The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7759: be brothers, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

As the blood spirit led Jiang Yun into the gap, the eyes suddenly became clear.

A huge and incomparably mysterious space appeared in front of him.

The reason why this place is described as "mysterious" is because this space is filled with lights of various colors.

The light comes from light clusters of different sizes.

Looking carefully, besides the light cluster, there is also a vast expanse of "water" that is almost transparent.

Light clusters, some are flying in the air, while others are cruising in the water.

It feels like a spirit with life.

The moment the blood spirit appeared in this space, all the light clusters felt it immediately.

Whether they were flying in the air or swimming in the water, almost all the light clusters immediately flew towards the blood spirit.

Blood Spirit stood there without moving.

Although this is his first time entering the Soul Market, he cannot be said to be completely unfamiliar with this place, and it is not difficult to recognize that these light groups are the two souls of heaven and earth without their fate souls!

What they flew towards was not themselves, but the soul lotus that enveloped their heads.

Sure enough, all the light groups completely ignored the blood spirit and rushed directly to the soul lotus.

Once it touches the soul lotus, the ball of light will immediately turn into a light spot and submerge into the soul lotus.

And the aura emitted by the soul lotus will also become stronger.


When Soul Lotus absorbed these light clusters happily, Xue Ling suddenly reached out and held him firmly, preventing the light clusters from approaching, and said coldly: "Save Jiang Yun first!"

The blood spirit naturally understood that these light clusters could provide pure soul power for the soul lotus.

Compared with the soul lotus, Jiang Yun obviously needs these soul powers more.

Hun Lian originally thought that as long as she returned to Hunxu, on her own territory, she would no longer be afraid of the blood spirit.

But at this moment when the blood spirit was easily caught in his hands, he realized that his fear of the blood spirit had not diminished at all.

Therefore, he didn't dare to have any resistance, and hastily stretched out his hand, and the light cluster surrounding him immediately turned towards Jiang Yunfei.

Although Jiang Yun was in a coma and his soul was seriously injured, when these light clusters touched his body, they would be actively absorbed by his soul immediately.

Jiang Yun is in the state of soul body now, and these light clusters are the purest soul power.

For him, the light cluster is like a panacea, which can not only heal his soul injury, but also help him refine his soul body.

Because there were too many light clusters, they rushed towards Jiang Yun in a swarm. After only a few breaths, Jiang Yun's body was completely covered by the light clusters.

However, through the light cluster, one can clearly see that the wounds on Jiang Yun's body are slowly healing.

Seeing this scene, Xue Ling finally let go of the soul lotus in his hand.

Then, he stretched out his hand and pushed Jiang Yun directly into the "water area".

That is naturally not real water, but soul blood!

Let Jiang Yun soak in the soul blood, and then absorb the light cluster, absorb the soul power, and the recovery will be faster.

Although Soul Lotus was temporarily free, out of fear of the blood spirit, she dared not take other actions.

He didn't even dare to leave the blood spirit's side, and just hung there obediently, watching the light cluster that was originally used to nourish himself continuously pouring into Jiang Yun's body.

Although the light group did have an effect on Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun's condition was really bad, and he was really on the verge of dissipating.

Therefore, even if the number of light clusters is extremely large, it is impossible for Jiang Yun to recover in a short time.

In this way, after seven days passed, the wound on Jiang Yun's body gradually healed half, and the situation is getting better and better.

Until then, Xue Ling's heart finally relaxed a little, stretched vigorously, and looked around.

After looking around, Xue Ling said to Hun Lian, "Your place is quite interesting."

"No wonder you were conceived and appeared in the shape of a lotus flower."

"However, as far as I know, some of the two souls of heaven and earth should still have the same appearance as before. Why are they all turned into light **** here?"

Regarding this question from Xue Ling, Hun Lian didn't want to answer it.

But he was worried that he would anger the other party, so he hesitated before explaining: "There are three floors in the Soul Market."

"Now we are only on the first floor!"

"On the first floor, there are only these light clusters, and they can't be called the two souls of heaven and earth, they can only be called soul power."

"The souls of heaven and earth, as well as some light clusters that still have the same appearance as before, are gathered on the second floor."

"As for the souls of heaven and earth on the third floor, not only do they still have the same appearance as before, but they also retain part of their memories."

After hearing Hunlian's explanation, Xue Ling said with a sudden look on his face: "Then your three souls of heaven, earth and destiny were born separately in these three layers of soul ruins?"

"Yes!" Hunxu nodded.

Xue Ling had a little understanding of the origin of the lower soul lotus, so he stopped talking and continued to pay attention to Jiang Yun's situation.

On the contrary, after looking at Xueling, Hunlian couldn't help asking, "What about you?"

"How did you show up?"

"Me?" Xue Ling smiled slightly and said, "It's similar to your situation."

"You were conceived in the soul, and I was born in the blood."

Seeing that Xue Ling was so easy to talk, Hun Lian hurriedly continued to ask: "Since you and you are similar existences, why do you care so much about him as a human race?"

This is a question that Hun Lian has been unable to figure out.

Be it human beings or demon spirits, in Hun Lian's eyes, they are all weaker and lower than themselves.

The soul lotus doesn't care about the life and death of any living beings at all, so it absorbs the souls of living beings without hesitation.

Therefore, the blood spirit, which even made Hunlian feel jealous, would care so much about a human race like Jiang Yun, which Hunlian did not expect.

This question from Soul Lotus made Xue Ling fall into silence.

However, in the eyes he looked at Jiang Yun, there was gradually a touch of complexity.

Among them, there are tenderness, sadness, remembrance, and even joy and comfort!

After a long time, when Xue Ling opened his mouth and was about to answer the question of Soul Lotus, Jiang Yun, who had been in a coma until now, suddenly moved slightly.

This made Xue Ling's mouth that had just been opened close again immediately, his body leaned forward slightly, and all his attention was focused on Jiang Yun again.

Not only did Jiang Yun's body react, but even his eyelids trembled slightly.

Finally, Jiang Yun slowly opened his eyes and woke up.

When Jiang Yun saw Xue Ling's face that was exactly the same as his own, he couldn't help being taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, he blurted out and asked, "Who are you?"

While speaking, Jiang Yun immediately stretched his hands to the sides, trying to prop up his body and sit up.

But he was in the soul blood, his palms were down, and there was no force at all, so not only could he not sit up, but his body tilted and rolled over to the side.

Fortunately, Xue Ling reached out in time, grabbed his body, and said with a gentle smile on his face, "I am Xue Ling."

"Based on how you humans divide relatives, you and I should be considered brothers!"

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