protection of the Dao Realm did not complete the annexation of the entire soul chain, which made him unable to exert the full power of the soul chain.

Only part of the power of the soul clan made him not sure if he could deal with these ten half-step transcendence!

However, the matter has come to this point, and he has no way out.

Jiang Yun's eyes closed suddenly, and the night fell, bringing the ten soul guards, including Xiu Yue, into the endless darkness.

Wuding Huo knows the horror of this darkness, and also understands that Jiang Yun wants to defeat the ten soul guards one by one, so naturally he can't let Jiang Yun do what he wants.

Therefore, at the moment when the night fell, the body of the Indeterminate Soul Fire, like a fairy scattering flowers, spewed out countless huge flame flowers and fell towards the darkness.

These flame flowers seem to be separated from the main body of the indeterminate soul fire, but in fact, they are all connected by at least one flame thread.

As long as a flower of flame falls into the darkness, the body of the Indeterminate Soul Fire can illuminate the darkness and make the darkness useless.


And with the appearance of the flame flower, a waterfall of light rushed out of Jiang Yun's body.

The difference from the previous ones is that what rushed out this time was not only his guardian realm, but also his soul fire!

In the guardian realm, apart from the burning soul fire, nothing else can be seen.

And the goal of guarding the Dao world's impact is not the ten soul guards, but the body of the Wuding soul fire, and the countless flame flowers that fell!

The area of ​​the guardian realm spread rapidly, and in an instant, more than 90% of the flame flowers had been wrapped up, incorporating them into the body.

At the same time, in the dark night of the candle dragon, Jiang Yun spit out four mouthfuls of blood one after another, drew four demon seals of life and death, and pushed them towards the four demon clan soul guards silently.

Before the demon seal of life and death could take effect, Jiang Yun appeared next to a human soul guard like a ghost, and inserted his palm directly into the opponent's body.

On the palm, the soul fire that had also turned into black immediately burned, enveloping the other party's soul.

Although the main function of closing eyes for the night is to strip the six senses of living beings, the number of these ten soul guards is too large and their strength is too strong, Jiang Yun can't strip their senses at the same time.

Therefore, it is better to attack in this way to be more effective.

And when Jiang Yun was burning the soul guard with his soul fire, the soul guard smiled coldly and said, "You use my fire to burn my soul?"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, his body twisted abruptly, and a shrill scream came out of his mouth.

Jiang Yun's voice also rang in his ears: "This is my soul fire!"

Yes, after Jiang Yun fused the Wuding Soul Fire with his own soul, the Wuding Soul Fire had already become his Soul Fire!

Not to mention, at this moment, he still has the soul power of the soul clan chain, which makes the power of the soul fire also increase. How can the indeterminate soul fire be able to compete with only one soul, or one soul.

However, as soon as the celebrity soul guard screamed, a ball of flame flowers fell from the sky, bursting out with dazzling light in an instant, dispelling the surrounding darkness in an instant.

The other nine soul guards naturally found Jiang Yun's position immediately, and they all shot together!


Jiang Yun stepped back and spit out a word, and the demon seals of life and death in the bodies of the four demon clan soul guards suddenly exploded.

"Boom boom boom!"

Four loud bangs were heard, and a big hole was blasted into the bodies of the four monster soul guards, and they had to stop attacking.

It's a pity that Jiang Yun himself couldn't dodge in time, and was hit by the attacks of three soul guards, and flew out backwards.

But when the Dao Guardian Realm skyrocketed again, he incorporated Jiang Yun's body into his body.

And at this time, Xiu Yue's expression changed again: "You stole my soul?"

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