The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 8004: white petals, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Taojie Tianxia!

As the humanoid shadow finished speaking, Jiang Yun had already left and returned, appearing in front of him.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Jiang Yun was slightly startled, and had the illusion that the other party was Jiang Ying.

The form of the other party and Jiang Ying are exactly the same!

However, Jiang Yun certainly knew that the other party could not be Jiang Ying!

The other party's strength was much stronger than Jiang Ying's, and even surpassed his own.

After all, I had traveled through this great realm of souls for three days, always releasing all my spiritual consciousness to look for the existence of Hongmeng Qi, but I didn't notice the other party.

This ability of concealment alone is something that I cannot do.

After looking at the shadow for a few times, Jiang Yun slowly said, "Who is your Excellency?"

Although Jiang Yun didn't know the other party's identity at all, it was at least not difficult to tell that the other party was not hostile to him.

If the other party really wants to harm you, with the other party's ability to hide, they can attack you silently.

Instead of speaking deliberately, letting yourself be heard, and then attracting yourself.

Shadow laughed and said, "Since I appear in this image, it means that I don't want you to know who I am."

Jiang Yun nodded and did not continue to ask about the other party's identity. He changed the question: "Then why did you call me back?"

Shadow didn't answer and asked instead: "Can you understand what I just said?"

Heaven and earth are formed from Yuan Qi, and all things are formed from heaven and earth!

The vitality is not divided, the chaos is one, and all things are born with vitality!

Jiang Yun pondered for a moment and said: "The meaning of your words should be that everything in the world comes from the vitality."

"As for Yuan Qi, if the prediction is correct, it should refer to the Qi of Hongmeng?"

Shadow nodded slightly and said, "That's right, the Hongmeng Qi in your mouth is actually Hongmeng Yuan Qi."

"Of course, this is just a title, it doesn't matter what you call it."

"Before the heaven and earth were opened, there was a chaotic mass of vitality. This gas was called Hongmeng vitality!"

"Hongmeng Yuan Qi is definitely the ancestor of all things and the beginning of all things."

"Everything in the world, even the energy of chaos, is derived from it."

Although this was the first time Jiang Yun had really heard of what Shadow said, he had some familiarity with it.

In short, Hongmeng Qi is definitely the most powerful and advanced gas currently.

However, Jiang Yun frowned slightly and said, "What's the point of telling me this?"

"Could it be that you want my Hongmeng Qi?"

Jiang Yun believed that the other party might have noticed it when he first stepped into the Soul Realm, and should have been following him all the time. Naturally, he knew that he was here to collect the energy of Hongmeng.

Shadow shook his head and said: "No, no, Hongmeng Qi is precious, but to me, it doesn't mean much."

"Besides, if I really wanted to, you wouldn't be able to collect those Hongmeng Qi."

Jiang Yun looked at the other person up and down and said, "Sir, I'm a bit stupid, so if you have any questions, you'd better tell me directly."

"No need to beat around the bush here and waste all of our time."

Shadow laughed again and said, "Okay, I'll tell the truth."

"I think you are in great need of Hongmeng Qi and Hongmeng Yuanshi, but you are obviously a little slow in finding and collecting them."

"And I have some ready-made Hongmeng Qi and Hongmeng Yuan Stone here."

"I can give it to you in exchange for you doing something for me."

Jiang Yun understood that Shadow called him to cooperate with him.

But Jiang Yun did not respond to the cooperation, but asked in confusion: "What is the Hongmeng Yuan Stone?"

"Could it be that the dust under the condensed stars after losing the Hongmeng Qi?"

This time, it was Shadow's turn to look Jiang Yun up and down for a long time before speaking: "You only know Hongmeng Qi, but you don't know Hongmeng Yuan Stone?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun admitted.

Shadow was silent for a moment again before continuing: "Yes, Hongmeng Yuanshi is the dust you collected."

"Be it the stars or the world that can give birth to the Hongmeng Yuan Stone, they are basically the first stars and worlds to appear in a universe."

Jiang Yun suddenly realized, no wonder there is Hongmeng Qi in these stars.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Yun continued to ask: "What is the function of the Hongmeng Yuan Stone?"

"Function..." Shadow suddenly fell silent mid-sentence, and changed the topic: "Let's talk about the topic we just talked about first!"

"I told you, I have a lot of Hongmeng Qi and Hongmeng Yuanshi here, which I can give to you, but I need you to do something for me. Are you willing?"

Jiang Yun laughed and said, "Then you have to tell me first what is going on."

Shadow said: "I want the soul lotus and soul blood from Hunxu!"

"Due to some special reasons, I cannot enter the Soul Ruins, so I need you to bring me the soul blood and soul lotus in the Soul Ruins!"

Jiang Yun's heart suddenly moved: "Why can't you enter the Soul Ruins?"

"Is it because you are different from us?"

"Or are you from outside Ding?"

Shadow hesitated for a moment, then admitted frankly: "Yes, I come from outside the tripod."

The reason why Jiang Yun was able to detect this was naturally because the other party could not enter the Soul Ruins.

Not only could Jiang Yun enter the Soul Ruins, but also Liu Peng, Weiyang Nu and others could enter unimpeded.

Hun Lian has not mentioned any restrictions on entering Hun Ruins.

However, the shadow in front of him could not enter, which made Jiang Yun easily guess that only the monks outside the tripod would be subject to some restrictions.

After all, within the cauldron, due to Tao Lord's requirements, monks outside the cauldron will be restricted in many places. On the contrary, the creatures inside the cauldron are much freer.

What's more, the Soul Ruins are filled with the souls of the creatures within the cauldron. Dao Lord probably wouldn't want monks outside the cauldron to enter and exit the cauldron at will.

After confirming the identity of the other party, Jiang Yun continued to ask: "What do you want the soul blood and soul lotus in the soul ruins for?"

Jiang Yun has met many monks outside the cauldron. They all have various purposes, but this is the first time Jiang Yun has met someone who wants soul blood and soul lotus.


Jiang Yun's question made Shadow let out a long sigh and said, "I can't tell you."

"I can only say that I want soul blood and soul lotus for myself, not for the creatures in your cauldron."

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "Since you can't say this or that, then there is no need to continue talking about your cooperation. I will not agree to it."

The soul blood in the soul ruins is the condensed soul of heaven and earth of all the creatures in the cauldron.

And the soul lotus is the innate spirit within the cauldron.

How could Jiang Yun use these two things as a trade to give to the monks outside the tripod.

"If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave!"

Jiang Yun didn't wait for the other party to respond at all, and turned around, preparing to leave.

But at this moment, a ball of white light suddenly lit up in his eyes, which was a white petal!

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