The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7742: perish together, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Although the fire demon saw that the palm took away the soul lotus, he also knew that Jiang Yun must have done it, and wanted to stop it, but the demon seal of life and death that had entered his body exploded at this moment.

In all directions, there was a mass of darkness, which descended instantly and enveloped him.

Jiang Yun had a whim, the power of the life and death demon seal condensed with the power of all beings and the power of the ancients is definitely much stronger than that condensed by his own power.

In addition, there is also the explosion of the soul lotus's sky soul petals, and the magical power of closing eyes for the night!

Under the simultaneous action of three powerful forces including the inside of the cauldron and the outside of the cauldron, no matter how strong the fire demon is, it cannot be completely ignored.

In desperation, he could only let Hun Lian and Jiang Yun go temporarily, and deal with these three forces with all his strength.

Naturally, Jiang Yun took this opportunity to successfully bring the soul lotus out of the fire demon's body and his own.

The phantom figure has disappeared and is hidden in the soul lotus.

Opposite Jiang Yun, the Guardian Dao Realm has also changed into Jiang Yun's appearance, standing there.

Just when Jiang Yun was about to hand over the soul lotus to protect the Dao Realm, the only remaining part of the soul lotus trembled suddenly.

Faintly visible, ten small sprouts suddenly appeared around it.

Apparently, the petals that exploded from the soul lotus were just the illusion of his soul.

And now that he has left the envelope of the original fire, the power in the cauldron that was blocked before will be added to him again, so he will grow ten more petals.

And his behavior means that at this moment, he is not ready to fulfill the promise he just made, and he is not ready to let Jiang Yun swallow him up again.

Seeing the ten sprouts appear, Jiang Yun's cold voice suddenly sounded in Hunlian's ear: "Longevity!"

A 100-foot-long yellow spring rushed out from between Jiang Yun's eyebrows, wrapped around Jiang Yun's body, and slowly began to rotate.

Under Huang Quan's rotation, time immediately began to flow backwards.

Not only did the ten sprouts of the soul lotus shrink back, but the soul lotus held in Jiang Yun's hand also escaped from Jiang Yun's palm and flew towards Jiang Yun's body again.

Even, the demon seal of life and death that Jiang Yun drove into the body of the fire of origin, together with the petal of the soul lotus that exploded, are faintly about to reappear!

Seeing this scene, the soul lotus suddenly burst into light, and a slightly trembling voice of an illusory figure came from inside: "Don't!"

Of course the phantom figure understood that Jiang Yun used the art of turning back time.

He thought of all the methods Jiang Yun might use to stop him, but he didn't expect Jiang Yun to use time reversal so ruthlessly.

Because once the time is turned back successfully, everything will be back to just now.

The fire demon will become unscathed again, and he will still be in the fire of the fire demon, and Jiang Yun will also face the threat of the fire demon again!

At that time, it was simply impossible for him to cooperate with Jiang Yun, gain Jiang Yun's trust, and escape from the clutches of the fire demon.

Therefore, the figure was really scared. The power in the cauldron he had just obtained was all used to fight against the technique of longevity, and he said a "don't" with difficulty, which meant that he would not make any more petty moves.

As his words fell, Jiang Yun also took back Huang Quan, and said coldly: "It's the last time!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun directly handed over the soul lotus to the Guardian Dao Realm.

Of course, Jiang Yun thought of the possibility of the soul lotus going back on his word after he got out of trouble, so he made preparations and used the technique of longevity to turn back time.

The guardian of the Dao Realm immediately swallowed the soul lotus in one gulp, and Bei Ming, who was originally shrouded outside Jiang Yun's body, let go of Jiang Yun's deity at this moment, turned to unfold his body, wrapped the Guardian Dao Realm, and immediately turned in the opposite direction , flew away quickly.

Although the fire demon is temporarily trapped by the night and will be injured by the life and death demon seal, it is not enough to cause fatal damage to it.

So Jiang Yun decisively decided to give up his physical body and use his physical body as a cage to temporarily trap the fire demon.

As for Beiming's departure, Jiang Yun did it on purpose.

If Bei Chenzi was still paying attention to him at this moment, then he should be able to detect the breath of the original fire.

Although Jiang Yun didn't expect Bei Chenzi to be able to deal with the original fire, there was at least one more factor that might check and balance the opponent.

Both Bei Chenzi and Jiang Yiyun were paying attention to Jiang Yun.

After all, Jiang Yun has a special meaning to them.

Therefore, after Beiming wrapped up the guardian realm and left, both of them naturally saw Jiang Yun's physical body clearly.

After experiencing the soul lotus and the ancient blade entering the body, especially after the fight with the original fire, Jiang Yun's current physical body may not be recognized even by people who are familiar with him.

Before, his body was almost completely covered in blood, but now he couldn't find a piece of good meat all over his body.

Everywhere is bloody, bloody, and there are a lot of scorched black spots.

So much so that the moment Bei Chenzi and Jiang Yiyun saw Jiang Yun clearly, they couldn't help but say the same words: "This is...Jiang Yun?"

At this moment, there was a loud "boom" in Jiang Yun's body, causing a big hole in Jiang Yun's already broken chest.

The sound of this loud noise comes from the night when the eyes are closed!

The night has been broken by the fire demon!

Accompanied by a flame flowing out of the big hole in Jiang Yun's chest, Bei Chenzi suddenly stood up, with a shocked expression on his face, he said: "The original fire!"

"When did the original fire enter the Longwen Chiding? How did it enter?"

Back then, when the original fire was given to Jiang Yun as a fire seed and made a deal with Jiang Yun, it was of course impossible for Bei Chenzi to know about the original fire.

Of course, even if Bei Chenzi knew about it, he would never have imagined that there would be a ray of original fire among the fire seeds.

However, at this moment, he noticed the appearance of the original fire, especially after sensing that the original fire was clearly equivalent to the existence of a clone, but it made Bei Chenzi face a difficult situation.

If it's just an unconscious flame, he can ignore it.

But the one who came now is clearly the clone of the original fire, and his duty is to prevent the original fire from acting in the cauldron.

Either drive him away, or turn him into a prisoner and imprison his cultivation as he did to Long Xiangzi and others.

But the original fire's status outside the cauldron is detached, even if Bei Chenzi is Daojun's subordinate, he is not willing to offend the original fire!

After all, the original fire cannot offend Daojun, but if a hundred Beichen sons are added together, the original fire will not take a look at it.

"Let's see what he's going to do first!"

Bei Chenzi said secretly: "If he wants to kill Jiang Yun, wouldn't it be better for me to reappear after he kills Jiang Yun!"

"Jiang Yun!"

At this time, a roar came from the mouth of the fire demon, and the huge dragon's head stretched out from Jiang Yun's chest.

The petals of the soul lotus and the supernatural power of closing eyes for the night did not pose much threat to him, only the demon seal of life and death really hurt him.

Therefore, this made him have a strong hatred for Jiang Yun!

"I'm here!" Jiang Yun said coldly, "I'm waiting to die with you!"


Jiang Yun's body exploded with a bang!

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