The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 803: Lei Dao Zheng Fa

The Tao Lingjing can become the master of the world. It is absolutely unique among the thousands of Taoist circles, but it is absolutely rare.

And the benefits that this identity can bring to Jiang Yun are even more unimaginable!

The world is the home of the Lord!

As long as you are in your own home, then the landlord can naturally use all the resources in the family, all the power, and thus exert a powerful strength far beyond its true cultivation.

This is the real horror of the landlord.

Although there is a ceiling for this supernormal play, unless it is really a strong person who surpasses itself, otherwise, the landlord is almost invincible in his own world.

One thought can control the life and death of countless creatures!

In fact, strictly speaking, Jiang Yun is not the real master of the **** world. After all, his master status is temporarily given to him by the blood.

However, although the blood east is the owner of the **** world, he was suppressed by the seven-star road in prison, and he could not play the strength of the slightest master. He also allowed his identity as a realm, and he died in the **** world for so many years. Is equivalent to the existence of no landlord.

Now he gave this identity to Jiang Yun, but Jiang Yun can be free from any restrictions.

Therefore, once Jiang Yun left the prison and returned to the **** world, the long-lost master will be welcomed in the **** world.

Even if it is only a temporary master, it will make him able to exert his strength in the **** world, which is powerful and terrible.

As long as he is willing, he can completely suppress the cultivation of others by means of the power of the entire **** world, and he himself can play extraordinarily.

The strength of both sides has changed, making him far more powerful than before.

However, Jiang Yun did not care about the identity of the owner of the **** world he had acquired, but his wrist turned over and there was a golden thunder in his hand!

This golden Thunder is Jiang Yun’s Thunder Road, which was obtained from Lei Ling’s Tao Ling.

In the past three years, Thunder Road has successfully immersed the two thunders in the Thunderbolt.


As Jiang Yun had previously speculated, the cultivation of Thunder's Taoist body has surpassed the deity and reached the peak of the Taoist world.

As for the golden thunder he deliberately left, it is because in his inside, Jiang Yun actually feels the breath of his master brother Dongbo!

That is to say, the gods of that year did not dissipate, but did not know what method was used. They even integrated this golden thunder and hid in the spirit of Lei Ling.

Originally, Dongbo’s knowledge should be kept awake, but when Rayling’s Taoist avatar wanted to escape, the ghosts made the difference come back, precisely because of the secret help of Dongfang Bo.

That kind of help, exhausted the last trace of the power of the Eastern Bo god, so he had to fall into a deep sleep.

In fact, even if this **** is really gone, it has no effect on the deity of Dongfang Bo, but since this is the knowledge of the master, then Jiang Yun will certainly not devour it.

After carefully hiding the golden thunder in the body, Jiang Yun’s eyes closed again.

Nowadays, he is also the master of this prison, so if you think about it, you will be able to see the situation in the prison.

Then, I saw countless lights coming to him.

These are the storage implements of all the creatures that have died in this place for countless years.

After the death of their masters, these instruments became all things without the Lord. It is a waste to stay here, so Jiang Yun will certainly not be polite.

Jiang Yun’s knowledge swept through these storage rings, and found a lot of good things in it, and he didn’t have time to look at them one by one, and all of them were collected first.

After doing this, Jiang Yun opened his eyes again and looked at the body of Lei Ling who was not far from the dead.

Although it has been three years in the past, the Thunder is a strong man in the late stage of the Tao, and his body is so strong that there is no rot.

Naturally, Jiang Yun also did the same, and removed the storage device on his body.

Although killing Lei Ling, Jiang Yun was provoked to be a powerful enemy of Thunder God, but after all, it was Lei Ling who wanted to kill him first, so Jiang Yun did not feel that he had anything wrong.

When Jiang Yun swept through Lei Ling's storage implements, even with his calm, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Because the collection in this Thundering storage device is too rich, even the things in the previous storage appliances, together, can not be compared.

Just Lingshi, there are nearly a million pieces, and the last is also four products, and even one piece, nine products Lingshi!

However, this is also normal. Ralink is both an adult and a direct descendant of the Thunder God.

The combination of these two identities makes his position extremely detached, and even stronger than the road of the Nine Avenues.

Although the things in the storage device brought Jiang Yun great joy, but what really makes Jiang Yun feel excited is that Lei Ling’s body still has a practice called “Lei Da Zheng Fa”!

This set of exercises is naturally a Thunder day, which records the method of Thunder cultivation, and a large number of Thunder!

Jiang Yun had already had a thunder and a golden thunder, but until now he realized that the golden thunder he released was not a robbery, but a thunder, and his power was much smaller.

If you want to convert the thunder into a robbery, you need to convert it with a special seal.

As long as Jiang Yun learned this set of exercises, then since then, he, like Rayling, has the ability to exercise the thunderbolt for the sky, so that he has another powerful card.

After confirming that there was no more worth staying in Lei Ling's body, Jiang Yun had a flame in his hand, ready to burn the body of Lei Ling and destroy the dead.

But at this moment, his palm suddenly stopped in the air, his eyes turned, the flame dissipated, and in his palm, there was a flameless lamp.

"Su Yang!"

With the sound of Jiang Yun's voice, Su Yang's body suddenly felt chilly in the flameless lamp, and whispered: "This little ancestor has something to look for, I have just repaired it. God, **** damn!"

In fact, the last time Su Yang helped Jiang Yun to shoot, it was attacking Yue Qing in the mountains and seas. It has been more than seven years since the repair, and it has already been restored.

Although Su Yang did not want to take care of Jiang Yun, but did not dare to ignore it, he could only open his mouth and promised: "Master, old slave!"

"When you come out, I have a gift for you!"


Su Yang gave a slight glimpse, but then he was exposed to the faint color, and he gnashed his teeth: "Damn, this little ancestor is testing me again, and there is no end!"

Although the heart is hateful, but Su Yang mouth is awkward and sorrowful: "Master, no power is not arrogant, the old slave has been with the master for a long time, and has not made any merits, has always been in the heart, where dare to have the gift of the master. ”

Jiang Yundao: "Let's go out and see, you are not satisfied with this gift, and then consider whether you want it or not!"

"It is a blessing that is not a curse. It is a curse to hide. It is impossible to hide without seeing it. Just look at this little ancestor and play tricks!"

After repeated measurement, Su Yang finally appeared in front of Jiang Yun, but did not squint, his eyes just stared at Jiang Yun, full of sincere words: "Master, the old slave said, can follow the owner's side, For the old slaves, it is already a great blessing!"

"The old slave really doesn't need any gifts!"

Jiang Yun looked at him with a smile and smiled: "That, the physical body of a strong future, you don't want it?"

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