The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 8212: A dragon pattern, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Taojie Tianxia!

Between the sky and the earth, snowflakes are flying all over the sky as if they will never stop, coating this originally white world with layers of white.

However, there are seven figures standing quietly, which adds a different color to the world.

Being in this Luo Ling face, the seven people, including Zhong Wen and the man in black robe, immediately looked around with their consciousness and eyes.

Jiang Yun didn't know what others were looking at, but what he was looking at was - pattern!

Jiang Yun once visited the other side of the tripod, the Danlu side, and under Jiang Yiyun's introduction, he knew that everything in the tripod was actually composed of various patterns.

Jiang Yiyun was able to control the Dan Land surface because he controlled the patterns there.

Although this is Jiang Yun's first time here at Luo Ling Noodles, and he doesn't know whether the environmental rules here are the same as those on Danlu Noodles, but there must be patterns there.

If you can find the pattern here and control it, not only can you control this Luo Ling side, it will at least give Jiang Yun a better chance of winning when facing the black-robed man and Zhong Wen.

Soon, Jiang Yun made a discovery and thought to himself: "There are indeed various patterns here."

"For example, the rolling shapes of those snowy mountains are actually outlines of lines."

"And each snowflake has a different shape and a series of lines."

Patterns are everywhere!

But just because you can see it, doesn’t mean you can control it.

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and let a snowflake fall on his palm.

Although the snowflakes' tentacles were extremely cold, once they touched Jiang Yun's palm, they disappeared without leaving any trace, as if they had never existed.

Obviously, it is impossible to directly touch these lines with your hands.

Jiang Yun was not in a hurry to control it, and continued to spread his consciousness in all directions, wanting to see the whole picture of the fallen side.

The five-sided tripod can actually be regarded as five spaces and five worlds.

The area of ​​​​the falling surface is so large that even Jiang Yun's powerful spiritual consciousness cannot see the end of it, as if there is no end here at all.

At this moment, Zhong Wen said, "Everyone, this is Luoling Mian."

"And what I am going to tell you next, after you leave here, even if you return to the outside of the tripod, you must not reveal it to anyone else."

Everyone remained silent, no one expressed their opinion.

However, Zhong Wen did not emphasize this point any more and continued: "From what you can see, this is a land of ice and snow, and you can even feel the bone-chilling chill, but in fact, these are all illusions."

"The reason why the Luo Ling Noodles are called the most important among the five tripod faces is because there is a dragon pattern drawn by Dao Lord himself on this tripod face!"

After hearing these words, everyone finally responded, and even Jiang Yun looked at Zhong Wen.

Zhong Wen still stared into the distance and said: "Longwen Red Cauldron, the patterns are like dragons, and the red color is blood!"

"Daojun combined the two and drew a dragon pattern. One can imagine the power contained in this dragon pattern."

"If you want to gain control of the Falling Side, it's very simple. Just find the dragon pattern and either crush it or subdue it."

"And that's what we do next!"

Having said this, Zhong Wen closed his mouth.

Although the others remained silent, there were waves in everyone's heart.

Crush or subdue the dragon pattern drawn by Daojun with blood and patterns!

The difficulty of this matter is too great!

Zhong Wen obviously knew what everyone was thinking, and suddenly smiled slightly and said: "This matter is indeed somewhat difficult, but since I dare to bring you here, I must have confidence."

"It's just that the premise is that we must cooperate sincerely."

"So, no matter what you think, you can speak out boldly!"

However, Zhong asked, but still could not get any response.

Obviously, not only Jiang Yun, but everyone else, even if they are already on the falling side, are still wary of each other.

This made Zhong Wen have a look of displeasure on his face. After coughing slightly, he looked at a bald man and asked directly: "Yuan Jie, didn't you see anything?"

The bald man was suddenly called by Zhong Wen. After turning his head and looking at Zhong Wen, he nodded and said, "What I saw was not white, but red!"

While speaking, the bald man pointed at the surrounding snow-capped mountains and the falling snowflakes in the sky and said, "These are all red."

Others may think that the bald man is lying, because all they see is white, without any red at all.

But only Jiang Yun could be sure that what the other party said was true.

Last time on Danlu, what Jiang Yun saw was blood mist!

Also, the entire body of the Longwen Red Cauldron was smeared with the blood of countless monks, so of course the surface of the cauldron was also covered with blood.

There may be white blood, but the blood of most living creatures is still mainly red, so this cauldron body is named Red Cauldron.

After a pause, the bald man added: "It's not that I don't want to say it, but I'm afraid that I won't be sure and will mislead everyone."

After he finished speaking, the bald man suddenly clasped his hands together, placed them on his chest, and looked at the crowd slightly.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly flashed with light.

Because, Jiang Yun was too familiar with the behavior of this Pratyekabuddha. This was clearly the saluting posture of Buddhist cultivators.

In other words, this Pratyekabuddha comes from a strong Buddhist cultivator outside the tripod!

The displeasure on Zhong Wen's face has been replaced by a smile again: "Yuanyuejue, your clairvoyance can see through all illusions."

"If you can't be sure, then the rest of us don't need our eyes!"


These three words once again confirmed Jiang Yun's judgment on the identity of Pratyekabuddha.

Because Buddhist practitioners have six great powers, one of which is clairvoyance.

Not only can you see through illusions and practice to the extreme, but you can also see through the time and space of life and death!

In addition, through Zhong Wen's active inquiry about Yuan Jie, Jiang Yun also vaguely realized that the other four people Zhong Wen summoned must have done it deliberately.

These four people should all have special abilities, or master special laws and avenues, which can help control this falling side.

Sure enough, as Yuan Jie closed his mouth, Zhong Wen looked at the two women again and said: "Don't lose, don't forget, one of you sisters is cultivating the pattern of the great road, and the other is cultivating the pattern of the law. Here, you can Can you see any clues?"

Jiang Yun looked at the two women with some surprise.

To be honest, the two women look nothing alike. One is mature and the other is young.

The most important thing is that Jiang Yun never saw any eye contact between the two along the way, so it was really unexpected that these two could be sisters!

Moreover, the two sisters also practiced Taoism and Dharma separately!

The mature-looking woman said calmly: "Currently we can only see the shapes of some runes. If we want to see the specific situation, we will have to activate these runes!"

As soon as the woman finished speaking, suddenly, the snowflakes falling all over the sky fell into a state of stillness.

Zhong Wen smiled slightly and said: "The runes are activated. It should be that the dragon pattern has finally noticed our arrival!"

"Waste, this is the power of time, you deal with it!"

"Don't lose it, don't forget it, there is still Yuanyue Enlightenment, so just watch it carefully!"

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