The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7753: Beginning and end, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Jiang Yiyun was hiding in Bei Ming's body, even Jiang Yun didn't know about it, let alone have the slightest sense of it.

And Jiang Yiyun's purpose in doing this was naturally to replace Jiang Yun.

However, at this moment, looking at Jiang Yun who is so close and almost in a state of exhaustion, Jiang Yiyun has a little hesitation in his heart again!

The reason why he wanted to replace Jiang Yun was because Jiang Yun had successfully fused the innate spirit of soul lotus before, so that he might gain control over Longwen Chiding.

This made Jiang Yiyun realize that if Jiang Yun was allowed to continue to grow, he might not be able to firmly control Jiang Yun soon.

However, he also had to admit that compared to himself, Jiang Yun's luck, or in other words, Jiang Yun's chance fortune was much more.

When I was at Jiang Yun's age back then, no matter in terms of strength, cultivation base or perception of cultivation, etc., compared with Jiang Yun in any aspect, there was no comparison at all.

Especially the soul lotus, I have also thought about fusing it, including some other innate spirits, but in the end they all ended in failure.

However, Jiang Yun succeeded!

Even now, Jiang Yun has obtained a ray of original fire!

It is true that if I replace Jiang Yun now, with my own strength, I can easily refine the original fire and truly turn it into my own.

Coupled with the soul lotus, and the blood of the candle dragon, it is not an exaggeration to say that with these trump cards, even if he faces Bei Chenzi in the cauldron, he has a certain possibility of defeating him.

"But, my goal is not inside the cauldron, not Beichenzi, but outside the cauldron, but Daojun!"

Jiang Yiyun closed his eyes, and said to himself in his heart: "Even if I completely control the Longwen Chiding, and subdue the nine detached powerhouses outside the tripod, but Longwen Chiding and them are originally Taoists. King's thing."

"By relying on all that I have obtained now, can I really make the Dao Lord fearful, and thus have the power to protect myself outside the cauldron?"

"If I let Jiang Yun continue to grow, is it possible for him to continue to bring me some surprises and help me gain more support against Daojun?"

"I can't be sure about other things, but at least, his master should be perfect for him!"

Jiang Yiyun fell into a huge entanglement.

On the one hand, he worried that Jiang Yun's continued growth would be beyond his control.

But on the other hand, he hoped that Jiang Yun could get more chances that he couldn't get.

Finally, after a while, Jiang Yiyun slowly opened his eyes and said, "Forget it, don't be too greedy!"

"Besides his master, he may not have other creations."

"And, instead of him, maybe I can also have his good luck!"

After the words fell, Jiang Yiyun stretched out his hand towards Jiang Yun without any hesitation.

As Jiang Yiyun stretched out his hand, Jiang Yun naturally noticed it immediately, and his complexion changed suddenly!

Jiang Yun never thought that someone would come behind him quietly.

Therefore, he didn't have time to react effectively, but he rushed forward instinctively.

It's a pity that as soon as he moved, he felt a huge suction force, which tightly pulled his body, making it impossible for him to leave.

Silently, Jiang Yiyun's palm was already on Jiang Yun's shoulder,

A powerful force gushed out along Jiang Yiyun's palm, and submerged into Jiang Yun's body in an instant.

This power was not attacking Jiang Yun, but went straight to the fire demon in Jiang Yun's body.

After the fire demon continued to shrink, the volume of the flame had shrunk to only a radius of ten feet.

And with the arrival of this force, the flame seemed to be suddenly suppressed by a mountain, and it shrank to only three feet in an instant.

Even though he sensed the danger of the fire demon, he couldn't care less about preserving his strength, and tried his best to detonate, trying to break free.

But under the suppression of this force, the fire demon's resistance was like a stone sinking into the sea, and it had no effect at all.

The flame was fixed within a three-foot radius, and it could no longer cause any damage to Jiang Yun's soul.

At this time, Jiang Yun turned his head suddenly, and finally saw Jiang Yiyun standing behind him clearly!

The moment he saw it clearly, Jiang Yun just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief.

But when he saw the indifference in Jiang Yiyun's eyes, Jiang Yun suddenly realized the real purpose of the other party's appearance.

Jiang Yun immediately raised his fist, gathered all his little strength, and threw it at Jiang Yiyun.

This punch, of course, failed to hit Jiang Yiyun.

At the same time as Jiang Yun punched, the power that Jiang Yiyun poured into his body changed instantly, becoming the power of time that Jiang Yun was very familiar with, which stopped the passage of time inside and outside his body!

Maintaining the movement of raising his fist, Jiang Yun stood there motionless, his eyes fixed on Jiang Yiyun, but he couldn't even make a sound.

Only in his heart, there was a helpless sigh.

Jiang Yiyun's strength was really too strong, so strong that he didn't even have the ability to resist.

Jiang Yun knew that he was doomed this time.

After stopping Jiang Yun, Jiang Yiyun grabbed Jiang Yun's shoulder with one palm, pinched out a seal with the five fingers of the other palm, and flicked it lightly.

Immediately, above him and Jiang Yun, there were nine rays of light hanging down, condensing into a whirlpool the size of ten thousand feet.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yiyun stretched out his hand and waved lightly at Bei Ming, who suddenly shrank and fell into the vortex.

And Jiang Yiyun also grabbed Jiang Yun, stepped into the vortex, and disappeared!

After the two disappeared for a while, Qiu Yulong's figure appeared here.

Qiu Yulong stopped where Jiang Yun was before, frowned, turned his head to look around, and said to himself: "It's strange, the breath was here just now, why it suddenly disappeared."

"How did he manage to cut off the connection between my candle dragon's blood?"

Even Bei Chenzi couldn't detect Jiang Yiyun's existence, and of course Qiu Yulong couldn't feel anything.

In his mind, it was Jiang Yun who used some means to stop his pursuit.

Turning around on the spot for a while, he still didn't sense the breath of Zhulong's blood, so Qiu Yulong could only choose a direction at will and leave quickly.

At the same time, Jiang Yun and Jiang Yiyun were in the Great Soul Realm, the land of the Soul Clan, and the Heavenly Soul Dao Realm!

Jiang Yiyun withdrew his palm on Jiang Yun's shoulder, and said to Jiang Yun, "I wanted to bring you back to the Daoxing Dayu, so that you can be regarded as Ye Luo's return to the roots, but the formation map Ye Dong left there is a bit troublesome."

"So, right here, end your life!"

The power of time in Jiang Yun's body still hadn't recovered, so he could only hear Jiang Yiyun's words, but he couldn't give any response.

And Jiang Yiyun was obviously not going to give Jiang Yun a chance to speak, and said lightly: "I know you still have a lot of doubts, but I'm not so kind to answer them for you."

"You don't have to resent me, I created you in the first place, and if I kill you today, it will be regarded as a beginning and an end, ending the cause and effect between you and me."

After the words fell, Jiang Yiyun stretched out his hand again, and in the palm of his hand, there was a **** rune, and he patted Jiang Yun's head.

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