The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 797: Weird light


Jiang Yun did not hide or not, let the golden thunder hit his body, and did not enter his body, and then put out his tongue and licked his lips, revealing a look that is still unfinished!

This scene, let the Thunder live!

Also let everyone hold it!

Not to mention the Thunder from Raytheon, these people are very aware of the power of robbery!

Robbery is something that every powerful monk must experience on the path of spiritual practice.

Because the path of the monks is against the sky, it is not allowed by the sky.

The heavens here are not the heavens in every world, but the true heavens, the extreme peaks above all things.

Therefore, for the monk's special existence that violates his own will, Heaven will drop the catastrophe to punish them. The power of the catastrophe is enormous, and almost all monks are restrained.

In addition to the special road robbery that Jiang Yun has experienced, the most common way of this kind of disaster is the Thunder!

Although the initial robbery was not controlled by Thunder, it was also born from Thunder.

The reason why Thunder Sky has a Heiwei name is because it is the birthplace of the Thunder between heaven and earth.

After the appearance of the Temple of the Tao, and the entire Thunder Day was collected, this gave the monks in the Thunder days a privilege to exercise the right to robbery for the sky!

Of course, there are too many roads, and the Thunder days are even bigger, and the number of disciples is limited.

Although not within every realm, the robbers encountered by every monk are exercised by Thunder, but since then, as long as there is a world in which Thunder’s disciples exist, almost every monk encounters The robbery that comes to them is performed by them!

This makes the status of Thunder Heaven more special, and the people who come out of Thunder Sky are also self-important, and they are respected by thousands of people everywhere.

All this is naturally because of robbery!

In the previous **** world, the strong man of the late Tianyou, even a robbery can not bear, directly blasted and died, it is not difficult to see the horror of robbery.

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However, Jiang Yun, even swallowed this robbery as a food, and it was unscathed, which made Lei Ling really unable to believe.

"Impossible, it must be what obstacles you have used, and you have the ability to show it to me!"

Returning to the singularity of Lei Ling, there is no way to believe that Jiang Yun is not afraid of robbery, screaming, and the palms are continuously waving, and dozens of robbers have gone forward and followed Jiang Yunyong.

In the eyes of Jiang Yun, the strange color that Lei Ling still can't understand is still thicker. As always, let all the robbers fall on their own bodies and disappear without a trace!

Looking at Ray Ling again, it is like being hit by the Thunder, and once again, there is no way to slow down.

Even in the face of blood flow, in the face of Dong Bo's gasification of three talents, he was not as shocked as it is now.

However, he already understood that the meaning of the weird color in Jiang Yun’s eyes.

That is a surprise!

Jiang Yun is indeed a surprise!

Although he is now hateful of Ralink, but before that, because he is in a state of death, he has never seen Ralink, and he does not know that the other is from Thunder.

For other monks, the robbery is a fearful tiger. He dare not touch it, but for Jiang Yun, it is really like the supreme taste.

The reason is very simple, he has a thunder in his body!

Even his thunder, from the very beginning of the trajectory, has now been promoted to the cave, in exchange for the constant engulfment of robbery.

However, the robbery that he swallowed was only the robbery that was revived by the medicinal herbs, which was much smaller than the power and the level of the robbers that the monks had to go through.

If the original robbers are regarded as the beasts of the firebirds, then these thunderstorms that Lei Ling attacked Jiang Yun are good medicines!

Moreover, Jiang Yun still does not know that the root of his thunder's birth is the source of the Thunder, which contains the Thunder's Thunder!

Swallowing so many robberies in a row, the Thunder is very happy.

Although Jiang Yun thought that Lei Ling continued to throw more robbery and thunder, and let his thunder live a full stomach, but in his mind, he remembered the sound of blood.

"Don't be tempered with him here. It has been dragging on for a long time. Once I disappear, your cultivation will fall back to the spiritual realm, even if your secret recipe for offering sacrifices to me cannot be used!"

"More importantly, if you lead the palace of the Third Palace, then no one can save you!"

"it is good!"

In the eyes of the cold flash, Jiang Yun finally rushed to the rushing to Lei Ling.

The reason why Jiang Yun has the courage to dare to fight Lei Ling is because the blood flow not only continues to win him, but also lends his own cultivation to him, so that he is now also temporarily reaching the Tao. .

Although Jiang Yun does not know the purpose of blood circulation, he has no choice in the face of a powerful blood flow.

What's more, since it is possible to kill Lei Ling by the power of blood, and to avenge Ye Tianshi and Dongfang Bo, even if there is any picture of blood, he recognizes it!

In the face of Jiang Yun with a murderous murderous, Lei Ling finally wakes up again, and his teeth are biting: "I don't believe, you really don't fear the power of Thunder!"

The voice fell, and Rayling’s wrist turned over, and the Thunder Dzi appeared again!

In Lei Ling's thought, the source of the thunder in Thunder's Dzi Beads, that is the most powerful Thunder, even the space of the Eastern Bo, a gasification of three talents can be broken, against Jiang Yunyi is not more than enough.

However, he would never have thought that the act of taking out the Thunder and the Dzi Bead was the beginning of his real nightmare!

Looking at the Thunder Dzi in the hands of Lei Ling, Jiang Yun’s eyes are about to release the light.

In particular, the Thunder Road is like a cat smelling fishy, ​​just like it!

Jiang Yun has a very clear feeling. If he can swallow the other two golden thunders in the Thunder Pearl, then the Thunder Road can also breed the Tao, and even reach the late stage of the Tao Ling. !


At this time, Lei Ling finally satisfied Jiang Yun’s dream and crushed the Thunder Dzi!

The thunder and the celestial blast exploded, turned into a golden thunder, and flooded into the clouds, and Jiang Yun at this time did not care about other things.

The Thunder's body came out of the body directly, and the greedy rushed to the thunder of the sky, while Jiang Yun's deity continued to sway between the body, and came to the face of Lei Ling who had been stunned for the third time.


Jiang Yun hit the face of Lei Ling with a fist, and completely flew out the whole person he hit, without waiting for Lei Ling's body to fall, Jiang Yun has followed the shadow.

Although Lei Linggui was the governor of the Third Palace, it was also the person who thundered out of the sky. Although he had other techniques, he faced Jiang Yun, who was not afraid of robbery, but also had blood and help. Where will be the opponent!

Therefore, the result of this war is no suspense!


In the end, Jiang Yunqi directly smashed the dantian of Lei Ling, and when he was ready to complete his life, he saw a thunder rushing out of his dantian.

Dao Ling!

"Want to run!"

Jiang Yun's body shape is a vertical, it is necessary to vacate to chase, but there is another breath in the dantian of Lei Ling, which has turned out an old face!

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s mind also sounded the sound of blood flow: “Not good, it’s Thunder God, I didn’t expect this Lei Ling to be a direct descendant!”

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